
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 15th 2021, 18:40:05

I'm looking to change the Team server into a casual clan-based environment, FFA into a more hardcore clan-based environment, and Alliance into something somewhere in-between. I'm inviting the community to comment on changes that may happen as part of change set #22 to accomplish part of that vision. More information here:

For the Alliance server:

* Untagged countries will have a 90% gains penalty when attacking or spying any tagged country.

* A country cannot perform any attack or spy op 48 hours after a tag change.

* Clan admins will be able to mark other clans as DNH. Upon doing so, countries in that tag will only be able to perform harmless spy ops (spy, military spy, alliance spy, market spy) against the other tag. Some details:
a) Anyone in the tag can see who has been marked DNH and which tags have marked them as DNH.
b) A clan cannot mark another clan as DNH if it has attacked it within the past 48 hours.
c) If two clans have mutually marked each other as DNH then cancelling the DNH will only take effect after 48 hours. Both sides will be notified and both DNHs will be dropped at the same time.
d) A one-sided DNH can be cancelled at any time without a delay.

For the FFA server:

* Only the DNH tag change will be implemented.

I am hoping that the following benefits are realized by these changes:

1) Formalizing DNH relations will prevent accidental hits during war.
2) Formalizing DNH relations will make it less risky to recruit new players into a tag.
3) Adds a game mechanic to enforce rules around pre-arranged wars between clans.
4) Reduces the power of the FS and can prevent blindside wars in some situations.
5) Builds a starting point to add other types of relationships between clans in the future, such as allies or formally declaring war.
6) An attack/spy cooldown period prevents some tag change behaviors which are generally viewed as bad by the community including tagging up late to immediately join a war and detagging to suicide another tag.
7) Smaller tags who are viewed as untrustworthy by other clans can be more safely tolerated by them.
8) The incentive for larger clans to kill off all untagged countries has been reduced.
9) If a single country has a grudge against a tag it will be more difficult for them to wage war by themselves.
10) Some of the issues that cause negative tag utility have been addressed. I'd like alliance to be a place where clans compete with each other and there's more meaning and importance behind the tag that you choose.

I'm aware that number nine will be viewed as a disadvantage by some. To be frank, we've tried it the other way for the past ten years and the results have been predictably negative. With that said, none of these changes are set in stone and I invite all comments.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 15th 2021, 19:19:44
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