Actually It doesn't take forever. I'm in the primary game now and there are SEVERAL countries already dead. My original request was for a game with pretty much the same rules as the primary server with the following exceptions:
1. Game doesn't end until there is one country left (or two and a half months total if it does drag on).
2. NO new countries can be formed after 1 month (actually I think 1 week is sufficient).
3. NO GDI, HUMANITARIANS, etc to block attacking. You get the first 100 turns protected and after that ANYBODY can attack ANYBODY.
All the other rules for the primary server would still be in effect such as: only one country per player, etc. Please ADMINs if your reading this please create such a server and call it the "primary last man standing" or something similar. I'm ready to sign up as soon as I see it :D
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It would take FOREVER in a solo server to kill off the other countries. Would end up being teams of guys working together.
The solution to that would be to make it a war based team/alliance server.
Put a cap on max members per alliance (say 20-25)
Have a sign up period of like 1 week (no playing/turns)
Tag into the alliance during sign up
End of sign up period the server starts
Turns are semi-fast, like 1 per 10 min?
Extended beginner protection, say 200-300 turns?
When countries die they can't restart
Server continues until there is 1 alliance is left
Would be a pure war based server but would also force some decent diplomacy and pacting to avoid gangbangs. Could be a lot of interesting alliances and backstabbing going on.