
Pang Game profile

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Sep 9th 2010, 13:35:10

ya, LaF's policies aren't the outlier, SoL's are...

SoL is the only person who have that 72hr, all hits apply to the whole tag type of policy

LaF's policy is in line with the traditional 100% Land:Land, 24h hits on the alliance are seen as escalating hits

The only thing you could maybe cite is the 48h retal window, but that's something others have adopted as well (such as your FDP's in Collab) and that's something which is up for debate with alliances we are pacted to. Not pacting LaF was a choice SoL made, so you have absolutely no basis behind the "LaF's policies are the problem!" because we are actually a very reasonable alliance.

The issue which SoL cited in their war dec was a total of 4 hits on SoL all round -- exchanges which SoL was up 3k land from. 4 hits does NOT equal war with someone you consider a friend, ergo, SoL did not consider LaF a friend despite what their leaders continue to spew.

The attitude you display on these boards, dagga, is a direct reflection of SoL's attitude towards LaF, and it's atrocious that we even considered SoL to be at all friendly with us.

Also, you need to stop constantly attacking me for being an admin... it's honestly just becoming stupid. It's so juvenile. Just because you would be a corrupt admin and can't understand how I am not doesn't mean that I am :)
If you can't separate my involvement as an admin and a player, then I suggest you move on to a new game, try to bring the attitude you bring here and see how long you last.

Most games would have already banned you many times over for that kind of admin flaming.
Attack my politics or my alliance all you want... but as soon as you start attacking me as an admin, you are crossing a line that is completely unacceptable. If it keeps up, we'll probably have to reform our policies of how we deal with admin-focused trolls. Right now we're still super, duper lenient.

Edited By: Pang on Sep 9th 2010, 13:47:10
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