

New Member

Dec 10th 2011, 16:36:01

Howdy all. this is my first time playing on any server. I could use some lessons from someone to understand what to do. Wikki said that commie or farmer is the easiest strategy for first timers to play. But i'm having few problems

1. I don't mind the negative income, but how can I get PCI up if i don't build EZ and Residences together from the onset of my turns. I see some players with some high PCI after only a few hundred turns. How do they get that?

2. Everytime i buy more military cashing goes down. What's 'Cashing' for?

3. I've figured out how to get networth up without buying too much military or tech. But what's the real connection between increasing networth and the process you call stockpiling or destocking? When do you stockpile and when do you destock as a commie or a farmer?

my questions may seem a little bit unconnected, but they are real problems i'm experiencing and are barriers to my playing this game effectively.

Can i get some help please?

Rockman Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 17:23:25

You do not need to get your PCI up. You handle negative income by selling goods on the public market for cash. As a Communist Industrialist (Commie Indy), you would sell about 1/3rd of your jets and turrets every day to generate this cash. As a farmer (which could be democracy, dictator, fascist, or tyranny), you should be selling all of the food you've produced once or twice a day.

Cashing is what cashers (and no one else) should use. Once they have enough construction sites, they can use their surplus turns for cashing to generate extra cash. Techers should use a portion of their turns teching. Everyone else should be using their turns spying, attacking (only use Standard Strike and/or Planned Strike unless your target has provoked you), building, selling, and if they have excess turns, exploring or building more construction sites. You should explore to at least 2000 acres before you begin attacking, though.

You want to have a lot of production technology, somewhere between 10 points for each acre you have to as much as 40 points for each acre you have. You also want to have enough military that your country has a similar or lower landsize than those around the same networth as you. This will help decrease the chance that other people choose to attack you.

Don't worry about learning to stockpile until you master the basics of the game. Just keep growing and boosting your economy and military. Once you are good enough to get to 20,000 or more acres, then you should worry about learning to stockpile.

Edited By: Rockman on Dec 10th 2011, 17:25:29
See Original Post


EE Patron

Dec 10th 2011, 21:50:16

You ask why cashing goes down when you buy more military. That's because you have to pay every turn to maintain the military you have. The more military you have, the more you have to pay.

That's why people start "stocking" at a certain point: because if they kept growing their militaries, their expenses would go too high and they'd be less efficient. People stocking have usually finished growing their land and will keep their defenses high enough to prevent attack while they horde money or food that can later be converted into networth.

Everything Rockman said is correct, however, and is good advice to follow. Just satisfying your curiosity about stocking here.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2011, 5:26:19

Also for more detailed advice, you could join a clan on the alliance server which is just now restarting, so you wouldn't be too far behind. There are many alliances who would love to help train a new guy so you will get a lot more personalized attention and access to strategies while also making some new friends. Good luck learning the game.

Gzisimon2 Game profile


Dec 11th 2011, 8:24:28

Good luck. It's a nice game.


New Member

Dec 17th 2011, 0:31:31

Can someone tell me why my product isn't selling even after eight hours waiting on the market. I sold my product for lets say $100 and logged off. Six hours later I log back in and my product hasn't sold but the sell price is the same $100. I stay logged on for another hour and sell a second time for the day as recommended. Now coming upon the 8th hour of standing orders and still no sale. Is there a waiting list for players to sell on the market?

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 17th 2011, 2:14:18

perhaps your goods were the current goods on the market and nobody had bought them yet. Military sales are always low at this time of the game as most people are stockpiling food/money to keep expenses lower now and jump in NW at the end of the game.
The EEVIL Empire


New Member

Dec 17th 2011, 3:23:11

so it seems that the market is on a first come first served basis as long as your price is right at that moment.

You mentioned that players should be stockpiling now in order to jump in NW. Well I don't know much about 'jumping in NW' since i'm still feeling my way through the game, but would tech or military prices be high in the last 3 or 4 days of the game? And how long is this stockpiling phase for?

Nuketon Game profile


Dec 17th 2011, 17:46:36

Military prices will be higher the further we get to the end of the set because people will be selling off their stockpiles, generally bushels, in order to buy military and possibly tech (if its low enough) to jump in NW and finish as high as possible. Market is on a first in first out basis lowest price prevailing. Tech prices will continue to fall except for military tech mostly. This is only because people will mbuy military tech to lower their private market costs. Tech overall could go up in the final hours of the game because any military or tech gives you more NW than cash, so if people buy out their private market and the public market is empty they would be forced to buy tech to maximize their end NW


New Member

Dec 17th 2011, 23:27:04

thanks. this helps my understanding of when to buy and sell. I've made numerous mistakes and i aim to fix that at the next restart with the right strategy.

I wont be doing any attacking now, but when the game restarts I'll need to learn how to grab for land. However, I don't want to play in the alliance server, but it seems that the only way to learn strats and fighting techniques is to join an alliance on the server. Does anyone know any other way other than joining an alliane i can learn more?

crest23 Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 3:43:23

Play Express, you can get 2 sets there to try things out before PRimary restarts.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Gzisimon2 Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 6:25:53

Play Free for all, you can experiment on 16 countries and try diff opening strats. It helped me alot...

Gzisimon2 Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 6:51:09

sites like eestats and earthgraphs help as well