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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset Eighth round: Aug 06, 2010 - Sep 06, 2010 Prev Reset
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Top 25 (out of 30) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Every Time Fun Time ETFT 5 $192,459,033 $38,491,807
Mid Knight Riders MKR 4 $156,931,024 $39,232,756
Death Before Disco DBD 5 $154,109,353 $30,821,871
Death Before Doo Wop DBD2 5 $136,684,885 $27,336,977
OurGang OG 5 $133,874,044 $26,774,809
Hello Fellow Pleasure Seekers xxRDxx 5 $114,829,657 $22,965,931
Flank Knalf 4 $108,882,933 $27,220,733
Wrath Will Own The Top 10 Wrath 5 $107,430,478 $21,486,096
Newb Patrol xXNPXx 5 $94,470,309 $18,894,062
Lords Lords 5 $77,598,169 $15,519,634
Reservoir Dogs xRDx 5 $74,149,665 $14,829,933
Reservoir Dogs RDxCOLD 4 $53,205,168 $13,301,292
LORDS xLORDSx 3 $46,066,479 $15,355,493
Mid-Knight Riders MKR2 5 $40,453,934 $8,090,787
ZENRAVIASSASSIN ZEN 5 $36,272,867 $7,254,573
Templars xTx 4 $35,701,220 $8,925,305
Reservoir Dogs RDKill 3 $23,312,554 $7,770,851
HG xNAxHG 5 $21,112,076 $4,222,415
Templars5 xT5x 4 $17,552,451 $4,388,113
Ragnarok Ragnarok 5 $13,147,500 $2,629,500
R ed D evil Penguins ResDogs 4 $11,924,897 $2,981,224
xResDogsx xResDogs 2 $8,352,005 $4,176,003
Female Body Inspector FBI 4 $6,104,578 $1,526,145
The Nameless Elite xNEx 3 $5,881,076 $1,960,359
RDsTemplars xRDTx 1 $2,665,112 $2,665,112

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