
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 17th 2018, 8:41:00

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by Gerdler:

The toxic gameplay is even worse. Untagged suiciders are frequent, both random and disproportionate retalling on the wrong countries ruins sets frequently for all-xp ppl. Also 1-2 tags seem to have made a habit of just choosing a netting tag and destroying their reset either with lategame topfeeds, suicides or blindside FSs.

Everyone knows this. Everyone sees it. A few like it. Maybe 10-15, the rest are just trying to play around it and eventually quit when they realize its no longer possible.

Bots in themselves may improve the market. But I don't think for a second they will solve all the other issues.

There's little factual evidence here. This is fake news

Thats a big fat lie, this is not even news. Its what everyone knows. If you net on team server some tags will target you. Elders and FM/SiN are those tags.

I didn't post evidence because everyone who has been paying attention knows this.

Since you have not I will help you with some snippets of what has passed, anecdotes if you will, of a pattern that is broad and recurrent and probably stretches far further back than I have played this game:
Monks is being aggressed on by SiN this set for no reason other than they are netters and they have to pay for that. Havoc is ofc a fluff for, um, for exploring and keeping to himself? I dunno.

Last set FM kept doing lategame hits only to ruin peoples resets. Zig and inglear was hit.

Elders suicided Zig 2 sets ago and randomly killed a 1-man netter tag:

This happens to all-xp netters more often than not:
TL;DR 42 missiles lategame for no reason at all. I can post several more examples of this without going back too far.

This is just 3 sets back and just a small part of all the crap that happened in those sets, I could go further and you'd see the same things over and over.

In fact I will:

This is Elders killing a netter for retalling:
The only news between them that set and the set before were Elders landgrabs that Zig retalled.
Ofc they were promptly killed the next set, but it didn't stop there, they had to get revenge with a blindside FS 2 sets later for Zig standing up for themselves.

Different tactics have been used, some just roll over and play dead hoping the aggressor will go away. Some don't. They seem to really want people to not fight back, as that is the behaviour that is frequently rewarded. The only thing we know is that; "We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life. We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil."

But yeah you are purposely taking the stance of the FBI in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. That's really helpful, thanks.

Edited By: Gerdler on Feb 17th 2018, 8:47:26
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