
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2018, 18:49:19

What's not true about that? It's actually a fact. You just don't know who's killing you.

My tag netted for the last 3 sets and did not hit gains to start with. That's also inaccurate af. A completely unaffiliated tag hit gains and they did it because of stuff that happened to them in previous sets, as I've said, when they were in solo or 2-3 man tags. Again this has nothing to do with me. I joined this war and hit villains and reborn. But they got farmed by zz as solos so they made a larger tag together and struck back. Again, predominantly non-elders in that tag. Misfits only elder rn I believe is mob. My tag has as stated has 2 non elder (and two that only rarely played there), misfits has 1, count it, 1 elder and 1 other that has played elder on occasion but is currently SOL in 1a and is killing elders but also contains members of netting clans. Dwar has a couple elders but is led by someone who has never had the tag.

And you guys told me I was fighting ghosts when I came back. I guess someone just needs something easy to blame.