
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2018, 17:45:31

Was just going to mention that utopia element haha. You're op req. I would and have played at least a set with most players who play team. Most but not quite all. I'd kinda be bummed getting forcibly paired with a known griefer whose intention is to ruin a set. With the length of the set tho I guess I'd be able to deal.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 2nd 2018, 15:01:14

^^thats exactly what you got the tribunal system and reports for in League of legends. also 5 man teams and also griefers there and you get a temp ban right after your first offence if enough people report you, and its in their interest to report you since they might have you on their team next game if they don't.

sinistril Game profile


Aug 2nd 2018, 16:38:17

Originally posted by Gerdler:
^^thats exactly what you got the tribunal system and reports for in League of legends. also 5 man teams and also griefers there and you get a temp ban right after your first offence if enough people report you, and its in their interest to report you since they might have you on their team next game if they don't.

eh, bad example. Tribunal was decommissioned, and temp bans were always extremely rare, chat restrictions and longer queue times (for afkers) were common but even temp bans for inting is usually not first offense. Also, you can report someone and they can still be on your team next game.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Aug 5th 2018, 2:53:56

What if your Team of five players randomly shuffled 2 players into and out of the other Teams, placing random existing members into another Team of equal members, but only after the first week of play, And scooped up any players without a Team already, placing all players in a Team? If not enough teams created for number of available players, then a Team A - Z name created with one member given admin ability to change name of Team. (That could turn out funny) The trade offs between exiting and entering members could be players near equal networth at the time.
What if after coming out of protection, all players could not land grab or use warring actions within this first week? This would avoid taking in someone already creating trouble elsewhere, possibly with your Team itself.
What if a server you entered already set up alliances amongst players randomly, ie: defense,offense,intel... and made you meet and play with new people randomly in this fashion?
What if a chat room were Already created for each Team created?
What if instead of DR's, you could not take more than a certain percent of any countries land in a given time frame?

Original Skywise L Game profile


Aug 5th 2018, 2:55:25

Country' bad

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2018, 6:00:03

Hmm. I still 100% hate the idea of playing with douchebags instead of my friends. The whole entire reason I play earth is social and there's a handful of people I'd just be like nah and be inactive instead of playing if I had to net with them up my ass or war for dumb reasons. Idk.