
SuperFly Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 14:21:50

Hey big boy, I guess I have motivation to play now as I have been 360,360 for awhile now. However as this server is full of macdaddy and his multies I give up on this round...

Sorry for the double post. Mods please delete one.


Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 5th 2016, 14:25:39. Reason: F Clint
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 15:16:13

I was unaware we had any meetings scheduled this round.

As you may know, I am being stalked by someone who likes to post homosexual innuendo.
Thus far though, the fields are still fertile and the oil pumps still working. The last time I warred with this guy, I came in fourth at $26M. Those of you wondering if the stalker is Mo Ron Ford, I do not think so because Stalker X speaks like a European and constructed a sentence that Mo Ron as an apparent American would never use. It is foolish to war with multiple enemies at once, so I choose to follow Sun Tzu's advice. I would recommend his book "The Art of Express"
to any and all.

It is kind of sad that a player of your caliber comes on the forums and pleads, yea begs, for a rematch for weeks on end.
Let it go, man. You lost. Move on.

mrford Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 15:20:33

It is very easy to see that I havn't played a country on this server in a month or so.

Well, easy unless you are as stupid as clint.

I don't know why you are so obsessed with me, but it is a little creepy.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 15:21:54

So Clint you are saying that you are not #61 and that these are not your hits?

Time Type Attacker Defender Result
2016-11-05 13:17:52 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 115A (150A)
2016-11-05 13:15:44 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 145A (191A)
2016-11-05 13:15:39 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 174A (244A)
2016-11-05 13:15:31 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 207A (307A)
2016-11-05 09:35:01 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 458A (595A)
2016-11-05 09:24:15 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 672A (806A)
2016-11-05 09:22:18 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 15:25:30

Originally posted by clintonista:

It is kind of sad that a player of your caliber comes on the forums and pleads, yea begs, for a rematch for weeks on end.
Let it go, man. You lost. Move on.

Also you are still delusional my friend as it is you that actually lost our war. I posted the proof and you disappear from the threads and ignore all posts as soon as I paste it.

I would paste the proof for 13th time of your defeat but I don't want you to dissapear on me again :)

clintonista Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 15:57:37

I obsess over cheaters, guys who organize or participate in illegal coordinated kill runs, just read the thread "I Search for the Holy Gregg" that somehow reappeared on our current threads to see if moronford participated, guys who track the names of their clansmen to aid them on solo servers, guys who make or know of experimental tools as moronford confessed to in the last thread I posted, guys whose experimental tools allow them to play each others countries and to help each other on solo servers, guys who want to be like Jag, the Disgraced. I obsess over them and six years later, they still hear about it. Mo does not play this server but he continually posts on the forum because once upon a time in a stillborn past, his clansmen cheated like madmen on this server and bragged like macdaddy does today that they can not be stopped and they will cheat forever and ever, ever and ever. They boasted of their cheating until the big four took them down and killed off their clan, but by now everyone who cares has read the threads knows that story. Macdaddy is evidently an unrepentant cheater who has some knowledge of the game. He may be Jag, reincarnate.

Just think how pissed many of you are with macdaddy who is just one guy. Now imagine a clan of obnoxious, boastful, unrepentant cheaters who got away with it not for just a few sets but for months and there you have LaE.

You, Superfly, have never cheated to the best of my knowledge.
I do not, can not, will not obsess over good men legally playing a game.

Edited By: clintonista on Nov 5th 2016, 16:01:47

Scott Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 16:43:24

Originally posted by clintonista:
I obsess over cheaters, guys who organize or participate in illegal coordinated kill runs, just read the thread "I Search for the Holy Gregg" that somehow reappeared on our current threads to see if moronford participated, guys who track the names of their clansmen to aid them on solo servers, guys who make or know of experimental tools as moronford confessed to in the last thread I posted, guys whose experimental tools allow them to play each others countries and to help each other on solo servers, guys who want to be like Jag, the Disgraced. I obsess over them and six years later, they still hear about it. Mo does not play this server but he continually posts on the forum because once upon a time in a stillborn past, his clansmen cheated like madmen on this server and bragged like macdaddy does today that they can not be stopped and they will cheat forever and ever, ever and ever. They boasted of their cheating until the big four took them down and killed off their clan, but by now everyone who cares has read the threads knows that story. Macdaddy is evidently an unrepentant cheater who has some knowledge of the game. He may be Jag, reincarnate.

Just think how pissed many of you are with macdaddy who is just one guy. Now imagine a clan of obnoxious, boastful, unrepentant cheaters who got away with it not for just a few sets but for months and there you have LaE.

You, Superfly, have never cheated to the best of my knowledge.
I do not, can not, will not obsess over good men legally playing a game.

Care to provide any evidence? We have evidence you cheated, which is the ultimate irony.

mrford Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 16:45:40

Since when is looking at someone's player profile an experimental tool?

You are an idiot. Period. You ramble and make fluff up without proof like someone off their meds. Take your meds.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford


EE Patron

Nov 5th 2016, 16:49:19

Originally posted by clintonista:
I obsess over cheaters, guys who organize or participate in illegal coordinated kill runs, just read the thread "I Search for the Holy Gregg" that somehow reappeared on our current threads to see if moronford participated, guys who track the names of their clansmen to aid them on solo servers, guys who make or know of experimental tools as moronford confessed to in the last thread I posted, guys whose experimental tools allow them to play each others countries and to help each other on solo servers, guys who want to be like Jag, the Disgraced.

You forgot to mention that you also obsess over people who are good at the game and will suicide on them round after round if they're doing too well.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 22:15:56

Thanks Q, I did forget to mention that I like to hit fat targets on Saturday night, regardless of who they are and regardless of what immunity they think they deserve because they are in the top ten. It did not seem relevant to the discussion.

Moronrford asks, "since when is looking at someone's player profile, an experimental tool?" It is not, never was.
Remember it is moronford who claimed to have an experimental tool on the clan site days before the big four discovered the illegal clan tools for competing on solo servers and playing each other's countries on the site and shut it down. I am not the one who said they had an experimental tool, he is.

Edited By: clintonista on Nov 5th 2016, 22:29:40
See Original Post


EE Patron

Nov 5th 2016, 22:35:47

Originally posted by clintonista:
Thanks Q, I did forget to mention that I like to hit fat targets on Saturday night, regardless of who they are and regardless of what immunity they think they deserve because they are in the top ten. It did not seem relevant to the discussion.

No, you did not opportunistically grab me when my defense was low. You deliberately made it your mission to damage me as much as possible in order to try to "slow" me.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 23:51:37

Nothing personal, absolutely nothing.
When Mountain Yeti sits fat I hit him too.

I admit the language you cite could be misconstrued by someone who takes things personally to be a statement that I was deliberately after you. It was a lapsus calami nothing else. When I see a fat target, I hit it. End of story.
I apologize for any hurt feelings my less than perfect language caused. I generally try to ensure that my language more precisely expresses my actual thoughts and emotions.

MountainYeti Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 0:06:59

My issue with you clint is you hit fat targets solely to instigate/make a point. If you used the hits to increase your final nw that would be fine. However you often launch big hits on sunday with few turns remaining and unless the target has a huge stock/no d there is no overall net gain.


EE Patron

Nov 6th 2016, 0:13:54

I'm not buying that Clinton. "Sits fat"? You attacked me *5 times* and presumably would have kept going if I hadn't logged in and jumped. The 4th time, my land was only 13.9k. The 5th time, my land was only 13.2k. That didn't stop you, nor did the fact that I had high turrets when you started. Your intention can only have been to do me harm, and your post confirmed what was already obvious. Please be honest.

Edited By: Qfwfq on Nov 6th 2016, 0:27:30
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 2:06:28

I do not hit for land on Sunday, only a fool would do that.

My general formula if you must know is that money + food + (techx$1000) > 10X the cost of jets lost.
I hit the fat target until one of two things happens 1) they are no longer the best available target or 2)
captured treasure no longer greatly exceeds cost of planes. I use the funds from the first hit to subsidize the subsequent hits. I generally do not consider the cost of fuel because I am usually swimming in it by set end.

So Q, don't consider land gained a net positive in my attacks only consider the booty, then you will see and I hope Yeti will see that the hits do in fact increase my NW. That is my oft repeated story and I am sticking to it with two exceptions, sometimes I hit to secure the land title even if it diminishes my NW and second, if my target PM lectures me about the futility of increasing NW with jets, then the jets will just keep coming long after it makes sense.
Ashe no longer lectures me, Yeti has not lectured me in a while, no lecture, no jet fumes.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2016, 2:14:10

You did grab me last sunday clint. I just ignored it. Like you said, no point in lecturing. If i had time to play last week i may not have let it slide. But it's ok really. I don't expect much better from you. :P
Just shut up and have another beer


EE Patron

Nov 6th 2016, 2:15:59

Sep 04, 13:01
A brigade from mfrost (#90) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
555 Acres (777 Gained)
818 Buildings (263 Stolen)
136,331 Bushels
7002 Technology Points
Your military lost:
63,648 Troops
361,801 Turrets
24,116 Tanks
Their military lost:
624,000 Jets

$70m for 624,000 jets + oil? And it's not like the attack before this one was any better. That one got you $84m... didn't stop you from coming back though. You're honestly saying you believe I was the best target in the game here?

I never messaged you either. In fact I think you were feeling a bit snubbed, as you later began asking why I never engaged you.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2016, 2:26:11

2016-10-30 15:10:20 PS Raven Redbeard (#24) ashe (#45) 1060A (1796A)

I don't know where you are but that's 11:10 Sunday morning where i am.
Just shut up and have another beer

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 2:35:45

I do not really recall that set which was a while ago but didn't that one finish top ten?
or maybe it was one of the three or four that got knocked out by my personal suicider with an hour to go.

So looking at that hit which as you say was the last of several
$70M + $5M +$7M =$82M
On Saturday night jets generally run about $110 so that is $68M for a net of only land and $14M-oil.

If I recall I was an F as tribute to mfrost and I had oil to burn and the price of oil was low.
Looking at that I would say that hit was probably ill advised.


EE Patron

Nov 6th 2016, 2:41:43

That hit was with 11 hours left in the game on Sunday. The one before was with 13 hours left. They weren't Saturday hits.

Scott Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 3:19:20

Originally posted by Qfwfq:
That hit was with 11 hours left in the game on Sunday. The one before was with 13 hours left. They weren't Saturday hits.

Stop trying to communicate with this retard... he lives in his own fantasyland. He must feel empowered since he gets fluff on by day because he is a janitor at McDs

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 3:49:30

You play the way you do and then wonder why you have suiciders.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 3:56:54

Sorry, I consider 3 AM Saturday night, I guess you do not?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 6th 2016, 3:58:54

technically it is 3AM Sunday Morning....
PM = Night
AM = Morning/Day day

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 4:14:28


You have "lieing Scott" and moronford in agreement with you, that has to trouble you somewhat and give you pause to consider that perhaps you are wrong.

The point is Q you made an assumption about my time zone just as you made several other assumptions that are errant.
If you have paid as much attention as you claim it should be obvious I do not live on the East Coast or in Europe.

Galleri may be technically correct but around these parts it aint sunday til the sun comes up.

Edited By: clintonista on Nov 6th 2016, 4:23:13
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 4:38:18

The attacks started Saturday night and continued into the wee hours of Sunday morning.
I generally talk about how much I like to hunt on Saturday night but since it is causing such consternation from now on I will say each and every time, I enjoy hunting Saturday evening, Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Honestly though this seems unduly burdensome.

Nerrus Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 4:41:33

Feel the Burn?
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 4:42:23

Well I just want to know who the loser playing #61 is as I finally came home from snowboarding and decided to play this pointless set...

Think I might have to skip these weekend rounds going forward if i can't commit to play cuz asshats like #61 are going to give me a bad rep if I don't Retal right away :P

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 6th 2016, 5:05:51

I am really jealous here over the fact that I did not come up with this country name.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mrford Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 5:08:17

What am I agreeing with Q on?

Why do you embellish EVERYTHING? You know it makes you look like a dumbass right?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Nerrus Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 9:05:40

People keep calm and don't make fordie angry.

/Hmmm popcorn...
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 10:01:02

I did hit you late and one of the good players PM asked me why. I told him then and I tell you now that hit was retal for four months ago. Back in the days when you used to go jetter we clashed several times which always seemed so foolish to me. Jetters ought not hit each other they ought to simply ignore each other. I had that argument with celphi, with temple, and with you. You rarely go jetter now, celphi has found something better to do and temple seems distracted or uninterested. So you took a meaningless hit last set. Sadly, I am not at all sorry.

If the good player will step up and verify our PM conversation, I would appreciate it.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 10:11:19

Kind of a sad night.
Sitting with not quite 20M jets and no reasonable targets. The big commie always wails on the forum so much if I tap him. No real point in hitting him either. None of the techers are rolling in cash because of the lack of R bots this set.
Why so few R bots this set? Makes for a boring Saturday post party.

Next set let's get back to the proper number.

Nerrus Game profile


Nov 6th 2016, 10:12:04

Rules of the All Jetters:

1) All Jetters shall not attack all Jetters

2) All Jetters are allowed save retals for some future time

/Hmmm popcorn...
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 2:24:50

Did you ever figure out who superfry was?

Scott Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 2:52:44

Originally posted by clintonista:
Did you ever figure out who superfry was?

I suspect the odds of him finding that out are the same as you providing evidence for your lies.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 4:47:12

Originally posted by clintonista:
Did you ever figure out who superfry was?

Nope the vagina of a player running it never replied.

clintonista Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 4:49:47

ask beerdrinker if he can find out.
He seems to know things.

Ratski Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 5:15:25

Interesting battle: I saw this and was Thinking What the fluff ?
And they beat each other in to parking lots. The last time I looked 61 did finish way above, #2..

 

Nov 5th 2016, 15:21:54

Time Type Attacker Defender Result
2016-11-05 13:17:52 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 115A (150A)
2016-11-05 13:15:44 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 145A (191A)
2016-11-05 13:15:39 PS I R WoG SuperFry (#61) I R WoG SuperFly (#2) 174A (244A)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2016, 6:32:59

Ratski my N word not sure what news you are looking at but the only parking lot was #61 and he only made those pointless LGs on me because I was busy boarding now that Sunshine is open.

However ran 61 better be happy that they prevented another magical top 10 finish by my usually great country