
Heston Game profile


Mar 14th 2018, 6:00:03

His owners hospice worker was found passed out piss drunk next to his bed during a power outage. He was 76. A true nerd version of the muppet show. Lawsuits to follow.
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Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 14th 2018, 8:25:00

fluff happens
M4D Founder

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 14th 2018, 15:11:10

Seriously? We're all DOOMED, folks! Humanity is circling the drain even as we speak. The greatest mind among us found dead with a paid caretaker passed out drunk next to him, WHAT!

I gotta wonder how old the caretaker was.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Dissident Game profile


Mar 14th 2018, 23:36:15

Whats the caretaker going to do when a 76 year old man with ALS dies of old age? He's lived a fuller life than anyone posting on these boards by a long shot... and contributed something real to the world.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 0:38:22


LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Mar 15th 2018, 1:15:09

Originally posted by Heston:
His owners hospice worker was found passed out piss drunk next to his bed during a power outage. He was 76. A true nerd version of the muppet show. Lawsuits to follow.

-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 15th 2018, 2:12:14

RIP, the world lost a great mind.
- Premium Patron Member

Heston Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 2:35:13

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by Heston:
His owners hospice worker was found passed out piss drunk next to his bed during a power outage. He was 76. A true nerd version of the muppet show. Lawsuits to follow.


The only facts above are he is dead at age 76. The rest is open to interpretation.
Thank you drive thru.
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mrcuban Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 4:32:48

I'm sorry but what the fluff is everyone celebrating this guy like he is a God when his greatest achievement is linked to blackholes?? Honestly there are everyday hero's, people who raise disabled children, people who work in disability care, people who save lives, people who are selfless in their daily life who should be celebrated.

This guy had crazy theories, yes he worked in science. But honestly, the fluff he's done for anyone else. People don't give two fluffs about nurses, or doctors, or paramedics, school teachers, soldiers who died for freedom and rights. But this old fluff who was able to spend his life exploring ideas around the blackhole dies and all of a sudden its RIP this and quoting his sayings like fluff me...

Didn't he discover black holes? Or the Big Bang? Or tell us what time is, or something? No, no and no again.

Its a fluffing joke, I am sorry to his family and friends for his passing. But this over the top news reporting is a fluffing joke!

Dissident Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 5:00:55

you should actually read into his philanthropic works before you spew all this "he never did nuthin for nobody" garbage.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 5:04:44

I questioned why he is being morned as a God when people who are hands on helping others to live who get treated like fluff...

Edited By: mrcuban on Mar 15th 2018, 5:07:06

Ratski Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 5:47:23

RIP without a wheelchair and a computer to talk.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 15th 2018, 16:40:28

Holee hell man. This thread is full of garbage.

Stilt42 Game profile


Mar 16th 2018, 0:14:50

Well said, Mr. Cuban, well said.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2018, 1:30:42

Mrcuban your ignorance about him is astounding!
- Premium Patron Member

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 16th 2018, 3:27:41

Ignorance? People celebrate his life like he changed the world... what about the nurses who cared for him? His caretakers who wiped his ass and changed his clothes. His support network of people who supported him to have a life. What about the foreign aid workers who die every day feeding, clothing and giving first aid to children? They die every single day helping others, and they don't make the news. Nobody gives a flying fluff about those people?

I'm not saying to be sad he has passed, I think the celebration and morning like he is a God and changed history is an absolute overshot...



Mar 16th 2018, 5:38:27

Dev encouraging it

Wronghouse Game profile


Mar 16th 2018, 7:14:52

I'm with Requiem.

And good to see you in good form Heston my old mate.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 1:04:44

it's spelled "mourning"

I suppose when you don't recognize the mind of a genius or what has been said to be one of the most brilliant minds of the century, then yeah, I don't really think your opinion on the matter is very important.

Heston Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 2:03:46

I don't think anyone's option really matters. I will listen to someone if I respect them. I usually take something away from it regardless.
I wonder with all the care and attention SH received, how they let his bottom choppers stand out so horribly brown, like a stop holding back his upper lip.
The man, imo, was somebody's project and a mere reflection of that person. I admire that they made him live with ALS his whole life. That's about all though. To many folks had to do everything for him for me to recognize his accomplishments as an individual.
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Suicidal Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 3:14:10

He is still dead.

sinistril Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 3:19:32

Originally posted by Heston:
how they let his bottom choppers stand out so horribly brown

I mean... he was English.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 5:13:06

maybe instead of judging his appearance, read some of his work or watch some interviews that he did.

"The man, imo, was somebody's project and a mere reflection of that person." provide a citation for your "opinion" or continue to be labelled a lunatic.

Heston Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 5:41:48

Originally posted by Dissident:
maybe instead of judging his appearance, read some of his work or watch some interviews that he did.

"The man, imo, was somebody's project and a mere reflection of that person." provide a citation for your "opinion" or continue to be labelled a lunatic.

The man could not wipe his ass or bring himself to a point to be able to wipe on his own. He could not communicate without the aid of someone, device or not. He was put on display at work, more often than not, with a scripted lecture given by a computer. Fascinating fluff, how he overcomes a lot of obstacles. Is he one of the greatest minds? Or are his hard drives a collaboration of hundreds of intellectuals. Given his circumstances, he was propped up and loved for his wheelchair. People think he is pure because of his physical disabilities. I think that's incredibly loving and shallow at the same time.
That's just an opinion, it's like an asshole. Everyone has one and it stinks.

Edited By: Heston on Mar 17th 2018, 5:43:51
See Original Post
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mrcuban Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 6:19:39

@dissi i NEVER judged his appearance. I simply highlighted that this man has been mourned over the world over and yet I don't see much to warrant it. I think the passing of anyone is a sad moment for those affected. But I am saying there are many more people who have helped more, and sacrifice everything on a daily basis saving real lives, and receive no consideration...

HellraZor Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 6:54:10

#Black Holes Matter

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 14:11:05

Mrcuban... believe it or not, i wasnt replying to you. Youre not the only ignorant sod on this thread.

Stephen Hawking wasnt famous for his wheel chair to people who follow science. I mean, there are many people who do not become famous and are in wheel chairs and are debilitated by ALS. So one might have to ask, what set Hawking apart from any other person? For that answer you might need to read a book instead of just having your opinion...

Dissident Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 14:34:04

Mrcuban you keep saying sht like he is being mourned like a god. Thats such a dumb thing to say. Have you ever mourned a god? Who is calling him a god? Like... you think youre making a good point but in truth its just nonsense.

Hawkings death will be mourned like any other famous actor or musician or whatever... do you comprehend?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2018, 15:44:15

I would go a step further Dissident it isn't just because he had celeb status he was really really really freaking smart and contributed a lot to our understanding of the universe. He wasn't just another celeb.

Anytime the world loses a thinker like that it's a blow to humanity. I'd put him up there with losing people like Einstein, Newton, Tesla etc... (he may not have been quite on their level but still).

I'm pretty big into theoretical physics, astronomy and topics about the universe in general (I dont understand the math but I read about the ideas) and he was brilliant.
- Premium Patron Member

Heston Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 17:04:22

The man could have played nursery songs through his electronics and still had the same following. With the exact same impact on humanity.
The arguments are he really really really smart. Read something and my opinion is fact cause you suck. He is a celebrity.

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Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2018, 17:27:49

Wow. . .
- Premium Patron Member

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2018, 21:44:18

He won't be going to heaven....just saying...

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

sinistril Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 22:07:32

Originally posted by Requiem:
I would go a step further Dissident it isn't just because he had celeb status he was really really really freaking smart and contributed a lot to our understanding of the universe. He wasn't just another celeb.

Anytime the world loses a thinker like that it's a blow to humanity. I'd put him up there with losing people like Einstein, Newton, Tesla etc... (he may not have been quite on their level but still).

I'm pretty big into theoretical physics, astronomy and topics about the universe in general (I dont understand the math but I read about the ideas) and he was brilliant.

TBH, it's probably somewhere in between your opinion and Hestons. Heston is right in that there was a lot of media hype surrounding the man that almost no other physicist gets even the ones that corrected Hawking on some significant mistakes he made. The fact that his story is just such a good one, and the media likes a good story more than anything, is probably the reason for that. Hawking admitted there was a lot of media hype more than a few times. But you're also right, he was obviously brilliant and not just a celebrity. He contributed a lot to the understanding of significant events in our universe, which I think is incredibly important but I can see how someone wouldn't think it's practical work.

I don't know if I'd put him with the names you listed for that reason. Newton, Einstein, Tesla.. all of their work is extremely practical and (I'd argue Newton especially) their work has shaped the world because of that. Hawking's work is more far-reaching, theoretical, etc but not exactly the kind of things that are going to revolutionise society or technology any time soon. His greatest practical achievement is probably in explaining physics to the lay man. I think putting him on par with his contemporaries in Penrose, Greene and Susskind is more realistic, great thinkers in their own right, and definitely people anyone would feel honoured to be compared to.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

archaic Game profile


Mar 17th 2018, 22:11:27

Oh the bitter irony if blackbody radiation from a black hole is observed next year . . .
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Dissident Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 4:44:38

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
He won't be going to heaven....just saying...

Good thing heaven is a fairy tale...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 4:47:05

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
He won't be going to heaven....just saying...

Good thing heaven is a religious tale...

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 4:50:25

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 4:53:54

LOL, I've been LOL at the memes made, one that shows him at the bottom of the stairway to heaven on his chair, and him saying "FU¢K"
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 5:01:28

I actually saw him when I was at Cambridge in 1992, I was too scared to approach him - and besides I didn't speak beep boop bee boo
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 5:01:49

Want to know the last sound he made?
- Premium Patron Member

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 6:23:33

This thread would better be titled "Dunning Meets Kruger"

RIP Professor Hawking

unlike a god, he really existed for a cosmic moment

Oceana Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 10:58:14

Newtons ideas didn'r give much if any practical application while he was alive, and their were few who understood what he was talking about the rest of the world was clueless and even those that heard what he was saying would be saying WTF. Yet today everyone studies and understands a good portion of his works. The others cited above all expanded on that in many ways still haven't fully been put to Practical application, yet from the earlier ones so much of the developments in world we know today is influenced by those ideas. When enough people gain a true understanding from these peoples works is when the boom of practical applications come. As when they die most of their works are only considered as Theories, waiting on more great minds to prove/disprove/modify them. Just as SH and others were/are still doing with Einstein's.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 11:51:39

"As when they die most of their works are only considered as Theories.."

I feel it's important we speak the same language when it comes to the use of the word "theory" in scientific context as there is a linguistic glitch that seems to cause a great deal of confusion.

It is unfortunate that our language is such that the layman's use of the word theory is very different from it's meaning in science. A scientist will never attach the word "only" to any scientific theory.
In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. There's no "just" or "only" a theory, it is a pinnacle of scientific explanation using all the tools of observation and inquiry at our disposal.
The only thing more certain than “theory”, is direct observation.

When you see, for example, flat-earthers denying the existence of gravity and claiming it is "just a theory" they are correct that we have a theory of gravity but they are completely clueless as to what that really means.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 12:07:55

With a better understanding of the weight of the meaning of scientific theory, one can probably better understand Professor Hawking's accomplishments.

Heston Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 17:18:44

Theory has the same weight as bullfluff. Like changing sexes and saying it was a biological success.
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sinistril Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 18:09:20

Originally posted by Oceana:
Newtons ideas didn'r give much if any practical application while he was alive, and their were few who understood what he was talking about the rest of the world was clueless and even those that heard what he was saying would be saying WTF.

Horribly, horribly wrong.

There's this assumption that everyone in Newton's time was an idiot that couldn't see the big picture. Why do you think two people independently invented calculus? Because they couldn't see the practical applications? Just as an example... Hawking certainly did some interesting work, though his contemporaries rarely get mentioned for work that is just as or more important. I don't agree with Heston at all that Hawking's work was meaningless but holy fluff people here are comparing him to people that shaped modern civilisation. I suppose because they don't know any other scientists but still. (I mean... I bet the people saying he's up there with Newton, et al, can't even name one living Nobel prize winning physicist.... obviously their work wasn't as important as Hawking's though)

The guy certainly deserves all kinds of respect and taught many people to love physics, and helped advance cosmology, quantum dynamics, etc a great deal but keep it in perspective.

Edited By: sinistril on Mar 18th 2018, 19:00:07
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 19:31:13

The goal of every astrophysicist is to try and find a unified theory of gravity... one that encapsulates both quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. Hawkings discovery that blackholes emit radiation is a groundbreaking equation in astrophysics and is brings scientists closer to a unified theory of the universe and the laws of entropy.

If you had to look any of that up to confirm its truth, then your opinion of the man's brilliance or lack thereof has, up until that point, is irrelevant.

Science's most important endeavor is to fill in the gaps so as to make divine intervention unnecessary.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2018, 19:33:25

Meanwhile the memes keep rolling in, I just saw a Lego meme of him...and I couldn't stop LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

sinistril Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 20:11:33

Originally posted by Dissident:
The goal of every astrophysicist is to try and find a unified theory of gravity... one that encapsulates both quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. Hawkings discovery that blackholes emit radiation is a groundbreaking equation in astrophysics and is brings scientists closer to a unified theory of the universe and the laws of entropy.

If you had to look any of that up to confirm its truth, then your opinion of the man's brilliance or lack thereof has, up until that point, is irrelevant.

Science's most important endeavor is to fill in the gaps so as to make divine intervention unnecessary.

Never said he wasn't brilliant. My main problem with how he is portrayed is the idea that many people here think he's unparalleled in our time and on par with the greatest scientists ever; meanwhile, most people barely have the faintest idea who someone like Weinberg is. I also don't think that's science's most important endeavor. The onus is on the religious types to prove divine intervention, not on science to disprove it. :P
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 18th 2018, 21:35:49

I dont think science spends a lot of energy caring what religion thinks.