
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 5th 2010, 23:45:27

But you've posted numerous times on these boards that LaF's the kind of alliance that does the multi-set carry over wars when we get hit. I've refuted your nonsense by posting the facts, yet you keep making posts on that subject as if you're some kind of LaF oracle :p

You assume we're bitter enough to keep fighting, but based on LaF's history, that's just not how we operate, and you should know that. We discussed it a few weeks ago on another thread and you agreed with what I said and retracted your statement. Yet you're making the same statement again here. Short memory, perhaps? :p

It's an attitude like that (that wars SHOULD promote bitterness) that is what helped to zap the fun from the EC server, and caused lots of folks to leave.

But let's talk about my other post, which you've completely ignored thus far, because it is very relevant to the actual topic at hand, and more interesting than us rehashing the same argument we had 3 weeks ago :)

Edited By: Pang on Oct 6th 2010, 0:00:01
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