
Red X Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 16:13:33

pheer me, how has your guys sets been?
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

ingle Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 16:17:57

Enforce real 5 man teams already! :P


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 16:27:52

Yah, do that. Starting next set since this one is already underway.

My suggestion on how to do it I think is quite simple:

1) Do not allow teams to make more than one tag. Teams are supposed to be 5 players.
2) Allow teams to make non-aggression pacts and negotiate reps, retals, trades, etc. with other teams freely
3) Do NOT allow uninstigated multi-tag coordinated attacks.

So, for example, everyone who participated in this:
would be deleted if they did it next set.

Anyway, pretty simple I think.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 16:45:53

great, i've been killing little weiners

i mean whiners


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 17:06:55

oh im sure youre slayin weiners on the reg trife

Edited By: blid on Feb 21st 2014, 17:26:52. Reason: BETTER PHRASING
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 17:33:58

i agree entirely with blid. this server could be so much better than it is if only we took basic and simple steps towards enforcing not only the spirit of the server but the idea of the server on a whole.

naps are fun, so nine tags can all be allied, as in not attack each other, but once they work together to attack anybody mods delete them for cheating.



EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 17:44:23

5 player teams are like hard-coded into the game itself, adn trife says "whiner" for asking for there to be 5 player teams. KINDA FUny
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


New Member

Feb 21st 2014, 17:58:20

Originally posted by blid:
oh im sure youre slayin weiners on the reg trife

lol, good one :)

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 17:58:40

ugh, i have too many handles

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 18:09:43

but only two love handles :(

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 18:21:43

cross team efforts should be minimalized, countries breaking rules should be frozen until further explained. if say a country suicides on 2 teams at once, then i think its okay for them to kill it together, otherwise restricting inter-team efforts would be nice.


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 18:57:18

Yeah hsifreta, I agree, that's why I said "uninstigated" in my rule 3. If it's instigated, have at it
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 18:57:37

he raises good points- thia is where game mods whom actively follow the server come into play. in that situation both tags would, apart from the other, be carrying out the same actions, ie killing. but without both having been wronged originally, working together is delete worthy.

a grey area, yes, but this is why wed trust the mods to police us. it is he fairest way anybody has suggested.

ingle Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 19:02:40

We've been waiting for real 5-man teams for a long time.

Afaik also suggested a rule for a "Team GDI" where you can't actually do aggressive attacks against a team unless they have done more than 2 attacks:

Originally posted by afaik:
could we implement a single-tag equivalent of the primary GDI, i.e. no country in tag A can use special attack/harmful ops against any country in tag B, unless a country in tag B has hit one country in tag A at least 2 times in a set?

that would facilitate war as soon as someone ROR's or multi taps a country, otherwise confining things to grabs and retals, also facilitating netting.

no i haven't thought it through, but the promised changes have been a long time so the discussion needs reviving either way.

this would also remove the 1 hit: kill policies which have emerged due to large alliances coming over from 1a and not being willing to accept the established server protocol.

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 19:17:32

odd, i don't see anything in the server details that states that teams cannot be allied and/or work together.

i don't like FAing top the top 10 in alliance server, but since within the rules of the game it's allowed to happen


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 19:49:20

5-player teams are coded into the server itself. wjhat's the ponit of that, if y'all just linking 5-player teams to make a 20-player alliance. that's obviously circumventing the intention of the server
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

ingle Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 19:49:44

Originally posted by Trife:
odd, i don't see anything in the server details that states that teams cannot be allied and/or work together.

i don't like FAing top the top 10 in alliance server, but since within the rules of the game it's allowed to happen

Originally posted by qzjul:
Hi all;

There's a number of suggestions out there, but I thought I'd start a thread to consolidate them for my future reference.

Basically, we're well aware that the team server team limit of 5 is being abused; however it's not easy to deal with that. Teams can appear to be unrelated and then work in an alliance fashion for killruns, so moderation becomes difficult until after-the-fact. Our mods, unfortunately, can't afford to donate hours per day to moderating, so fixing via moderation isn't a very good option.

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 19:50:49

right so just wanted to confirm that you guys were whining and moaning about us 'breaking unwritten rules'

10-4, over and out

archaic Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 19:55:28

No, Trife - we are whining about having a bunch of douches ruin the server. Your facts seem to be out of alignment sir.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 19:59:35

Originally posted by Trife:
right so just wanted to confirm that you guys were whining and moaning about us 'breaking unwritten rules'

10-4, over and out
doesn't seem to be an unwritten rule, seems to be an actual rule judging by the qzjul post above?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 21st 2014, 20:02:14

is kind of right about breaking unwritten rules though.
EE Developer


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 20:13:47

i don't know, i think it takes some pretty massive blinders to wave it away and say 'oh you and your unwritten rules' when it *is* written, in the game code itself no less, and when qzjul has written as well, personally, in a post quoted in this very thread, that it's 'abuse'
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:18:59

let us have more than five in a tag, or enforce the five man team aspect of the.. wait for it.. team server

i live to love you, trife, but youre on the wrong side of this one my friend :(

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:21:45

Originally posted by blid:
in the game code itself no less

the game code sets the limit for each team at 5 members. nothing is written into the game code, or the game rules/server details saying anything to the effect of 'different teams cannot work together or participate in killruns together'

if the game admins actually wrote that (diff teams can't work/kill together) into the game code or the server details, then you'd have a point. but then you'd have to define what constitutes working/killing together, and a system/review that prevents it. if a guy suicides on 3 different teams, which team has the right to kill him?

but agian, until the "game code" or server details/game rules make different teams working together against the rules of the server - all you're doing is biatching and moaning. just like people do in alliance about land trading, FA chains, farming untags, FSing smaller alliances. each and every one of those things is legal.



EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 20:25:02

some things shouldn't need to be said. but nevertheless, qzjul said it. see quoted post.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 21st 2014, 20:33:30

Originally posted by blid:
i don't know, i think it takes some pretty massive blinders to wave it away and say 'oh you and your unwritten rules' when it *is* written, in the game code itself no less, and when qzjul has written as well, personally, in a post quoted in this very thread, that it's 'abuse'

Originally posted by qzjul:
Basically, we're well aware that the team server team limit of 5 is being abused

yep. we are aware that there is abuse occuring. I don't think that statement can be construed to mean that 'we' agree that every instance of one team helping another constitutes ABUSE of the game.

I do agree that this server doesn't work how we expected as it is and we are working to change that. but until it is something else, it is still what it is. hmmm.
EE Developer

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:35:14

Originally posted by blid:
some things shouldn't need to be said. but nevertheless, qzjul said it. see quoted post.

sure, he said those quoted things on Aug 4th 2012

why hasn't it made it into the actual rules for the server?

a forum post does not mean official rules. he's talking about changes/suggestions in that thread. but, for arguments sake, lets say that forum post is the official rules. why hasn't it been enforced in 1.5 years? it's not like teams working together is a new thing, is it? and by your own posts, the anti-TSO crowd is guilty of doing the exact same thing?


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 20:39:54

he says why in the post. he thinks moderation would be hard, except for after-the-fact. (i personally think it would work.) so he thinks, instead of moderation, he needs to make game engine changes or find new ideas, which is a long-term kind of project, esp with all the time spent on alliance
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 20:41:10

Actually, a big change since then is the restart change. NOW if people were deleted after the fact, and the killed player got to restart with the new restart rules, the victim would come out without losing all that much and the abusers would be set back hugely. Delete for cross-tag fluff once or twice and it would instantly be almost completely eradicated.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 21st 2014, 20:44:59

so who gets to decide which cross-tag stuff isn't allowed? ha! lets make it another crippled solo server for 5 people to play at once. may as well let those 5 people share their own market as well, to further reduce the risk of cross-tag trading.

EE Developer


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 20:47:24

Why would only 5 people play?

I think the below is simple and would work fine (basically, outlaw the uninstigated cross-tag kill/crippple runs)
Originally posted by blid:
Yah, do that. Starting next set since this one is already underway.

My suggestion on how to do it I think is quite simple:

1) Do not allow teams to make more than one tag. Teams are supposed to be 5 players.
2) Allow teams to make non-aggression pacts and negotiate reps, retals, trades, etc. with other teams freely
3) Do NOT allow uninstigated multi-tag coordinated attacks.

So, for example, everyone who participated in this:
would be deleted if they did it next set.

Anyway, pretty simple I think.

The current set up is actually already driving people off the server you know.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:47:34

Originally posted by blid:
Actually, a big change since then is the restart change. NOW if people were deleted after the fact, and the killed player got to restart with the new restart rules, the victim would come out without losing all that much and the abusers would be set back hugely. Delete for cross-tag fluff once or twice and it would instantly be almost completely eradicated.

good suggestion. now, put something like that into the actual rules, with definitions/examples of cross tag stuff that doesn't lay within the spirit of the rules of the server and baby, you've got a stew going!

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:51:45

don't get me wrong, i like some of these ideas i've seen posted as to how to actually enforce the 'spirit' of the server and wouldn't be opposed to some of them... my whole point is that TSO is not, and has not been breaking game rules. and thusly, all blid/ingle/crest's posts recently just amount to biatching and moaning and crying. just like 'omg NO FA chains/landtrading/farming of untags/FSing of smaller allainces' is in the alliance servers.

anyways, back to work. here's a tissue for y'all.

Red X Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 21:50:48

lol wow anyway =]
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Trife Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 22:08:13

Originally posted by Red X:
lol wow anyway =]

we derailed your thread

it was super effective!

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 22:12:54

pfft, if you want to see derailed just have blid and myself start up a conversation about bolshevism.. then it'll REALLY be derailed ;)

archaic Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 22:29:13

Trife, what I don't get is why exactly you guys insist on trying to drive everybody off of this server? I get that it was for the lulz for a few months - but its been over half a year - none of us want to fight anymore. We have offered Boltar pacts with any retal terms he might want to end this thing and yet set after set you guys just insist on pushing the same buttons. We are down under 10 members still playing on the whole server, you guys win - get the fluff over it all ready.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 22:38:28

their intent isn't to drive everybody off the server. if that were indeed the case, then being their friends wouldn't matter and i would've been killed off with nary a fight many, many times. i think it's the vitriol that surrounds the whole "fight" that fuels them.

whether one is right or the other wrong or not, this is an issue more with the lack of moderation on the server more so than the actual players on the server.

the admins or mods have had literally years to resolve the issue, yet continue not to enforce a single aspect of what is supposed to differentiate this server from alliance.

this, of course, does not tacitly remove erring or wrongdoing, mind you. bolts and i had a few hiccups earlier before it was determined we'd not war each other, ie diplomacy to prevent any such occurrences. if i recall, archy, you benefited from this arrangement while with us (by the way, you're always and forever welcomed back, my friend!)

so much blame being put everywhere, so very little actual communication :(

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 23:25:34

i will happily play the ambassador to the detente between ya'll, where we all come out friends (mostly where i am known as the greatest team server diplomat of ALL TIME! ;p)

alls i ask is that trife sends me the catalog of kitten toys he had [erroneously] mailed to him, and boltar sends me before and after pics of him on the ac boardwalk (before he gets to the boardwalk, and after he's arrived at the boardwalk)


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 23:36:05

they were never going to stop braden, there were dozens of posts last set, entering the 5th month of war, asking them if they would ever stop and saying it had gotten ridiculous. it was just ignored. no attempt to engage in ending it because they weren't interested in that. if you had been a part of etft you couldn't have gotten them to agree to peace. they agreed to peace with you so they could focus on warring etft and their allies. tso got the fluff beat out of them for the first few sets of war and so would never stop until they had reestablished dominance, as they like being the kings of this fluffty server and able to do whatever they wish. so now the netters got war fatigue and left, and they're hunting down untagged countries and first striking small teams. now i guess it's over because everybody quit, and that was the only way it was ever gonna end
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 23:56:26

i finished second on the server while tagged etft.. or eftf.. or whichever variation it may have been, either way, my ability to be friends with both sides allowed me to play as i wished to, with little to no threat from either side, while literally tagged in their opposition.

do you want to resolve the issue, or continue to verbally attack them? who is right or who is wrong? did you, along with more than four other players in your single tag, fight them? then you should have been deleted, alongside them being deleted, for nobodys sake but the benefit of the server.

you, AND them. who is to blame? you? them? or the moderators to whom the server was entrusted and who then ever refused to lift a finger?

we needn't fight each other, what we need is all of us to take a united front and endeavor to the game admins actually to make this server, to force by active moderation, this server into what it should and was only ever intended to be.

so long as you're on one bloc fighting another bloc, you are both simultaneously ruining the server for those of us who wish nothing but to play on even or level playing fields.

when i'm the voice of reason, the voice of legitimacy, you should understand something has gone terribly, terribly wrong :(


EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2014, 0:16:50

the issue is resolved braden, everyone quit. until that happened, they woudln't have stopped. that's just a fact. don't you realize it's possible that one side would insist on warring against the other side's wishes, with no recourse for the attacked side? that's possible, isn't it? im not attacking tso here, just saying how it is. etft was fighting unwillingly for 5 months before they quit with TSO never willing to negotiate. if you had played in etft, you would die. you lived because you made a neutral tag while etft got killed. TSO doesnt WANT the multi-tag alliances ended either. they like them because they can use that to dominate the server. boltar's been asked a billion times to stop doing it and refuses, because he wants to be king

Edited By: blid on Feb 22nd 2014, 0:35:55
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 0:42:45

no, i lived while within the etft tag, or at the very least under their auspices (because, well, both sides are guilty of the inherent issue with this server, that being multiple tags not being deleted for coordination)

i started out in rd, where we dominated the server. we drove mkr and many others out, having killed them, we were the first, we set the gold standard, so to speak that tso now trades off.

With the help of deli i realized the error of our ways, and since then have simply only ever wanted this server to be fixed.

there isn't a line drawn in the sand between us players, the line needs to be drawn between us players and the admins who refuse to fix the server or enforce the existing rules, which are quite obvious to anybody that doesn't wish to refute the obvious, which is five vs five is fun, six vs five, or sixteen, or sixty vs five ruins the enjoyment for EVERYBODY who plays.

my only desire is for this server to work. i love it, and refuse to give up on it. ingle being driven from anywhere is a shame, as him playing makes the game more fun for anybody else who gets the pleasure of competing against him or playing with him. i will say the same for you, and any number of other people. silent wolf, for example, i met when i was thirteen years old, fourteen years ago. him playing makes me happy. him not playing makes me less than happy.

tso is not to blame, as far as i see it :( i can only hope we fix the server and ya'll return, because, as i said, it's more fun with you all here

braden Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 0:44:54

and bolts, regardless of any game aspects, in some of our hearts, you will always be king <3 ;)

archaic Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 2:28:57

Braden, I'd love to go back - but I willingly left being neutral behind to stand up to injustice. In a way, I have picked up the torch that the ETFT guys threw down. I will never lick the boot, I will not net while a gang of bullies is driving other innocent netters off of the server.

I benefited from TSO, and I played with them - but Boltar does not just bear a striking resemblance to hugo chavez, he became him. The savior became the oppressor. I will not rest until Robespierre has his turn under the blade, until TSO's head is lying in the basket. Viva la' Team!

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 3:38:14


sorry, it's too fun a word not to scream :P

but maximilien de references will only ever further divide :( divide as in head from body. IT'S RAINING TERROR, OH SORRY, WRONG RAIN :( history is fun :P but he also was pro reformation, in whatever sense you may apply it to it- be it revolutionary france or anti catholicism.., was anti death penalty and he was pro equal rights.. none of which can realistically be applied to tso on this server, as they are anti revolutionary, don't mention the holy see of rome, at all, and are decidedly pro death penatly, so to speak, and arguably against equality.. love the reference, but where do i misunderstand its relation to the server?

vive le archaic pour la vie!

archaic Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 4:11:03

well, they killed me before I fired a shot
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Scorba Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 4:29:14

It would be great if 5 man teams were made realistic in some enforceable way but there will always be people looking to abuse the system. The only reason the current mess has gone on for so long is because neither side will admit fault or has tried to end the conflict. Without that, any sort of peace would be pointless as the same events that caused the problem would be repeated. The wars will likely continue for many more sets because of this.

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 4:41:17

Originally posted by Trife:
odd, i don't see anything in the server details that states that teams cannot be allied and/or work together.

i don't like FAing top the top 10 in alliance server, but since within the rules of the game it's allowed to happen

while it's not in the rules, i would agree that having a 5 man team experience is more fun and challenging than having "another" alliance experience. so right now, people are bringing forth suggestions and not complaining about the works.

i agree with the Team GDI, but only if it also protects against farming.

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 4:43:36

Originally posted by qzjul:
Hi all;

There's a number of suggestions out there, but I thought I'd start a thread to consolidate them for my future reference.

Basically, we're well aware that the team server team limit of 5 is being abused; however it's not easy to deal with that. Teams can appear to be unrelated and then work in an alliance fashion for killruns, so moderation becomes difficult until after-the-fact. Our mods, unfortunately, can't afford to donate hours per day to moderating, so fixing via moderation isn't a very good option.

surely there's a way, say if you hardcode into the game that teams cannot coordinate or work together, eg. GDI or a single tag war dec requirement to special attacks, mods will not need time to moderate the server. or increase team size to 10 so people can defend themselves properly, but i have an inkling feeling that teams of 5 is geared towards netting more than warring, hence 5 rather than higher numbers per tag.

so basically, the rules themselves imply the server for a team-netting challenge, but being inadequate, what they are actually doing is encouraging a gan grape environment. (eg. reality between unwritten and written rules)

Edited By: hsifreta on Feb 22nd 2014, 4:50:23
See Original Post