
BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 18:14:13

I'm tired of hearing about gun rights and seeing the carnage of mass shootings.
When I become King, things will change and that's it! That's the power of being King!
No more automatics ! I don't care if the NRA gets in a row. There's no reason for them outside of law enforcement and military. Hunters get to use a single shot, and if they miss, reload and shoot again. That's the sport right?
Handguns will be limited to six rounds only, say goodbye to those 12-16 rounders.
If anyone needs to fire automatics, here's the solution. Go to the gun range. They will have regulated automatics available for you to use there. As King I will make those available at no charge other than the renters buying the rounds. Problem solved.
As King, I will enforce this rule with a heavy hand and if it is abused then phase two kicks in.
No more guns available to the public, they get bows and arrows only! Crossbows may be allowed,but I need to study that. Have a gun? It will be confiscated and you will be given a bow and arrow instead.
If that creates an issue with arrow abuse, then the final stage will kick in....
ROCKS!!! No more guns,no more bows and arrows. Now all you get are rocks!
As King, I will proclaim this as law and leave it to my loving subjects to abide. Knowing the full repercussions of abuse they should make the correct choice.
Next week I will announce my plans for getting rid of text and phone use while driving.
Hail the King..ear I mean Hail ME!

Heston Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 21:54:13

Kewl r u gonna mod now?
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BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 23:15:51

Mod is too tedious a role for me.
I will rather be KING to solve the more important matters for my people!
Hail Me!



Dec 4th 2015, 23:24:15

When you disarm everyone let me and Heston know. We love to rob unarmed sheeple.

purplecowish Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 1:07:09

Guns bring peace, you'll figure it out one day. Going to blow your mind... imagine everyone had guns. WHEN I BECOME KING EVERY TAX PAYER WILL RECEIVE A SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLE WITH A 50 ROUND DRUM. What now criminals?

Government wants you to be weak.

Think it out.

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 2:36:01

I hope you send trife to disarm me and my people. Its getting old watching people casually bath in the blood of innocent helpless victims by fanatical religious outcasts. Blame an inanimate object, then preach about tolerance and bigotry.

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BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 3:22:56

Not blaming guns at all.
But the "solutions" are not working. So try something different why don't you?
I really think rocks would be a good alternative.
The arguments for owning assault weapons and automatics for hunting as ridiculous.
Every week since March of 2013 there has been a classified mass shooting.
Defined by shootings of four or more people . Most ( over 65% ) involved " legally acquired " firearms.
What's difficult to understand with that?

Seewell, you're not even worth responding too,drag your knuckles elsewhere and go rob people.
As always your ignorance trumps your trying to be witty Unless you can come up with something intelligent to add go troll elsewhere.
At least Heston thinks before hitting return.

Scott Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 3:47:07

Ohh quit it with your mightier than though bullfluff. We both know your intelligence rivals my pet rocks. For the record, my dog is 10x smarter than you.

Your ideal for taking away guns is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen a human being write down. You must be ignoring the ban on guns the already exists... or the war on drugs....or prohibition. I mean, all of those worked...right?

It isn't trolling, it is calling out your stupidity.

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 4:31:56

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Not blaming guns at all.
But the "solutions" are not working. So try something different why don't you?
I really think rocks would be a good alternative.
The arguments for owning assault weapons and automatics for hunting as ridiculous.
Every week since March of 2013 there has been a classified mass shooting.
Defined by shootings of four or more people . Most ( over 65% ) involved " legally acquired " firearms.
What's difficult to understand with that?

Seewell, you're not even worth responding too,drag your knuckles elsewhere and go rob people.
As always your ignorance trumps your trying to be witty Unless you can come up with something intelligent to add go troll elsewhere.
At least Heston thinks before hitting return.

Who the says assault weapons are for hunting? Why is it taboo to you to accept people own weapons that are exclusively designed to kill people. Your absolutely right in saying hunting isnt an argument. 90% of the weapons i own are for killing my fellow man the others are for gods creatures. I like it that way. Especially in todays political climate.
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Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 4:38:35

Animals dont really fluff with me soooo... theres that too.
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purplecowish Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 5:17:34

You anti gun preachers fail to realize true human nature. Its that of a wild animal at times, and when a wild beast strikes you need to put it down. I dont like it anymore than you, but its a sad flaw in the design of the world.


Take all the guns away from this world like magic, and guess what?



Viceroy Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 6:17:38

Americans already used military grade weapons to overthrow one king.

I'm just saying...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 11:08:18

Having an identity crisis to boot now seewell?
You're so predictable and always drop to the lowest denominator in your posts with vile insults.
That's your nature I suppose

Ok mr big mouth, again I ask. What's the solution?
It's easy to gripe about something but unless you come up with a viable solution you have nothing to add on this thread.

That's a good point Viceroy!
I always thought if you got past the possible hangings,shooting and beheadings being a king or a dictator wouldn't be a bad gig 😜

Heston, I really don't object to gun ownership. But it's hard to support them in this same climate that you feel you need them. There has to be a better way,
The purpose of this thread was to take a problem to the absurd in the hopes that there would be an intelligent conversation and maybe,just maybe we could have a AHA moment.
I am the only member of my extended family that does not own a gun. The reason is simple. I know I am not responsible enough to own one.
Unfortunately it seems there are many that do not accept that in their own lives

Scott Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 17:02:07

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Having an identity crisis to boot now seewell?
You're so predictable and always drop to the lowest denominator in your posts with vile insults.
That's your nature I suppose

Ok mr big mouth, again I ask. What's the solution?
It's easy to gripe about something but unless you come up with a viable solution you have nothing to add on this thread.

That's a good point Viceroy!
I always thought if you got past the possible hangings,shooting and beheadings being a king or a dictator wouldn't be a bad gig 😜

Heston, I really don't object to gun ownership. But it's hard to support them in this same climate that you feel you need them. There has to be a better way,
The purpose of this thread was to take a problem to the absurd in the hopes that there would be an intelligent conversation and maybe,just maybe we could have a AHA moment.
I am the only member of my extended family that does not own a gun. The reason is simple. I know I am not responsible enough to own one.
Unfortunately it seems there are many that do not accept that in their own lives

Dear tard,

Nice attempt to avoid answering this:

Originally posted by Scott:
You must be ignoring the ban on guns the already exists... or the war on drugs....or prohibition. I mean, all of those worked...right?

This isn't rocket science, stop trying to disarm the citizens. Police are practically worthless during a mass shooting or active shooter. The police take too long to get there and quiet frankly, they care more about their own lives than they do about yours. If you can defend yourself, you can stop this bullfluff immediatly.

I know it hard for you to understand this logic from whatever bullfluff limp wristed ideology you were programed with.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 17:40:48

Dear tard,

This is why whatever you have to say is dismissed.
No matter what the subject is, you have to be an jerk and bring it to a low level.
Tell you what ,if you see any thread by me,stay the hell away because your opinion is worthless.
Now move along and let the grown ups talk.

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 18:32:18

Blade i can see youre man of principles. I respect you for choosing to not own a gun. If you dont want the responsibility or cant handle it, you shouldnt fluff around.
There are zero AHA moments defending yourself with deadly force. Except the fool that calls 911 while they get slaughtered. Thats the reality in the usa. Shirk your personal responsibility and pass it to a corporation (gov, popo)then fluff constantly about the results.
The phrase "i dont call 911" isnt a tough guy thing, its pride in taking care of your own, because nobody will do it for you. Thats what men do.
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BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 19:17:47

Heston I have bats,tazer and knives here by every room. If in the event someone comes in ill be waiting and will protect my family .
Not a tuff guy attitude, just preservation.
Now the argument is what if they have guns? What if there 10 of them? What ifs.
I don't care for what ifs. Chances are screwed anyhow.

Scott Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 19:51:43

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Dear tard,

This is why whatever you have to say is dismissed.
No matter what the subject is, you have to be an jerk and bring it to a low level.
Tell you what ,if you see any thread by me,stay the hell away because your opinion is worthless.
Now move along and let the grown ups talk.

Lol, yet you do the same thing and try to act all snooty.

You still can't answer the question about trying to do the same thing that has failed time and time again... prohibiting. You don't want to answer it... because it shows your ideal is about as good as giving hand grenades to 5th graders.

Stick with what you are good at blade... you did a really good job in the video...

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 20:41:02

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Heston I have bats,tazer and knives here by every room. If in the event someone comes in ill be waiting and will protect my family .
Not a tuff guy attitude, just preservation.
Now the argument is what if they have guns? What if there 10 of them? What ifs.
I don't care for what ifs. Chances are screwed anyhow.

Thats fine. Thats your choice. Thats all. The name calling that comes with these discussions when two differing philosophies cant find common ground.
In theater you would be a liability to everyone around you. If you have kissed your ass goodbye before the fight, its only natural to distance yourself from that kind of mindset. Thats self preservation from both sides. Only the coward dies a thousand deaths.....
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BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 20:54:13

Well Heston , I was taught a long time ago that I was no better than anyone else and that no one was better than me. I've tried to keep that in mind but it is difficult with some around here.
I would have no problems with having one in a holster like the old west. But then you run across knuckleheads anyhow.
So back to the only solution I can really get behind.

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 20:58:24

Thats your road not mine. Enjoy hucking rocks at protests. Go with god. Feel meh?
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BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 22:24:57

I'd be willing to get a tank 😀

Heston Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 23:04:05

I would get a tank.. Not big on having a muntions bunker to store ammo tho. Who wants to safeguard that fluff?
Dont you at least find comfort in knowing citizens are more prepared on home soil than the military? Fort hood for example, they only able to scratch together 3000 rounds of ammo collectively on base. Most of which is 9mm. Everything for training and law enforcement is ordered in advance, weeks in advance. Im certain its that way across the board. Speaks volumes about who is truly responsible for defending our values and way of life.
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Scott Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 23:53:17

Originally posted by Heston:
I would get a tank.. Not big on having a muntions bunker to store ammo tho. Who wants to safeguard that fluff?
Dont you at least find comfort in knowing citizens are more prepared on home soil than the military? Fort hood for example, they only able to scratch together 3000 rounds of ammo collectively on base. Most of which is 9mm. Everything for training and law enforcement is ordered in advance, weeks in advance. Im certain its that way across the board. Speaks volumes about who is truly responsible for defending our values and way of life.

A quick reading of the 2nd amendment will tell you who is responsible for safeguarding this country. Unfortunatly, a lot of men have lost their values and lack the intestinal fortitude to protect others and their country.

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 0:16:16

There was an article the other day about munition shortages for the runs on ISIS.
guess they have exceeded the supply on some bombs. Would make sense the same with shells.
Maybe we can order and make lead shot?
Instead of rocks,how about muskets?

Heston Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 0:39:05

Ammo shortages from battling isis? Its bullfluff bro. The military outside task forces is a cluster fluff mess. Fort hood, the us army, uses private security to secure a military base traditionally guarded by military police. In a time of war against an enemy the obama administration works with and arms in syria, Libya ect to overthrow governments.
None of our boys are putting large amounts of ammo down range. The usa is now a haven for terrorists as russia starts to kill all of them where they aspire to rule.
Btw how do you feel now in the event a draft happens, our women will be in combat roles? How do you think that will translate on the battlefield. It certainly isnt an advantage. Unless you intend to provide comfort women for the enemy as well as weapons and ammo they already get.
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Frybert Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 8:00:17

Whatever man, I've got herb and vick's guide, all I need is a lead ball and the right wind conditions...

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 14:21:58

I'm in favor of reinstating the draft. But probably not for the reasons you'd think.
IMO the quality of our military has dropped since the elimination of the draft. The reason I believe is because it's become a haven of last resort for many. People unable to work,undereducated,with mental issues including anti social behavior are joining as a last resort. You don't see young people flocking to join the military as a betterment not when they can come out of college and get a high a paying job. Their skills would accent the military but there's no draw to them joining .
I'd much rather see a military service as a mandatory requirement such as Isreal has,but that would never work here.

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 14:25:38

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2015, 21:27:17

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
I'm tired of hearing about gun rights and seeing the carnage of mass shootings.
When I become King, things will change and that's it! That's the power of being King!
No more automatics ! I don't care if the NRA gets in a row. There's no reason for them outside of law enforcement and military. Hunters get to use a single shot, and if they miss, reload and shoot again. That's the sport right?
Handguns will be limited to six rounds only, say goodbye to those 12-16 rounders.
If anyone needs to fire automatics, here's the solution. Go to the gun range. They will have regulated automatics available for you to use there. As King I will make those available at no charge other than the renters buying the rounds. Problem solved.
As King, I will enforce this rule with a heavy hand and if it is abused then phase two kicks in.
No more guns available to the public, they get bows and arrows only! Crossbows may be allowed,but I need to study that. Have a gun? It will be confiscated and you will be given a bow and arrow instead.
If that creates an issue with arrow abuse, then the final stage will kick in....
ROCKS!!! No more guns,no more bows and arrows. Now all you get are rocks!
As King, I will proclaim this as law and leave it to my loving subjects to abide. Knowing the full repercussions of abuse they should make the correct choice.
Next week I will announce my plans for getting rid of text and phone use while driving.
Hail the King..ear I mean Hail ME!

And in a late breaking report, the Kingdom of EWG has been overrun by armed insurgents that had ZERO resistance from the population. I guess the general population wasn't that happy with their government since they didn't even put up a fight.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 23:53:42

No Cerb!!!
We have ROCKS!!!!

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2015, 19:35:04

The government should be afraid of the people. Not the other way around.

Heston Game profile


Dec 10th 2015, 20:01:37

Originally posted by smegma:
The government should be afraid of the people. Not the other way around.

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mrford Game profile


Dec 10th 2015, 23:51:37

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
I'm in favor of reinstating the draft. But probably not for the reasons you'd think.
IMO the quality of our military has dropped since the elimination of the draft. The reason I believe is because it's become a haven of last resort for many. People unable to work,undereducated,with mental issues including anti social behavior are joining as a last resort. You don't see young people flocking to join the military as a betterment not when they can come out of college and get a high a paying job. Their skills would accent the military but there's no draw to them joining .
I'd much rather see a military service as a mandatory requirement such as Isreal has,but that would never work here.

This is the dumbest post this board has seen in a month.

You want to replace volunteer members of the army with conscripts because you think they would be more effective, people that don't want to be there.

You understand that there is a vetting process to joining the military right? Intelligence tests, physical tests and screening, personality and mental screnings. It isn't just psychos and retards. It isn't a last resort for everyone that joins. There are standards that are only getting higher with the downsizing.

Also, the days of simply going to college and being guaranteed a high paying job are over. Apparently you haven't looked at the economy in the last 6 or so years. Trade work is in high demand. Trade schools are making a comeback, and they are populated by a lot of former military members that are attending for free. Most of the ex service members I know did join to better their lives.

Basically everything you said was factually wrong and ignorant as fluff

Edited By: mrford on Dec 10th 2015, 23:58:27
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 10th 2015, 23:57:18

That ignorance is in your other posts on this thread, but they have eroded my brain too much to respond to every one of them.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Scott Game profile


Dec 11th 2015, 3:01:26

I'm shocked BladeTard hasn't been killed while playing in traffic.

Heston Game profile


Dec 11th 2015, 6:01:27

Blades house sounds like a dangerous place for kids. Knives and bats in every room for self defence. Proud to give his daughter to the draft to serve in combat jobs. Finding compromise in trans-fluffting logistics. He visualizes and submits to losing a fight before the fight begins. Married, yet outspoken homo lifestyle worshipping, yoni breather. Fodder.
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