
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2022, 18:15:40

Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 19:19:23

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

We're a red state!!
Those looters won't come to MY city!!
I just bought some bullets!!!
Supreme Court will save our freedumbs!!!
I'm not racist!
LEGAL immigrants.
Walls are expensive, I'll take hurricane wire I guess....
Those were old statues anyway...
I didn't want to take the jab, but my work...
They better not try injecting kids with this stuff!!
I promise I'm not racist or sexist...please..sorry...
That low-income housing won't affect my property value.
Critical Race Theory (DEI) is just a fad. Like Olestra.
Want some more bumpkin?

farmer Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 23:00:36

you're singing to the choir

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 4:36:44

Some say that the leftists are brilliant.... they have certainly been extraordinarily successful in imposing their very radical agenda on the country. :( :(

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 3rd 2022, 12:23:26

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

We're a red state!!
Those looters won't come to MY city!!
I just bought some bullets!!!
Supreme Court will save our freedumbs!!!
I'm not racist!
LEGAL immigrants.
Walls are expensive, I'll take hurricane wire I guess....
Those were old statues anyway...
I didn't want to take the jab, but my work...
They better not try injecting kids with this stuff!!
I promise I'm not racist or sexist...please..sorry...
That low-income housing won't affect my property value.
Critical Race Theory (DEI) is just a fad. Like Olestra.
Want some more bumpkin?

Like I said, not a single cogent argument. Try again, slick. this time try to make whole sentences and include a point.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 3rd 2022, 12:24:49

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
Some say that the leftists are brilliant.... they have certainly been extraordinarily successful in imposing their very radical agenda on the country. :( :(

The one cogent argument on this thread so far.

Primarily because they've leveraged the greed of the media moguls and are being rewarded by the corrupt pharmaceutical industry.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:03:43

I would debate but I use logic and warranted premises to reach a valid conclusion. yeah took logic twice and philosophy twice.

and why do you have a problem with left handers???????? wtf.

honestly I have run elections for both parties. we helped whomever was not a crook. things are not clear and definite for people to see..There is sooo much that civs do not get to see, that the gov knows.

I took an oath when I joined the military to protect our country from foreign and domestic threats. jan 6, if I was in that building I would have SHOT and killed anyone who would try to stop the legal transference of power. I tell people if you want to change things get elected. I caucus with the demoncrats, but when we left missouri lol. the governor, congressman fluff gebhardt and the st. louis county exec threw a party. we were leaving and getting out of their hairs. we defeated a good amount of demoncrats from winning elections. the one very conservative republican asked me why help me, you do not agree with anything I stand for. told him Mr. Bivens you are an honest and caring person, your opposition is a cheat, asshat. I believe in states rights, term limits, decrim hemp, removed the ancient electoral college, and have every american when they hit 18 get a SS card and registered to vote. half my friends are of each party. I dont care about politics, I care about the people. I love major and farmer no matter what their political affiliation. toooo much violence, too many covididits and maskholes. being an ex cancer research chemist, you cannot stop a spiked protein unless vac'd. I try to stay a way from politics IN THE GAME but sometimes that does not happen.
so yeah Im a leftist and a rightest. I turned orthodox jewish to see prez Eisenhower in 1960, had a constanat letter writing to barry goldwater, god loved those guys. I voted for mc cain last election. he was a hero, the other two were duds. and yeah im super pissed that not ONE republican stood up against trump when he said mc cain was Not a hero. geesh frick. the guy was tortured for years while trump tried not to get std's big difference.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:10:08

This period of time reminds me of 1830 and the wacked out president jackson. he forced through the Indian removal act, taking all lands from native americans and moving them out for white people. Daniel boone fought against him when he represented Tenn. well nut jackson got the vote thru winning by FOUR votes. then he was not satisfied just beating boone, he had to disgrace him run him out of town. so they slandered boone big time, drunk, womanizer etc etc. so they forced him out of office.
That started the many trails of tears of moving native Americans in winter time. tens of thousands died on the trip. two of my relations escaped around cario Illinois.
Presidents are not always right, so are very wrong.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:24:22

just got this from C Aho a very conservative republican, he had to post this on facebook as he felt it necessary.

Christian Aho
YeuSsthaerdan00y s6o1aftm71f 8:26 Ad9M0 ·
“Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time – when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers arc in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.
The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
Carl Sagan
this was wrote many years ago,

Suicidal Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 17:04:53

Darn hippie :P

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 23:32:51

If leftists are as stupid as right wingers, you're still not wrong!
Do as I say, not as I do.

farmer Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 0:54:50

Originally posted by brujodale:
This period of time reminds me of 1830 and the wacked out president jackson. he forced through the Indian removal act, taking all lands from native americans and moving them out for white people. Daniel boone fought against him when he represented Tenn. well nut jackson got the vote thru winning by FOUR votes. then he was not satisfied just beating boone, he had to disgrace him run him out of town. so they slandered boone big time, drunk, womanizer etc etc. so they forced him out of office.
That started the many trails of tears of moving native Americans in winter time. tens of thousands died on the trip. two of my relations escaped around cario Illinois.
Presidents are not always right, so are very wrong.

This sounds like the exact same thing he did to Crockett, he was run out of town went to Texas and died at the Alamo his wife also left him over this .

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 4:46:19

OK, a few points for Brujodale.

1. I too swore that oath
2. I used to be a democrat, in fact, even won an office as a democrat. Then, I started looking closer at the democrat party. I was not too pleased with what I saw. I can provide a long list of grievances if you like.
3. There are way too many lawyers in the representative legislatures of the federal government and the state governments.
4. Biden himself gave a speech extolling the virtues of "autocracy".
5. Harris is an avowed communist
6. If you're really a vet, you'll know how many of the UCMJ articles Joe broke, and how many were broken by General Milley.

So, I have no problem with left-handers, it's the leftist socialist/communist/nazi people I have a problem with.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 5:20:32

Um, So please explain to me why being a communist is a bad thing..

if you can come up with someone that proves why giving the people an equal chance of a decent living and why THIS is a bad thing I'll be really impressed.. If you say anything about "Free market" or Shares or Economy, you are 100% talking out of the Capitalist pig bullfluff trough and it will be ignored.

Another ignorable point is how corrupt communists are.. cause well.. I've got enough evidence to suggest both are equally corrupt.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 7:28:18

Originally posted by Bug:
Um, So please explain to me why being a communist is a bad thing..

if you can come up with someone that proves why giving the people an equal chance of a decent living and why THIS is a bad thing I'll be really impressed.. If you say anything about "Free market" or Shares or Economy, you are 100% talking out of the Capitalist pig bullfluff trough and it will be ignored.

Another ignorable point is how corrupt communists are.. cause well.. I've got enough evidence to suggest both are equally corrupt.

Do not feed the Troll!!!! (_T_)

Buch Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 8:34:52

Originally posted by Bug:
Um, So please explain to me why being a communist is a bad thing..

if you can come up with someone that proves why giving the people an equal chance of a decent living and why THIS is a bad thing I'll be really impressed.. If you say anything about "Free market" or Shares or Economy, you are 100% talking out of the Capitalist pig bullfluff trough and it will be ignored.

Another ignorable point is how corrupt communists are.. cause well.. I've got enough evidence to suggest both are equally corrupt.

Name a communist Country who's people have a decent living. I'll be really impressed if you can. Most people in communist are poorer than you could ever imagine.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 13:57:04

The people who live in silicon valley seem to be doing pretty good
M4D Founder

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 18:23:23

Originally posted by Bug:
Um, So please explain to me why being a communist is a bad thing..

if you can come up with someone that proves why giving the people an equal chance of a decent living and why THIS is a bad thing I'll be really impressed.. If you say anything about "Free market" or Shares or Economy, you are 100% talking out of the Capitalist pig bullfluff trough and it will be ignored.

Another ignorable point is how corrupt communists are.. cause well.. I've got enough evidence to suggest both are equally corrupt.

One sentence to explain why, no freedom.

I find it rich you complain about capitalism since it brought to the world all the goods and services we all enjoy each and every day, when was the last time you lived, not visited, lived in a country where there's no democracy? I grew up in one, and I love this country and capitalism for all the opportunities my own country couldn't provide, basic opportunities like the ability to not go hungry and having heating in my home, basic fluff many including you don't appreciate having.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:04:25

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

Okay, in that same breath give me reasons why the right is much better? Do it without name calling.

Admittedly I am more centrist, but at the same time, I'm curious to see why you think right wing is better? Also only the republican type you are IE - Trumplican or Pre 2016 Republican.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 19:14:01

The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:25:19

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

We're a red state!!
Those looters won't come to MY city!!
I just bought some bullets!!!
Supreme Court will save our freedumbs!!!
I'm not racist!
LEGAL immigrants.
Walls are expensive, I'll take hurricane wire I guess....
Those were old statues anyway...
I didn't want to take the jab, but my work...
They better not try injecting kids with this stuff!!
I promise I'm not racist or sexist...please..sorry...
That low-income housing won't affect my property value.
Critical Race Theory (DEI) is just a fad. Like Olestra.
Want some more bumpkin?

Like I said, not a single cogent argument. Try again, slick. this time try to make whole sentences and include a point.

You asked if someone could prove that "leftists" are stupid and never learn. I gave you a list of both why leftists DID learn (how to win), and how the "right" were idiots who learned how to lose, despite near total control of government. You guys gave up on everything as the left did a smash n' grab on Americans and Nationalist countries in general. History will show some of the greatest battles were never even fought. Surrender and capitulation amid thunderous applause. You expect an honest election after witnessing the biggest most blatant steal ever recorded? The inmates are running the asylum and you guys opened all the doors because polite society bla bla. 2024 Y'all!! W00t W00t!! Trump trains a comin'!!!!

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:26:00

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?

Covid! *coughs and hacks in Omicron* Seriously though that is what it is.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:34:03

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?

You're in mixed company, so I expect mostly silence on that topic. But I'm going to take a swing and say corn syrup.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 20:02:28

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?

Covid! *coughs and hacks in Omicron* Seriously though that is what it is.

No, this elephant has been there for generations, come on I know you know what it is!

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?

You're in mixed company, so I expect mostly silence on that topic. But I'm going to take a swing and say corn syrup.

Not nutrition related.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 20:39:14

"No, this elephant has been there for generations, come on I know you know what it is!" (I'm to crap feeling to work it out to do it the right way and I am trying to make a cohesive non rambling thought process but due to having covid, may the odds be ever in your favor)

I posit - its a combo of everything and not just generational. Party, Generational and Covid.

When the pandemic first started - everyone lost their fluffing minds. From a generational view - you had the crypt keepers on both sides clamoring about freedumbs. But my freedumbs (both sides not just one or the other). Someone was constantly b*tching about how if you didn't do it my way you aren't right. Then from the crypt keepers, Covid mania flew through their respective parties. So now you are looking at what we have here - "The leftist are stupid!" hmm... well same could be said about the right wingnuts and republicans (I differentiate here because wingnuts fall into the MAGA/Trumplicans, and Republicans as those pre-2016 before the Q craze and Trump).

Covid has been a dividing factor for 3 years now. However, even before that we had the stop the steal, impeach the president, flat out aggressively. It was with Covid that we really started to see the factors that make it so much different than it was prior. Often both sides bringing in Polio "Well it wasn't that bad!". Both sides willing to die on that hill. 'Rona has without a doubt been the factor for the past three years craziness. Its not just been generational. If it was strictly generational, then I don't think it would have been as decisive as it was.

Now if you look backwards - same thing happened with Polio, same thing happened with the wars, same thing has happened all the way back to 1775. Our system that we have right now, can't be based on generational, but rather on the ideologies that have morphed through the years to suit whomever is at the top. While this cannot be said for the rest of the world, I am assuming we are talking about our favorite 3rd world country with a Gucci Handbag. Its not always been generational, rather its been more along the lines of stick to the party guidelines. Stick to the standards that were set out for us.

Then when you have new parties trying to horn in like the Libertarians, the Green Party, Constitution Party and so many others, and you have the two big ones beating the hell out of anyone that isn't either or. Our system is set up to the point that we stay with what we know, and when centrists get involved we get told to shut up and sit down. Not by just the crypt keepers, but those that want to stick to the party lines.

It is however with Covid that we really started to see the differences between the whole thing. It is with Covid that we see the generational divide, it is with Covid that we are seeing the vast oceanic divide that is the two party system within the United States. It is with Covid that we are starting to realize, well fluff, something is broken here and we can't quite put our fingers on it. It can absolutely be argued that it is generational as we learn from the crypt keepers in office, however, we also have the young ones coming in that are very hooked into the idea that we can push change, just not always the correct way, and often still on party lines, just more extreme (Gaetz, AOC, etc etc).

(See I told you, I have Covid, its going to be Derrick worthy long also disappearing again for a couple weeks y'all have fun, and I expect Earth to still be here when I get back damnit.)

Edited By: daspheebsie on Jan 4th 2022, 20:42:20
See Original Post
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 20:45:31

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
"No, this elephant has been there for generations, come on I know you know what it is!" (I'm to crap feeling to work it out to do it the right way and I am trying to make a cohesive non rambling thought process but due to having covid, may the odds be ever in your favor)

I posit - its a combo of everything and not just generational. Party, Generational and Covid.

When the pandemic first started - everyone lost their fluffing minds. From a generational view - you had the crypt keepers on both sides clamoring about freedumbs. But my freedumbs (both sides not just one or the other). Someone was constantly b*tching about how if you didn't do it my way you aren't right. Then from the crypt keepers, Covid mania flew through their respective parties. So now you are looking at what we have here - "The leftist are stupid!" hmm... well same could be said about the right wingnuts and republicans (I differentiate here because wingnuts fall into the MAGA/Trumplicans, and Republicans as those pre-2016 before the Q craze and Trump).

Covid has been a dividing factor for 3 years now. However, even before that we had the stop the steal, impeach the president, flat out aggressively. It was with Covid that we really started to see the factors that make it so much different than it was prior. Often both sides bringing in Polio "Well it wasn't that bad!". Both sides willing to die on that hill. 'Rona has without a doubt been the factor for the past three years craziness. Its not just been generational. If it was strictly generational, then I don't think it would have been as decisive as it was.

Now if you look backwards - same thing happened with Polio, same thing happened with the wars, same thing has happened all the way back to 1775. Our system that we have right now, can't be based on generational, but rather on the ideologies that have morphed through the years to suit whomever is at the top. While this cannot be said for the rest of the world, I am assuming we are talking about our favorite 3rd world country with a Gucci Handbag. Its not always been generational, rather its been more along the lines of stick to the party guidelines. Stick to the standards that were set out for us.

Then when you have new parties trying to horn in like the Libertarians, the Green Party, Constitution Party and so many others, and you have the two big ones beating the hell out of anyone that isn't either or. Our system is set up to the point that we stay with what we know, and when centrists get involved we get told to shut up and sit down. Not by just the crypt keepers, but those that want to stick to the party lines.

It is however with Covid that we really started to see the differences between the whole thing. It is with Covid that we see the generational divide, it is with Covid that we are seeing the vast oceanic divide that is the two party system within the United States. It is with Covid that we are starting to realize, well fluff, something is broken here and we can't quite put our fingers on it. It can absolutely be argued that it is generational as we learn from the crypt keepers in office, however, we also have the young ones coming in that are very hooked into the idea that we can push change, just not always the correct way, and often still on party lines, just more extreme (Gaetz, AOC, etc etc).

(See I told you, I have Covid, its going to be Derrick worthy long also disappearing again for a couple weeks y'all have fun, and I expect Earth to still be here when I get back damnit.)

No, just no, it isn't an ideology problem, the elephant is bigger and the solution simpler, come on now, think. You are on the right track by seeing part of the elephant, you're almost there.

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on Jan 4th 2022, 20:51:29
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 21:16:42

It's not about Corona. It's not about red or blue. White or black. Not about climate change, healthcare reform or economic migrants. It's money and control.

Figuratively, not many people died from this virus. Arguably more people are injured or dying due to the treatments. It's not just the $40 billion profit Pfizer projected next quarter, or the recent bump with EUA on jabbing innocent kids. But Covid did usher in massive new control mechanisms. Shutdowns, vax pass, forced vaccinations, closing small business permanently. Your face covered in useless gestures. Many countries are now arresting and fining non- compliant slaves. Covid was used by politicians and corporations to print Trillions in free handouts to everyone but American citizens. $50 million to Harvard? The $25 million Kennedy memorial museum? Philharmonic Orchestra? $350 million for immigrant relocation programs during a pandemic? Nothing suspicious, nothing to see. Here's $1400, stfu we got rid of Trump for you. This is our reward. It wasn't about Covid, elections, Trump, impeachments OR black people's lives. But we all played our parts, and it's been, as pheebsie said, very informative about our situation and those around us. And those who control us. Turn off your tv. Earth Empires, maybe the weather app. That's it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 21:24:36

Originally posted by g0nz0:
It's not about Corona. It's not about red or blue. White or black. Not about climate change, healthcare reform or economic migrants. It's money and control.

Figuratively, not many people died from this virus. Arguably more people are injured or dying due to the treatments. It's not just the $40 billion profit Pfizer projected next quarter, or the recent bump with EUA on jabbing innocent kids. But Covid did usher in massive new control mechanisms. Shutdowns, vax pass, forced vaccinations, closing small business permanently. Your face covered in useless gestures. Many countries are now arresting and fining non- compliant slaves. Covid was used by politicians and corporations to print Trillions in free handouts to everyone but American citizens. $50 million to Harvard? The $25 million Kennedy memorial museum? Philharmonic Orchestra? $350 million for immigrant relocation programs during a pandemic? Nothing suspicious, nothing to see. Here's $1400, stfu we got rid of Trump for you. This is our reward. It wasn't about Covid, elections, Trump, impeachments OR black people's lives. But we all played our parts, and it's been, as pheebsie said, very informative about our situation and those around us. And those who control us. Turn off your tv. Earth Empires, maybe the weather app. That's it.

None of this addresses nor points out the elephant in the room.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 4th 2022, 22:09:10

I know! It's Joe biden. Joe biden has been in politics since the dinosaurs got wiped out. That was his fault too. He raised Hitler, he gave the Japanese the battle plans for pearl harbor, he planned 9/11 to make sure he could botch afghanistan etc. Only thing that can stop him is our lord and savior Donald Jesus Trump.

Suicidal Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 22:18:01

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know! It's Joe biden. Joe biden has been in politics since the dinosaurs got wiped out. That was his fault too. He raised Hitler, he gave the Japanese the battle plans for pearl harbor, he planned 9/11 to make sure he could botch afghanistan etc. Only thing that can stop him is our lord and savior Donald Jesus Trump.

For Biden to do anything, good or bad, you would be assuming he had some form of intelligence. Doubtful

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2022, 23:13:08

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know! It's Joe biden. Joe biden has been in politics since the dinosaurs got wiped out. That was his fault too. He raised Hitler, he gave the Japanese the battle plans for pearl harbor, he planned 9/11 to make sure he could botch afghanistan etc. Only thing that can stop him is our lord and savior Donald Jesus Trump.

No, but he's a byproduct of the Elephant and not the problem. (a clue)

Come on people, you're all supposed to be smart!

Do I have to say it? It's not hard to see, even Bernie pointed it out many times during his Independent days, they made him put an end to it when he joined the Democratic party so he can run for president, but before that, he was a proponent of killing the elephant!

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 4:30:24

if you picked either the left or the right, you fell in the same trap.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 4:32:44

Originally posted by Coalie:
if you picked either the left or the right, you fell in the same trap.

Pretty much yeah lol
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 5:21:41

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know! It's Joe biden. Joe biden has been in politics since the dinosaurs got wiped out. That was his fault too. He raised Hitler, he gave the Japanese the battle plans for pearl harbor, he planned 9/11 to make sure he could botch afghanistan etc. Only thing that can stop him is our lord and savior Donald Jesus Trump.

Gerdy, you actually made me lol..

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 14:56:37

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know! It's Joe biden. Joe biden has been in politics since the dinosaurs got wiped out. That was his fault too. He raised Hitler, he gave the Japanese the battle plans for pearl harbor, he planned 9/11 to make sure he could botch afghanistan etc. Only thing that can stop him is our lord and savior Donald Jesus Trump.

Finally someone with the truth. Trump 2024!
Don of LaF

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 17:38:52

It's sad to see people content on having their party in power even though things are getting worse, but hey "my guy is there so it's all honky dory" I'm just going to play along and make believe.

Looks like nobody is really wanting to address the real problem and it is as basic as it gets, there's no term limits in the congress nor senate and that is playing a key role in allowing for corruption to take place, politicians from both parties are in it for the long run so instead of working for the people they're working for their main contributors, they're not interested in making legislation that will benefit the people, hell no, they need to keep their big donors happy in order to have the $$ back them to keep their seat, look no further than this last spending bill and tell me what you see that will better your life, if we don't put term limits on these crooks, this will continue, and it will because the sheeple only see blue and red when elections come, every one of those fluffers become millionaires within a couple of years in their seat so long as they do as they're told by......not the people.

That's it, elephant in the room.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Suicidal Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 17:57:56

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's sad to see people content on having their party in power even though things are getting worse, but hey "my guy is there so it's all honky dory" I'm just going to play along and make believe.

Looks like nobody is really wanting to address the real problem and it is as basic as it gets, there's no term limits in the congress nor senate and that is playing a key role in allowing for corruption to take place, politicians from both parties are in it for the long run so instead of working for the people they're working for their main contributors, they're not interested in making legislation that will benefit the people, hell no, they need to keep their big donors happy in order to have the $$ back them to keep their seat, look no further than this last spending bill and tell me what you see that will better your life, if we don't put term limits on these crooks, this will continue, and it will because the sheeple only see blue and red when elections come, every one of those fluffers become millionaires within a couple of years in their seat so long as they do as they're told by......not the people.

That's it, elephant in the room.

Nope! There are term's 4yrs for the President....6yrs for the Senate......2yrs for the House.
The stupid are the sheep that follow THEIR president, their senator, and their Representative. All politicians suck except theirs.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 18:09:22

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's sad to see people content on having their party in power even though things are getting worse, but hey "my guy is there so it's all honky dory" I'm just going to play along and make believe.

Looks like nobody is really wanting to address the real problem and it is as basic as it gets, there's no term limits in the congress nor senate and that is playing a key role in allowing for corruption to take place, politicians from both parties are in it for the long run so instead of working for the people they're working for their main contributors, they're not interested in making legislation that will benefit the people, hell no, they need to keep their big donors happy in order to have the $$ back them to keep their seat, look no further than this last spending bill and tell me what you see that will better your life, if we don't put term limits on these crooks, this will continue, and it will because the sheeple only see blue and red when elections come, every one of those fluffers become millionaires within a couple of years in their seat so long as they do as they're told by......not the people.

That's it, elephant in the room.

Nope! There are term's 4yrs for the President....6yrs for the Senate......2yrs for the House.
The stupid are the sheep that follow THEIR president, their senator, and their Representative. All politicians suck except theirs.

Are you sure about that?

The United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, that states cannot impose term limits upon their U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators.

Term limits at the federal level are restricted to the executive branch and some agencies. The U.S. Congress, however, remains without electoral limits.

I mean, there's still dinosaurs in there to prove you're wrong....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

wari Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 18:32:16

Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 18:40:28

Originally posted by wari:

Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway?

Wow, just wow, wait didn't they say that in 2015? They did just like the right said crazy fluff about Obama that never happened, stop eating the propaganda cookies!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

wari Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 18:48:35

From 1860-1865, two thirds of the soldiers who died in the Civil War died not from gunfire, but because of disease.

Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

Edited By: wari on Jan 5th 2022, 18:52:28

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 18:52:07

Originally posted by wari:
From 1860-1865, 2/3 of the soldiers in the Civil War died from disease.

Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

What is your point?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

wari Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 19:02:10


getcha popcorn ready?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 19:07:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by wari:
From 1860-1865, 2/3 of the soldiers in the Civil War died from disease.

Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

What is your point?

Get. The. Vacciiiiiine!!!
Until you are FULLY vaxxed you are a murderer, just wandering around Willy nilly looking for victims. Including our brave soldiers! >:(

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 19:16:27

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by wari:
From 1860-1865, 2/3 of the soldiers in the Civil War died from disease.

Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

What is your point?

Get. The. Vacciiiiiine!!!
Until you are FULLY vaxxed you are a murderer, just wandering around Willy nilly looking for victims. Including our brave soldiers! >:(

Yeah I was thinking same lol wow, get vaxxed and don't forget about the 200 boosters! Lol
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

farmer Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 21:35:07

I have took the vaccine and a booster. really do not understand the booster that soon after the first two rouns

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2022, 23:00:36

Originally posted by farmer:
I have took the vaccine and a booster. really do not understand the booster that soon after the first two rouns

Because the first two rounds and even the booster are still being studied and they don't do as intended, remember "everyone needs to get vaccinated so we end the virus" Well, the vaccine as it turns out only helps you fight the virus, doesn't kill it, doesn't prevent spread of it.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

gilroky Game profile


Jan 6th 2022, 22:36:20

Just here to get my one post. Thank you, carry on.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 10th 2022, 15:36:35

what most ppl do not realize that there are more than two sides involved with all that's going on. yes! power and wealth or as I call it the human condition.
We have entities that want America up in arms against each other, so that they can follow through with their dominance.
What a left wing sees on the net is not the same as what the right wing sees.
What controls all this info.....AI ...artificial Intelligence and those who program those AI's.
There are powers to be who want America less of a power. what better way than to stir the American fluff pot.
Personally, I think our problem is that American's if lucky can plan a month or several months ahead. China and those gaining more wealth and power look at things on more of a decades of planning.

When I see someone needs help, I jump and help. I could give a rat's ass (sorry ratski) what party they are, color etc etc.

The Media outlets just stir that s pot all the time. I remember when news was about real news, now its about ratings and flash. I go to pbs or cnc Canadian news to get news on America.

Been into politics since 1955 and I am still shocked at how much politics has Morphed.
now gotta call senator ron from Wisc and tell him no i dont think Fauci over HYPED aids or covid. over 800000 dead. how can you over hype that, especially if you had loved ones who died from both.

yeah I am liberal, old hippy, pothead, community activist, carried olympic torch as a community activist, but I still think its time for grandma to move on..... just saying and thanks Das for your well stated points.
now gotta go and make up some sardine pies. Sui has ordered a dozen, and 3 gallons of farmers organic turkey milk. the toms love it. more humor folks less anger

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 10th 2022, 17:17:52

LOL, hope all is well with you bru :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!