[quote poster=Marshal; 25335; 467864]my question is: why should you? [/quote
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I think the transporting of missiles across countries is more complicated and dangerous than troops, jets, turrets, food, tanks or cash.
Allies already get tech from each other via RA's.
There might be a stronger case for FA of oil.
"I think the transporting of missiles across countries is more complicated and dangerous than troops, jets, turrets, food, tanks or cash."
I agree with you. But why do you believe it should not be allowed? Don't let fear stop you.
"Allies already get tech from each other via RA's."
Remember this is real life: multiple streams of income. Diversify.
"There might be a stronger case for FA of oil."
I 100% agree. I add that to my list :)
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besides faing techs and missiles doesn't help restarts much since they need money and for example in this set tech market sucked so selling few k techs wouldn't bring much money.
I agree with you. In your scenario, it is not useful. But in different case, it can be the difference between 1st and 2nd place.