
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2019, 16:29:20

He's a little bizarre but he speaks really well about bipolar disorder as well. Dave is a staunch liberal so the politics part is a little uncomfortable, but it's still interesting to hear that perspective imo.

I always had assumed the right was like "HAHAHA, YEAH, LOOK AT THAT fluff LIBERAL ALL TRIGGERED. LOLZ"

I'm honestly v surprised that's not how many feel.

The political climate is so toxic rn i guess we're almost looking at each other thru the same lens. Like damn that dudes being real crazy and disrespectful lol.

I guess maybe we are all just a little crazy and disrespectful, and respect leaving the national discourse makes an environment of sides fighting instead of working together. I'm not smart enough to understand how to stop the badgering and fighting so more policy can get passed, and if i were I'm sure I'd make a pile of money.

It's honestly a shame that we can't pass meaningful legislation anymore with out a no-holds barred brawl. That's not how the system is intended to work. It's supposed to be based on compromise and dignity.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 7th 2019, 16:37:03
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