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hmmmmm maybe I really am doing it wrong.. I stopped with 36 hours left and still fell way too short of any decent nw.. :( or maybe I really am just a slow starter? I finished stockpiling and got only 700+ M.. which I think was worth only 3-4 M nw.. :(
I am a fascist farmer by the way.. wanted to be a rep casher but I got attacked too many times two sets ago..
cashers/farmers need a tech start up most of the time to catch up. Unless tech prices start out at 1800 or you are a leecher. It is hard to keep up as a rep casher.
I think the only strats that doesn't need a tech start up are commie indy and fasicst oiler. I would still do a tech start as an oiler to boost mil strat, weapons, warefare and military. You want to bump the private market value of oil in case public market is selling below $80.