
Boltar Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 6:58:10

not i qz, the idea of a turret killing a troop or tank is flawed.. turrets point towards the sky.. hence killing jets, as for the stealing a missile.. thats a decent idea, sad i didnt think about it.

Game Development
Posts: 6,567
Quote Post
Sep 14th 2012, 21:03:12
So basically....

You want a spyop to kill each type of unit - why not, if we can CD a countries troops to lower break, why not do a dirty op to lower BR breaks?
You want each type of unit to be able to kill population (ie kill a country). - im assuming this is a jab at me asking for tanks to kill.. why bring it back up. u shot it down already.

We could just remove Jets/Turrets/Tanks and have approximately the same effect, no? - u want a forum board for bugs or suggestions, yet dont like whats suggested, why not just make another forum for suggestions only and ignore the game like pang for the most part. atleast that way u wont negatively post in threads where people are trying to help spice up the game and give new idea's.

this will be my last post in this forum, so please ban me from this forum as so im not tempted to post again wasting my time or ur's

Edited By: Boltar on Sep 15th 2012, 7:03:10
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