
archaic Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 4:55:39

Which is why I left - threatening me was fine, but threatening killing off any unwitting tag for harboring me whether I was attacking you or not was just the kind of chickenfluff BS I have come to expect from you guys.

I had not even said anything about RD in a long time, hell I was actually drifting towards a reconciliation. Lime just has to keep picking fluff open. You getting tired of my posts Lime? So sowee, too bad.

Pain, I run almost exclusively all-x retaller countries. You should try actually reading my posts. I have no desire to do the work it takes to grab. What I get sick of is a block of 5-10 teams skewing the markets and holding a huge ammount of land out of the game when the dev-team is doing everything in their power to make grabbing beneficial for everybody and improve the game experience. You dipfluffs are still stuck in 2002.

Edited By: archaic on Oct 5th 2010, 5:02:25. Reason: pains post
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