
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 24th 2019, 2:39:03

Make certain spy ops worth more DR than others. Kinda dumb they’re all valued same.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 24th 2019, 3:04:16

I have long thought there should be one general spy DR and one op-specific DR so that it becomes very difficult to do extreme amounts of one op but that you can do a couple of several ops with less pain than today.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 24th 2019, 8:33:03

by turns spent do you mean this sort of thing where you drop the initial success chance slightly and increase it every time you get a fail then reset it or something else?

seangcxq Game profile


Aug 24th 2019, 13:57:33

10 acres
200 spies
20 spal

100 acres
1000 spies
10 spal

Attacker should lose here since 200 spies would be only 2 spal?

Needs to be a bonus, imo.
For example, say an arbitrary fixed 50%, instead it would be 4 spal. This would require 500 spies to reach 10 spal on defender and break.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 24th 2019, 19:14:44

10k acres with 200k spies fail most ops today against 100k acres 1000k spies. That wouldn't change at all with the proposal.

You can't go so low as 10 acres or 100 acres because there can be limiting constants just like on the tech formula etc. We would delve into a discussion that has nothing to do with most real countries in the game.

Edited By: Gerdler on Aug 24th 2019, 19:20:36