Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2433
Currently Logged in: 188

Top Players - Primary

Next Reset Sixth round: Nov 01, 2010 - Dec 31, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 608 countries in the Primary server.

1 Lands of hope (#58) 33,772$101,828,454 DG
2 JC001 (#127) 51,994$92,743,243 CG
3 Nega Ibeun Wedding Dress (#101) 33,666$87,141,325 HG
4 Ill give Aspirin a headache (#139) 11,726$69,745,596 DG
5 Mazel Tov (#47) 40,564$56,481,003 C
6 Land of Shadow (#44) 42,439$54,392,924 C
7 PrimaryNov2Dec31 (#85) 35,239$54,251,355 HG
8 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#153)  Game profile 20,753$48,975,135 FG
9 M4 part 2 (#79) 20,540$45,587,987 RG
10 Sons of Anarchy (#71)  Game profile 24,392$41,355,129 HG
11 MSCI (#88) 27,893$41,254,128 HG
12 Forgotten Realms (#56)  Game profile 33,531$40,311,394 D
13 Risin Up (#112) 37,174$38,653,102 I
14 Shui (#104) 18,529$37,947,228 HG
15 llaars landfarm (#116) 17,698$36,853,884 RG
16 Essence of Tumescence (#172)  Game profile 44,966$36,540,624 F
17 Cunning Linguist (#9) 19,388$35,916,764 HG
18 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#144)  Game profile 34,988$34,891,628 IG
19 Lakuna (#18) 20,041$34,553,047 R
20 Land of Little People (#141) 17,823$34,528,486 D
21 Young Theb (#105)  Game profile 11,934$32,769,691 HG
22 Kammer (#59) 35,047$31,274,435 C
23 OMGWTFBBQLOLROFL (#4)  Game profile 13,133$31,155,186 DG
24 HungryHungryHippos (#63) 9050$29,224,993 D
25 Tyrosine (#80) 16,935$28,470,254 FG
26 CronoMarleLuccaMagusAylaFrogRobo (#43) 22,021$28,233,604 D
27 TE2400 (#95) 23,605$28,201,306 R
28 Bronze Rider (#70) 16,724$27,310,798 RG
29 Dopplegangah (#138) 12,117$27,037,041 FG
30 Lisa Yong (#73) 44,282$26,241,889 I
31 Rygoat (#124) 19,339$26,129,827 DG
32 The Seksi Espada (#281) 20,739$25,000,005 CG
33 Borla (#41) 19,867$23,882,896 R
34 Spinut (#61) 23,667$23,647,788 C
35 The Last Outpost (#32) 18,585$23,243,138 D
36 mnnhhjkj (#14)  Game profile 14,306$22,501,661 TG
37 Sesame Seed Bun (#57) 16,018$21,701,059 C
38 Octoroon Mistress (#202) 16,953$20,021,221 I
39 Rottweil (#55) 12,997$19,866,750 R
40 HighSpeedThrillCoaster (#183) 15,704$19,733,884 R
41 Here Fishy Fishy (#255) 14,326$19,611,199 RG
42 All of the Above (#146) 19,715$18,854,302 D
43 Legolas (#94)  Game profile 22,175$18,366,723 C
44 Sovereign Hawaii (#91) 12,024$17,995,927 FG
45 Old Guy (#3) 22,056$17,822,655 I
46 Knighthcar (#38) 20,456$17,726,780 RG
47 I wanna b like u when i grow up (#17) 22,723$17,607,238 C
48 Fluff Me (#289) 14,708$17,270,971 F
49 Pagron (#30) 13,564$16,741,742 R
50 Hersonissos (#110) 18,169$15,453,931 H
51 RECON (#21) 12,159$15,016,955 D
52 like a g6 (#245) 22,358$14,410,039 F
53 aaaaaaaaa (#150) 10,648$13,806,088 RG
54 Intrepid (#10) 11,751$13,795,802 D
55 Union of Asian Nations (#98) 16,639$13,333,925 FG
56 Painkiller (#97)  Game profile 14,254$13,059,006 IG
57 Qwerty (#28)  Game profile 18,646$12,941,050 CG
58 Solaris (#90) 12,689$12,760,707 H
59 King of ABs (#35)  Game profile 8604$12,404,308 C
60 LickMyLeftTesticle (#11) 4793$12,306,591 C
61 OldSch00L (#304) 17,685$12,296,994 CG
62 Fluffin Wainwright (#13) 7088$12,116,255 HG
63 Mamamia (#82) 12,621$11,861,661 RG
64 Prancing Nougat (#148) 13,534$11,774,695 C
65 Take It Up The Butt (#160) 12,160$11,594,675 C
66 The Coon (#320) 17,502$11,538,284 I
67 TripleSixMafia (#109) 18,950$11,469,857 C
68 lovebird (#51) 13,359$11,315,090 IG
69 casino (#203) 21,016$10,586,459 T
70 diamonds and guns (#26)  Game profile 14,198$10,475,394 H
71 easy does it (#118) 10,138$10,374,593 D
72 wombats (#134) 18,129$10,306,932 C
73 Retired (#66) 12,092$10,198,982 TG
74 Sector Z (#74) 13,545$10,115,319 C
75 The Living Nightmare (#92) 13,010$10,021,147 F
76 N3wbee (#379) 12,406$10,016,103 CG
77 Roskilde (#48) 11,140$9,955,514 H
78 Dark Skies (#261) 10,815$9,940,629 CG
79 Badnews (#76) 15,935$9,596,915 I
80 BLUAARGH (#87) 9438$9,593,925 I
81 Bozoland (#209) 9606$9,584,077 DG
82 Doors of Perception (#145) 7490$9,579,478 F
83 Blagu (#326) 8523$9,501,383 R
84 Mintberrytopia (#321) 7213$9,494,738 H
85 Hamachi (#159) 11,441$9,298,077 TG
86 Gods Realm (#215) 13,296$9,036,567 D
87 Azrael (#108) 10,258$9,006,248 C
88 Stormwind555 (#370) 12,358$8,955,406 MG
89 storland (#264) 9690$8,809,981 C
90 Suicidal (#474) 9369$8,751,776 RG
91 nksg (#34) 11,276$8,688,999 CG
92 Penguin Vacation (#170) 14,699$8,586,433 IG
93 Tutuwarrior (#286)  Game profile 13,449$8,456,358 DG
94 Sith Land (#6) 14,320$8,386,029 CG
95 Rams Pink Elephant (#270) 10,408$8,209,022 H
96 Giggity (#151) 14,374$8,150,961 T
97 luigidom (#117) 10,686$7,953,314 M
98 Luck of the Irish (#158) 11,161$7,497,242 C
99 Jean Gary Diablo (#399) 11,221$7,240,770 DG
100 Nagant (#191) 16,073$7,123,880 CG

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