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GME is a stock that is turning Wall Street upside down and has exposed how corrupt and oppressive the so called free market is.
Anyways lots of common people have pooled their spare money and others like Rasp and I have liquidated our 401k’s to go all in / HAM / Balls Deep whatever you wanna call it to a) help the cause and b) get rich AF like a lot of redditors and a few earth players have already in this last week.
Anyways buy GME and hold. Do not sell. We are going to the moon and we need more diamond hands here!
Monday morning folks get those GME stocks or if you can’t stomach buying $400 shares than please buy BB or AMC.
Let’s go peeps!
Also we have spots left in GME so if you have diamond hands and are strong enough to hold the line and want to war with us against old paper hands CWG message for tag and pass
Unfortunately our crooked piece of fluff government is so deeply rooted with the wall street hedge fund fluffes that they picked up the phone and made someone in Robinhood and other platforms block us from trading, fluff the government, fluff congress, fluff the senate, fluff Robinhood and fluff the hedge fund fluffes! This totally exposed how fluffed up our government is, tyrannical mother fluffers!