Aug 10th 2019, 19:49:06
Simply because this was brought up in another topic, i guess i will explain who I am.
I have been playing EE since 6/20/2006. I Joined SOL and have been an on and off again member since then as my job required me to leave for a few months at a time. (Military-Air Force).
I have held many positions, all in the IA Department. I was IA Head in 2018 for a few months when no one else volunteered. I mostly kept off the EE forums and off the publics radar as I enjoy being in the shadows.
I am an IrcOP on Scourges IRC server where several clans are hosted.
I have been coding SOLs warbot/phone bot for a long time. Within the last year, it was recoded to allow all clans to use use it on both Scourges IRC Server and the EE server. (EEWarbot/EarthWarbot)
I also am in charge of the code for EarthNews on Scourges Server.
I ran public scripts for EE and GHQ that made the sites easier to use without breaking any intended game mechanics (Quick set build buttons, etc). This is what led Pang to me as he was directed to my scripts for ideas on what to do with the new UI. He asked me to help out on the new UI and learn a completely new coding language and I accepted.
There... that was a very short, very rough idea of who I am. :) The moral of the story is, I have been around but always kept to the shadows... at least until pang forced me out.