Nov 23rd 2011, 12:25:59
Having just run a number of spy ops in FFA I've come to the conclusion that low spal countries have it too easy in succeeding with non-harmful spy ops against high spal countries.
My test countries both had 0 spy tech and were
Country A 560knw, 6k spies on 2k acres = 3 SPAL
Country B 638knw, 194k spies on 2.4k acres = 80 SPAL
I ran about 20 normal spy ops from country A on country B and had 3 successful ops.
I just tried again, with changing country A to have the same nw and land but with 7k spies... with 15 ops there were 3 successes.
This seems to be too many to me. I would have thought that (with similar size and nw) determining success should be (largley) based on difference in SPAL.
It's difficult to tell, but it looks like success rate (similar nw and size) is something close to yourSPAL^0.5 / enemySPAL^0.5 = 20%
Success rate should be closer to yourSPAL^0.75 / enemySPAL^0.75 = 9% or lower.
Someone with 3 SPAL v 80 SPAL should not succeed with so many non-harmful spy ops. (I know the success rate for harmful spy ops is lower).
My test countries both had 0 spy tech and were
Country A 560knw, 6k spies on 2k acres = 3 SPAL
Country B 638knw, 194k spies on 2.4k acres = 80 SPAL
I ran about 20 normal spy ops from country A on country B and had 3 successful ops.
I just tried again, with changing country A to have the same nw and land but with 7k spies... with 15 ops there were 3 successes.
This seems to be too many to me. I would have thought that (with similar size and nw) determining success should be (largley) based on difference in SPAL.
It's difficult to tell, but it looks like success rate (similar nw and size) is something close to yourSPAL^0.5 / enemySPAL^0.5 = 20%
Success rate should be closer to yourSPAL^0.75 / enemySPAL^0.75 = 9% or lower.
Someone with 3 SPAL v 80 SPAL should not succeed with so many non-harmful spy ops. (I know the success rate for harmful spy ops is lower).