
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2019, 15:29:08

I hadn't heard from Vicvixvi in a few months, so i decided to pass along well wishes for their family. I received this in response:


I'm sorry to say that Tim died four days before Christmas. He had complications from his open heart surgery and we thought he was past the worst of it, but it wasn't the case. I can tell you though that he passed away in his sleep and it was very peaceful. He never even knew what hit him.

I miss him beyond belief and still can't believe the love of my life is gone, but I'm glad he didn't suffer. We had 35 years together, so I am grateful for that, even though I selfishly wanted more.

Thank you for asking and I'm sorry you had to hear it this way.



Tim was one of my best friends in earth. He was constantly creative in his building, even so far as to beat me with a commie techer during my net off with ebert in express. Me, sinistril, tim, ashe and hawk and others had a little run of team server wins together. He played in LoC with me and mob and company, and he was noted a lifetime elder and said he wouldn't play the 1a server if not for elders.

He was unique, creative and played for both war and netting. He was humble and wise as well. Nobody in this game had the ability to make me laugh like Vicvixvi, and I'll be understating completely any comment i could ever make about how bad I will miss him. He shared a part of his life with us, and I'll never forget him.

RIP Vicvixvi
See you on the other side.

sinistril Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 15:32:23

One of the nicest and most down to earth players on this game. RIP buddy. :(
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Sov Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 15:44:46

Sorry to hear such saddening news. My best wishes to all those who knew him and are hurting from the loss.

m0bzta Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 15:48:32

Wish his family the best it a hard to lose someone with a good heart like him

Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2019, 15:51:23

Oh fluff.....damn, he was such a kool dude. RIP!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rasp Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 15:54:22

So very sad. RIP friend.

[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Apr 12th 2019, 16:38:22

Noooo :( Hope he took all my burritos with him.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2019, 17:02:45

I did not know Vicvixvi but from the responses here it's evident that was my loss.
Thirty five years is an awesome relationship. A lifetime of shared memories.
My deepest condolences to Shirley and everyone that knew this good man.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2019, 18:19:55

SYSTEM GLITCH Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 18:28:54

Jesus I don't even know the guy and I teared up reading that. I can feel her love for him in those words.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2019, 19:48:38

I got to know VicVixvi pretty well playing Express Teams and FFA with him. I cannot overstate what an exceptional human being he was. This news of his passing has kind of caught me off guard. I went back to my old PMs with him and he really was such a great person. Even when he was trying to rape me for land in Express we always had the most friendly conversations lol. I am so sad now :(

My deepest condolences to his RL family. He will be greatly missed by his EE family here.

RIP VicVixvi, my friend
Just shut up and have another beer

Marshal Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 20:00:54

sad to hear
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

breeze Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 21:43:37

Oh damn. That's sad news :(

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 12th 2019, 21:56:00

I spoke a bit in person with Vicvixvi but mostly on the boards and in ingame messages in express and only realizing who we each were at the very end of the reset.

I think what makes this community interesting are the unique ideas that different players bring as ingredients to this soup that is AT, ET, and whereever else we speak. Some people come with ideas that 500 people had before them. This was not VicVixvi, he had unique ideas that made us think, some of which made me and probably others better. I can't say that about just anyone. He was an intelligent player who's contribution to this community is part of the reason this game is joyful to me. I can only hope he had a good time here as well.

My heartfelt condolences to his family.

RIP Vicvixvi

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2019, 0:19:25

Damn it Vix,

He was always friendly to me and nice. I enjoyed him.

RIP buddy
- Premium Patron Member



Apr 13th 2019, 0:20:03

Rip Vicvixvi


Dissident Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 0:41:56


farmer Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 2:29:27

we have lost some many Rip Vicvixvi :(

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 2:30:44

Such sad news, condolences to his family and all who knew him. RIP

da_bears Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 2:36:31

As already mentioned hearing of Vics passing made me reread all those pm and other related chat. He was always one to have a good word and friendly advice never once making you feel like something you did was idiotic.

Spending hours picking his brain over strats personal matters and other random boring conversations.

You are missed

ERTYUIPOP Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 4:42:20

May his Soul Rest In Peace

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Apr 13th 2019, 5:03:36

rest in peace my friend you will be missed
Natural Born Killers

Ratski Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 7:02:47

Heat breaking read and news, I didn't know Vicvixvi, but his long time wife has my best wishes and heart felt condolences. to the rest of his family and long time friends.


EE Patron

Apr 13th 2019, 10:17:48

Always a nice guy to chat with RIP Vic you will be missed!

Hokage Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 10:45:17

A sad to felt when one of player here past away,.
Rest in peace.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 17:35:51

After reading the post, I had to leave and cry a bit for vic.
We chatted tons before my heart operation and after as he was getting ready for his.

He had a genetic problem with his heart, but it sounded like a not serious operation. He was very optimistic about getting through it all.

after I told him what all I went thru, I had to laugh as his main worry was if he had to shave his beard!!. He was so happy to find out he could keep it.

We will miss him so bad! Our on line family is now one less.
I hope Derrick that you can pass on these messages, and would also like to see if we can do a post in his memorial on line. also would love to see a pic of vic. Hopefully he was on facebook?

Will miss you bro! RIP

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 22:46:33

I didn't know him, but I did see his name on the forums every now and again, and he seemed like a decent fellow. I know that if he didn't die and kept posting as usual, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Just don't know what you have until it's gone. I'm sorry that I'll no longer see his name or his character, and will miss it.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

DespicableMe Game profile


Apr 15th 2019, 6:32:38


Banks Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2019, 22:51:18

I did not get the opportunity to meet Vicvixvi. I heard that he was taking a break from this game, but I was very much looking forward to getting to know him. I spoke with Derrick one night about running a 1 acre still-in-protection demo. Derrick went on to tell me that Vicvixvi held the record for such a strat. I decided to try it and was very intrigued and was so looking forward to talking to Vicvixvi about it.

So, Mr. Vicvixvi, I did not get the chance to meet you, but as a show of respect to you, the next upcoming express game; I dedicate my country to you. Rest in peace, may your family find comfort in knowing you were well respected, even from those of us that missed the chance to get to know you. I shall see you on the other side.


Karnage XZ


Apr 26th 2019, 9:41:14

Wow, didnt see this. Rip vicvixvi, this is an unexpected death. Chatted with him ingame quite a bit in the past and he was a funny guy and made lighthearted conversation. I pray your soul see's heaven. Amen

Edited By: Karnage XZ on Apr 26th 2019, 12:46:14
See Original Post
Do as I say, not as I do.


New Member

Apr 26th 2019, 9:46:06

I hate to see anyone go from this world..... He was a good one that cared about others and also did as he pleased at times..... God rest your soul brother...................I know we did not see eye to eye on things but God has taken thee 2 soon..........