
Kingme Game profile


Jan 25th 2013, 22:14:38

There was once a "Spirit of the Rules" thread at the top of either the express, primary, or both forums.

Where did it go? New players have no clear definition of the rules when it comes to fair play, and team play.

There is currently a bit of controversy in express, and to be honest the member has a point. There is no clear definition of the rules (even if it "known" as a solo server).

Marshal Game profile


Jan 25th 2013, 22:50:59

blame mARTIAN or mod whois responsible on that server.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....


EE Patron

Jan 25th 2013, 23:39:41

There's no need to waste time or effort explaining things for anyone that tries to rules lawyer his way out of a deletion for having several personal land farms on a no clan server. Not an issue.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jan 25th 2013, 23:44:12

There's really no need to cater to such people. Here's the answer they deserve, in full:
"That's not allowed. Don't act so surprised. Case closed."
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 0:00:59

The answer they deserve is a deletion with no response as to why.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Kingme Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 0:29:13

Do you guys even enjoy playing this game?

It amazes me how how arrogant you guys are... I guess you don't notice that the number of players of this game dwindle. With your attitudes you can never expect to gain/keep new members.

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 1:02:03

there really is a need to have the rules of the game clearly posted for everybody to see.

Kingme and i can't landtrade together on express. but are we allowed to RoR each other seventeen times during the reset?

I'm not allowed to run a landfarm for somebody, but am I allowed to get farmed by somebody and not retal them?

ror is landtrading, depending on the angle you want to look at it from. if they hit me nine times on day one it wouldn't be ridiculous for me not to retal, it happens always, but if i get hit nine times on the third day i have to suicide, or else i'm running a landfarm for him?

fluff, on primary i'm running a landfarm for every single big commie on the fluffing server, delete us all?


EE Patron

Jan 26th 2013, 1:42:13

You're undermining your own point braden. how do you make rules that define what precisely differentiates those things you list that are unfair with those things you list that aren't? answer: it's impossible.

and how do you deal with people that find their little loopholes or try to argue they didn't break the rule for some dumb reason? answer: you don't try to write out things everyone should know, and you enforce basic common sense.

every single person that tries to weasel some cheap crap knows what they're doing is bull. but it's the very mindset you're endorsing, that everything needs to be explicitly delineated in the rules, that emboldens them and convinces them they should be able to get away with it.

screw that. if you're mentally able enough to make an account and play a country, you're able enough to know you can't have your friends run landfarms for you in a no clan server. don't indulge rule masturbators, and just moderate in a way as much in keeping with common freaking sense as possible.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 1:57:06

so the rule is common sense? very little sense in this world is common, i find :P so you undermine your point the same way i do mine. we can't win :P

i would also like to maintain that he should have been deleted, and explained to him why he was and that he will be again. (your common sense is my common sense, i've never had issue one with any country since this game started)

i do not disagree with you about his actions being pretty dumb as they stood, but as it does also stand, past..

"Multiple countries are not allowed.
Clans are not allowed."

..that, there isn't really anything mentioning team play on the solo server, not that i could find (and asked politely to be shown where it was, so that i could then show it to him)

Unless we're meaning Clan to assume anything at all not individual. but this wasn't common to me before just now, so.. my apologies :P

crest23 Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 3:37:26

This is the exact reason why blid's point trumps yours. Even when the rules are clearly stated we have characters ready to twist the meanings, just the fact that you say "Unless we're meaning Clan to assume anything at all not individual", seriously braden? We now have to define the word CLAN for you? My 2 cents? I wish I had a lot of $.02, I'd give them all to you to buy a dictionary!

If it looks like it's cheating, plays like it's cheating, smells like it's cheating, then it is probably Seth playing, uhm, sorry, then it's probably cheating.

Maybe we should petition the mods to change to rules to;

"Clans are not allowed, and by clans, we mean the word CLAN and every synonym of the word CLAN in the dictionary" Is that better for you?

Edited By: crest23 on Jan 26th 2013, 3:40:27
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.



Jan 26th 2013, 4:49:41

You can change the rules to say:

Landfarming is illegal.*
Team play is prohibited.*
* If there happens to be an ambiguous rule, moderators will be trusted to make a decision in the best interest of the game.

blid can obviously word it better. His vocabulary is great but his stubbornness is epic.

They do this in poker rooms. Where people try and get technical alllllll of the time over money.

Edited By: dittie on Jan 26th 2013, 4:54:36
See Original Post



Jan 26th 2013, 4:53:12

I could agree with you guys and you'd immediately change your stance. Come on? They don't need to post the rules? What are you guys smokin'? Give me some.

Either they strip all the rules and we play based on our common sense, or they add them as needed as the game goes on. It takes 3 seconds.

If it isn't worth listing the rules, it isn't worth enforcing, and it shouldn't be considered cheating.


EE Patron

Jan 26th 2013, 5:54:02

i never said rules don't need to exist, i'm only recommending a course of action for dealing with rule lawyer bsers
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 7:50:36

running a landfarm for somebody isn't joining or participating in a clan, crest. having no interest in your finish and teching a thousand turns for your friend to ra isn't joining or participating in a clan. (the vast majority of players do neither of these two things on actual clan servers, so how can you argue they are clan play?)

further, any time i don't hit somebody in my alliance on another server out of respect for/allegiance to that player, that is clan play (even if i own zero jets :P)

i think, crest, and rather contradictory to the point you tried to make, my understanding of english is where my side of the debate comes from. (but i also think i did a better job of explaining myself, and i mean not to start an argument with you or anybody else, i assure you- we both play on the same level field, i am not your enemy)

the simplest fix and we all go our separate ways? where it says what i quoted from the server details above, add a third line "this is an individual server; play determined by server mods to be contrary to this will be deleted with an explanation provided.

explaining to people how or why they erred is far more productive than insulting people for those errors.

Warster Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 8:29:18

hard to explain something to people that never questioned it, only dittie did and he wasnt one of the people deleted at the time.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 8:35:57

outside of the ingame help option, am i allowed to copy my ingame status and post it in, say boxcar, and get people in my alliance(s) to help me with my strategy?

why does this not get me deleted? far, far, far more literally "clan play" than XYZ playing a country to tech leech for me.

anybody, without name calling, can you legitimately answer my question here?

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 29th 2013, 19:41:42

I thought i responded to this earlier; maybe i just thought i did.

I'll ask martian what happened to our game rules post.
Finally did the signature thing.

Kingme Game profile


Jan 29th 2013, 19:43:03

Would be appreciated, if anything we need something written out again.