
oats Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 13:31:14

Currently if you put in to do 10 ops it carries out all those ops even if you have only the resources for 0 or 1 turn.

It could be similar to explores when it automatically stops the consecutive ops when the food or money runs out.

Maybe it is intentionally like this but it comes an unpleasant surprise because you expect it to stop the same way as during the more common explore bunches.

I think it would be more uniform and less of an annoying surprise.


EE Patron

Jun 24th 2012, 13:32:33

I'm pretty sure teching and cashing will cut you off if you run out of food or money too. So spy ops sound like they're kind of an oddity
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oats Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 14:12:27

Agreed. The max you can do at 1 time is 10, so unlike cash/explore/tech it is limited. But still, to stop them would be uniform with the rest of the game.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 24th 2012, 15:22:08

i think this is on our to-do list
Finally did the signature thing.