
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2012, 21:40:02

Just curious, would the admins get involved if it winds up that the number of active countries significantly drops for the next reset or two?

I'm not sure why TSO had to war the server. It doesn't really make sense, obviously no one seems to be enjoying it, and it doesn't seem like anything is gained. If you were just bored and wanted the challenge, well congrats for ruining the server for the 100 other people without any real challenge.

As far as policing, it seems like that would have been welcome though perhaps unnecessary to some extent. I have not played team in some time so I could very well be out of the loop, but it used to be that most teams did not accept cross tag retals, even the bigger coalitions. Coalitions did tend to war as a group, which does provide an unfair advantage, but for the most part they were netters and left well enough alone unless provoked. Perhaps policing of other warring/suicide tags could be useful and allow your own warmongers some fun? Even still, I could support a powerful group that encouraged everyone to play as only 5 man teams, with force as necessary.

But, I'm a bit confused. There is this:

Originally posted by Boltar:

Well this is also our first step towards that goal. A goal of a true team server. Next reset we will be officially policing the server to keep it a true team server. That means retals are only to be done by the team that were offended.

and then there is this:

Originally posted by elvesrus:
You all complain about the "spirit of team". When has there ever been a spirit of team? Thanks to the response this has received, we will continue until change is forced, or you get enough to stop us set after set.

This server will burn until we are stopped

But how does killing everyone, even those who were not breaking the "spirit of team" rules prove any point? Obviously, if you are waiting for people to get together to take the server back, I think you will be waiting (and playing with yourselves [lame pun intended]) for quite some time. Then again, maybe having a King of the Hill server would allow a place for all the warriors to go and leave the netters to their peace of mind; too bad it requires the destruction of a current server that is home to many current netters.

So I guess the question is, since this set seems to be over for many people, which ideal should the server be expecting for next set? I think that will decide whether this server is reborn (perhaps with a player enforce "spirit of team") or if it burns out.

Edited By: Tertius on Feb 8th 2012, 21:42:25
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