
qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 12th 2010, 13:24:38

Before there was a limitation of 4B goods per market package; that has been fixed now.

However, the only goods you may have >2B of atm are money, food, and oil, and those only in servers with the 2B bug turned off.
Finally did the signature thing.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2010, 13:34:12

so 4b food at one time i guess

i only sold maybe 400m which sold for over 4b but i guess that makes things a bit easier

alsthough selling 4b food would get 120b cash and be at least 300m nw so it might not have been hit too often

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 12th 2010, 13:36:10

Yea; i bumped into this problem a few times in the Alpha server, trying to stop ridiculous amounts of losses while testing stuff... it's easy to get ridiculous numbers when you have 12k(12k), 1 minute turns, and no reset.....
Finally did the signature thing.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2010, 14:12:28

do you mind testing 2 countries, at perhaps 20k with some income and stock each, 1 has only jets/tech/spies with mainly jets for networth, a bit of agri tech for some income and the other has only agri tech and cash/food on hand

then hit back and forward for a few thousand turns, or until you see a pattern

with one country buying jets with most of the income, and the second country just letting the first country steal its income and use it for more jets

theo would be good for no tech, or higher mil prices, demo would be ok for higher tech but slower growth, rep for a bit of income bonus, tyranny for a bit faster growth but a lot less income

aim for almost humanitarian networth differance if expenses/income allow it but 2:1 should be fine