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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset Fifty-sixth round: Sep 16, 2014 - Oct 17, 2014 Prev Reset
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Top 19 (out of 19) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
the weedy netgaining alliance weedylar 5 $202,823,859 $40,564,772
Vincey's Sexret Codes DaVincey 5 $189,270,935 $37,854,187
Female Body Inspectors FBISEX 5 $168,121,024 $33,624,205
Identity Identity 5 $165,372,591 $33,074,518
VILLAINS VILLAINS 5 $147,685,525 $29,537,105
Hot Chicks and Fast Cars HCaFC 5 $136,972,830 $27,394,566
Star League SL 5 $134,062,747 $26,812,549
Sex in a net SexToys 5 $101,533,335 $20,306,667
The Elder Council Elders 2 $87,961,115 $43,980,558
ALL IN ALLIN 4 $80,733,558 $20,183,390
BUTTSEKS BUTTSEKS 4 $73,030,011 $18,257,503
The Wild Bunch xWBx 5 $48,077,593 $9,615,519
MILFSEX MILFSEX 3 $18,027,581 $6,009,194
KSF KSF 1 $8,980,605 $8,980,605
Jihad JIHAD 1 $8,812,709 $8,812,709
Chaos One ChAoS 2 $5,689,601 $2,844,801
WhyMissingInAction YMIA 1 $3,016,342 $3,016,342
Posse Of Mad Snarky Divas PMS 2 $1,185,294 $592,647
Anger Anger 1 $870,243 $870,243

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