
Drow Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 15:14:19

Set after that SLIT strikes back but does so in seperate non co-aligned wars and the winning streak from that point on starts for SLIT.

that was the set AFTER actually.
before that, Rage, PDM and someone else (I forget who) hit ix and smashed them silly, whilst tie took on sof, and I believe were just starting to get beaten down by sof when rage and pdm jumped into that also. (wasn't pdm's best moment :/) LaF had pacted out, and I THINK SoL went after RIVAL.

after that ix systematically raped rage for a couple of sets, smashing them to a shadow of their former selves, then jumped PDM at 120 v 80 after that. the set ix jumped pdm was the set that sol ix and LaF turned their backs on tie. ix asked PDM for a cf so they could FS ti, because they believed tie was going to fs them. the following set was the first tie/pdm v sol/ix war.

Edited By: Drow on Aug 9th 2010, 15:18:11
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