Game Development
Sep 9th 2024, 19:03:33
Here are my rough notes, but I don't know if it's understandable to you guys:
Civil War Server
7 day signup period begins
A player must have a linked forum handle to sign up.
Upon signing up, players will see their rankings from the last round. These rankings partially determine how many points they get.
Players can add an optional team identifier if they want to play with their friends. There would be a limit on the number of players per team identifier of 10.
No more countries can be created after signup is over.
Signup ends
7 day build and coordination phase begins
Players are evenly divided into 2 tags. The game will attempt to keep players with the same team identifier together when possible. It will also attempt to balance by total points.
Tags will get respective access to the fluffY and TBD private forums.
We expect players to figure out discord/war leaders/other types of coordination during this time.
Players will spend points to build their starting country which only has 5000 acres and 400 cs. Points can be used to acquire turns, land, buildings, spies, and missiles. Unspent points will be turned into money.
The starting point value will be randomly decided per round. Players can also get up to a 25% bonus for each of four categories. Finishing in first gives +25%, the top 25% gives +12.5%, and the bottom half gives 0%. The categories are total number of attacks, NW, pop killed, and total defends taken.
The initial point value with bonuses will be saved to the country table to be used for a new leaderboard metric.
Build and coordination phase ends
The 7-14 day reset begins.
All players are in protection during the first 0-24 hours (protection ends at an announced randomly decided time that is the same for all countries). TODO: what are the most common FS times? Pick randomly from those?
During the protection phase, each country can get a single info spy op on another one.
There will be a giant NPC country which sells goods and buys them with SOs. You can assume that it has infinite money. These prices will be randomly decided at the start of the set and won't change. It will sell a limited number of goods. The prices for goods are randomized each round and announced during the build/coordination phase. So players may modify their starting countries based on initial market conditions.
Protection Ends
Everyone starts warring.
Players can restart when they die.
The reset ends. We'd have the usual clan and player rankings, but the winner should understood to be the alliance with the most TNW.