
Aturan Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2023, 4:24:40

In regards to Fortress Europe (#21) vs A T U R A N (#51):

The blame for the RoR has been placed on me, and my lack of courtesy. When i make my retals i never send a retal message because i find them annoying and obnoxious. Ask cracky.

Fortress made the first (early) grab. I took my sweet time retalling (take the best ones last). As stated above i did not message retal with my hit. He RoRed me back, which I do believe was a mistake, but obviously at that point I'm going to drop the hammer.

Am I in the wrong for not submitting a retal message? Should I revise my policy? Isn't it easy enough to just take 2 seconds to check eestats?

Tmac Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 6:24:31

If I do a retal I always send a one word message "retal." I always know who I've hit and who has hit me, but I don't count on others to remember or check. The message is really just to up my odds of not getting hit back than it is a courtesy to them.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 17th 2023, 11:35:55

You are not in the wrong. If he RoRs you it's his fault because he broke GDI on you. If you do send a message it can easily be interpreted in a bad way either if you send just "retal" or you say something like "Retal for this attack, have a nice reset".

It all depends on the individual. Mostly you can't affect how people act, best is to just assume that they will do the worst thing possible for you and prepare for that. Sometimes you will be positively surprised.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 17th 2023, 11:50:51

Ohh and btw... Never ever retal a RoR with just 1 PS... thats rookie mistake. I did that one time. It was a fun war but not a great way to start it hahahaha.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2023, 13:22:54

Some people do not accept a huge delay in retal time. My retal window that I will accept is 24 hours generally. If you hit after that time frame I reserve the right to hit you again.
- Premium Patron Member

Tmac Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 15:06:06

The message is simply to avoid mistakes. Now they know their choice, ror and war or accept and move on. It's not aturan's fault, but they're both in a war regardless. The reason I keep it to one word is because anything more just feels like fake talk. "Retal" is just business.

I only do this if I think the other player is an experienced one. If I think it's one of those lower level guys I avoid hitting them back until I know they can't hit me back because they prob won't understand their choice anyway. No message needed in that case.

Just my opinion of course =)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 17th 2023, 15:18:36

I do it both ways. It seems both ways backfire with about equal frequency.

In general, people know who they've hit. If time has passed its good to send a reminder tho.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2023, 18:46:02

Doesn't make a difference...or does it?, I've made the mistake of doing a RoR in the past and immediately sent an apology message and resolved the issue diplomatically, i do always send the retal message so that person knows what the hit was about in case he forgot he had hit me.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Apr 17th 2023, 21:52:51

I use to do that message all the time "retal" or longer, back in the day, especially with 1000's of players. have not done it since coming back and can not recall if I was before I took a break. I guess in reality it was certainly no courtesy msg beyond wanting to net and have a clean round. As touched on above I have also had it go south with or without messages.

End of the day we all create our own etiquette and if it is not a qualification for deletion; it is anything goes. fault can only lie in ones own error in this case.



Apr 17th 2023, 22:01:48

It is funny as I use to have the 72 hour retal rule. I would even let players know after I hit them. This is going way back. honestly most of the targets had little chance anyway. It is funny now looking back as I will take a retal anytime I can muster it. Often I am no pushover so, well and ready for anyone who may want to have fun with it as being a late retal.

Tmac Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 22:08:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Doesn't make a difference...or does it?, I've made the mistake of doing a RoR in the past and immediately sent an apology message and resolved the issue diplomatically, i do always send the retal message so that person knows what the hit was about in case he forgot he had hit me.

Another example of why I like to send a message. Did you get away with the ror altogether or did they do a second retal? I typically wouldn't trust someone's word that they'd accept a second retal, lol(I'd trust you since I know you).

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2023, 22:10:38

Originally posted by Tmac:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Doesn't make a difference...or does it?, I've made the mistake of doing a RoR in the past and immediately sent an apology message and resolved the issue diplomatically, i do always send the retal message so that person knows what the hit was about in case he forgot he had hit me.

Another example of why I like to send a message. Did you get away with the ror altogether or did they do a second retal? I typically wouldn't trust someone's word that they'd accept a second retal, lol(I'd trust you since I know you).

Second retal was done :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

TidyTerry Game profile


May 9th 2023, 10:23:07

Mafia's script displays who hit you, how many times and how much acres they took in the top right hand corner on the home screen. It's a pretty cool feature - and many more!

More directly to the point of the thread, I usually send a message b/c it helps cut down the odds of an inadvertent RoR, as Tmac stated; but you are not in the wrong Aturan. I don't expect everyone to check eestats (I didn't for a long time, relying on saving my spy ops right after attack instead)....however it's lazy not to do so (unless you use the script, it allows you to be lazy without being reckless).

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2023, 12:51:12

Old posts are old.
- Premium Patron Member

Aturan Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2023, 14:36:50

Since it's been bumped, I'll just say that I still don't like sending a retal message, but may provide one from time to time if I think the other country has:

1. Forgotten due to a long time from initial hit, and
2. Is a generally respectable player/ country, and
3. The set is going well and I don't want to waste it chopping someone in half.

At least 2 of the 3 requirements must be met.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2023, 16:09:43

I usually send a message, and sometimes that leads into discussions with the person that can be friendly moving forward.

I generally try to trust people who accidentally RoR / break GDI but as others note, that tends to backfire equally.

Moving forward, I will only accept Retal Curtsies.

LightBringer Game profile


May 10th 2023, 3:03:14

I'm with Tmac. Will always send a message to let them know and just incase they forget it reduces the chances of ror. As far as I can remember, I've always gotten one when being retaled too, but maybe that's because it's happened so few times, and only by good players, and its a really solid hit, that I've gotten used to it and now expect it lol. But yeah, I guess it certainly shouldn't be expected, and you should always check the news to see if a hit is a retal or not.

SuperFly Game profile


May 10th 2023, 13:06:49

I sent messages when I retal and I sometimes get messages as well.

Anyways the retal window is as long as the set is in primary. If they ROR than missile dump it is!



May 10th 2023, 21:18:33

It is funny as a few sets back I did a retal and did not send a message. Then the guy hit me again. I went to war. I would do it again. That said the next set an ally was chatting with them and he told them such and such a country last set went all crazy over a retal. LOL. But yah you gotta break GDI for that. Who knows but seemed maybe they had no clue what had happened. Either way I would do it again.