Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Eighteenth round: Jun 12, 2011 - Jul 13, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 179 countries in the Team server.

1 Leonidas (#99) 20,768$84,035,722 HG DBDFIVE
2 Fat lands (#64) 22,448$79,850,872 H Ass
3 Going nowhere very quickly (#105) 32,998$68,194,315 CG eLORDSe
4 Death By Detritus (#101) 24,995$63,702,670 R DBD2
5 Walls Of Stalingrad (#46) 33,464$61,376,579 HG DBD4
6 Death By Dehiscence (#47) 26,239$56,332,408 DG DBD
7 Death By Daffodil (#52) 34,598$55,253,708 HG DBD3
8 Death by Daniel (#51) 41,711$54,079,282 TG DBD3
9 I created this country drunk (#98)  Game profile 66,215$51,276,006 C Ass
10 D e a t h B y D a s C C C P (#78)  Game profile 24,000$49,424,242 HG DBD3
11 The Fat of the Land (#131) 38,447$46,879,210 H KICK
12 Death by Diplomatics (#67) 31,817$46,319,442 H DBD
13 Death Before DruncK (#27)  Game profile 23,007$46,015,267 R DBDFIVE
14 Deadmans Wonderland (#33) 21,684$45,744,504 H xLoTx
15 Death By Dingdong (#145) 20,805$44,727,533 R DBD3
16 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#1)  Game profile 21,802$44,568,118 F LORDS
17 Havocado (#137)  Game profile 27,608$43,619,347 H Shaolin
18 Mr Reseda (#18)  Game profile 21,291$42,655,728 RG RD
19 Death by Dirty Sanchez (#87)  Game profile 18,984$41,977,645 R DBD
20 Death By Diamonds (#9)  Game profile 16,351$41,863,474 HG DBDFIVE
21 Death By Dalwhinnie (#125) 18,697$41,066,368 R DBD3
22 CRNA GORA (#19) 34,507$40,607,455 I Ass
23 tEh siCKmAllz FTW (#20) 9222$39,951,368 DG eLORDSe
24 Dat Be Dreaming (#171) 18,863$38,378,901 R DBDFIVE
25 H (#8) 22,302$37,609,630 R xLORDSx
26 Drugs Before Disco (#16) 18,191$37,181,904 R DBD
27 Serious Error Wild or Gambling (#134) 18,295$36,636,079 H TheMonks
28 Death By Drudgery (#77) 17,599$35,649,540 R DBD2
29 RD IX AoK (#109) 18,375$35,279,770 DG RDxKILL
30 Like A Baus (#158) 9127$35,027,524 DG TheMonks
31 blah (#58) 13,334$34,325,617 H Sweety
32 D e a t h B y D o o b i e (#63) 14,365$34,305,791 R DBD4
33 The Church of the Machine (#50) 18,790$33,446,738 C DBD4
34 Death Before Dachshunds (#88)  Game profile 16,869$33,193,446 R DBD
35 Blind Side of Life (#103) 18,563$33,066,708 D DBD4
36 Kammerjaeger (#5) 27,583$32,704,437 C MKRES
37 Evolysium (#132)  Game profile 16,127$31,761,980 R Shaolin
38 Death By Disgavel (#2) 22,120$30,307,717 H DBD2
39 Gladiator (#48) 16,746$29,530,983 T RDxKILL
40 Crystal Meth Polar Bear (#121)  Game profile 19,463$27,783,128 D KICK
41 o W a n H a T O o (#43) 24,596$27,661,155 R KICK
42 RED MONKS (#153) 21,617$27,421,417 DG Shaolin
43 Hovercraft full of eels (#140)  Game profile 9018$26,527,948 I MKRWLVS
44 Emo Maison (#25) 19,019$26,280,624 R KICK
45 HokieNation (#72)  Game profile 20,481$26,036,822 C MKRWLVS
46 MeKeRave (#123) 36,517$25,923,569 T MKRES
47 Soviet Union (#49) 31,611$23,496,715 T Ass
48 Beer Bong (#42)  Game profile 19,389$23,365,866 T Soda
49 Longwei Petroleum LPH (#97) 16,901$22,590,094 T SKYxRD
50 rEVOlution (#61)  Game profile 20,700$22,480,900 C TheMonks
51 Ali is a chompoholic (#84) 16,672$22,453,552 R xLORDSx
52 I Wont Let Go (#39) 13,569$21,525,490 T LORDS
53 C R O A T I A (#86)  Game profile 12,163$20,917,333 IG  
54 Mr Firebrick (#169) 13,301$20,861,102 RG RD
55 The Land of Many Acres (#34)  Game profile 53,598$20,642,281 C KICK
56 Fuzzy Squirrels (#69)  Game profile 21,006$20,520,230 T SKYxRD
57 Ya Ya YA (#117) 22,461$20,269,122 R Sweety
58 Natsu Dragneel (#65) 18,992$19,793,801 T SKYxRD
59 a pickle in hand (#15) 5886$18,966,650 T LORDS
60 FireandBlood (#93) 14,343$18,675,344 I MKRWLVS
61 J Don Fernandes (#146) 12,471$18,634,782 H eLORDSe
62 Riiiiiight (#102) 21,943$17,595,287 R MKR
63 Yes im going to retal you (#45) 5099$17,085,836 C STONES
64 TBP (#159) 16,939$16,978,917 T RDxKILL
65 MKRs Buried Treasure (#17) 15,178$16,762,507 I MKRES
66 smashathon (#31)  Game profile 16,962$16,682,822 C MKRES
67 Big Wills snowpLow (#40) 12,862$16,597,139 H xLoTx
68 Polgara (#55) 21,866$16,297,647 H MKR
69 WoGing the Artichoke (#178) 10,745$15,234,368 R Ass
70 Give me wenches or give me death (#124) 15,902$15,195,216 T Cheek
71 Soviet Unionn (#94) 18,295$14,879,184 T xKaoSx
72 KSFforever (#111) 14,303$14,390,466 I xLoTx
73 Mr Gainsboro (#174) 14,412$14,288,001 R ResDogs
74 WARLORDe (#118)  Game profile 12,427$12,594,339 F eLORDSe
75 Death By Dactylology (#104) 21,172$12,461,233 D DBD2
76 SheGiveHEADinTheMorning (#135)  Game profile 18,964$12,308,665 C Shaolin
77 Wolf (#57) 8463$10,814,582 I STONES
78 Hateful (#149) 41,135$10,753,980 T Cheek
79 JERKurCHAIN (#35) 15,386$10,569,787 T JERKS
80 Leather n Lace (#3) 10,953$10,324,823 T JERKS
81 Free Lenny (#56) 9981$9,948,879 I Cheek
82 Treponema Pallidum (#92)  Game profile 19,560$9,832,238 HG xKaoSx
83 rawr (#6) 17,429$9,768,240 R JERKS
84 Zen Molested Me (#157) 15,507$9,625,868 I Sweety
85 Kill me while on holidays (#208)  Game profile 9677$9,319,974 T xLORDSx
86 Altars Of Madness (#24) 10,791$9,274,069 H xLORDSx
87 sampaul (#21)  Game profile 19,717$9,052,500 T Soda
88 Death By Der KSF (#79) 8918$8,783,165 T DBD2
89 EEVIL X (#68) 16,934$8,378,726 T RDxKILL
90 Make It Rain (#122) 7363$8,004,127 I Cheek
91 Double Penetration FBI (#133)  Game profile 11,385$7,886,064 T Cheek
92 Rectum Destroyer (#66) 15,662$7,716,466 I ResDogs
93 killing machine (#36) 16,309$7,127,638 M MKR
94 Mr Kona Gold (#30) 11,750$6,241,718 C RDxKILL
95 Pwnistan (#76) 6758$6,229,123 T STONES
96 All That Remains (#167) 14,911$5,364,275 F MKR
97 llaar (#62) 19,572$5,078,957 R SKYxRD
98 Midievil Monk (#11)  Game profile 17,541$5,016,531 F Shaolin
99 Famine (#220) 8370$4,654,104 H xLoTx
100 Death by Deliciousness (#54)  Game profile 14,651$4,318,522 R DBD4

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