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no viva you were killed for specific reasons. Not everyone. A lot of tags are left 100% alone. You want to talk about it come find me in IRC. So, get your facts straight before spouting off your killed for no reason. The AB's were not the reason you were hit to.
haha what a load of crap, im sorry but KC you are seriously insane.
The only tags that you have "left alone" on this server are: 2 DBD,2 ETFT and the 2 MKR tags.
All the other tags are fagpack/TSO and you are going to kill Chubby/Knights and most likely notRD.
Your small penis envy really has you straight up tripping.
Also so that everyone knows I was actually #33 and just like last reset I was not looking to fight you retards but again for no reason other than I was RAPING your idiot members in legit retals you kill me. Is it because I am 100% better at running a country than everyone on your team? Probably is, because last set lamePack had 4 teams and yet they still had TSO send in their 4 teams to help tag kill us.
This set it was what 10 teams vs 1 again?