Active countries: 2435
Currently Logged in: 184
Currently Logged in: 184
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | 169th round: Apr 01, 2024 - May 01, 2024 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 20 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | p h i l t r e (#1) | 15,203 | $33,745,815 | RG |
2 | Land of Little People (#3) | 17,452 | $31,361,899 | CG |
3 | The Bell Tolls (#10) | 15,335 | $26,833,630 | DG |
4 | BiBiGoN (#16) | 13,873 | $25,465,200 | DG |
5 | DogDiedtimeforaGerbil (#13) | 13,211 | $24,239,267 | RG |
6 | Happiest Time of the Year (#14) | 9895 | $23,729,610 | HG |
7 | Ok (#11) | 12,318 | $21,499,415 | HG |
8 | Back to the Future (#17) | 10,778 | $20,400,554 | RG |
9 | Arathodoxia (#4) | 17,069 | $18,403,071 | CG |
10 | Tyri (#15) | 16,517 | $11,155,313 | CG |
There were 39 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | The Aturan Empire (#1) | 14,618 | $18,106,745 | DG |
2 | Garmaendiaa (#15) | 10,402 | $13,642,187 | FG |
3 | xDUGGATIxMDx (#14) | 10,134 | $11,705,784 | DG |
4 | Some Day Ill Be (#13) | 10,357 | $11,639,357 | HG |
5 | Im scared (#2) | 11,289 | $9,882,736 | DG |
6 | Philliesphreak (#8) | 11,753 | $8,584,361 | RG |
7 | Rapunzel (#5) | 10,345 | $8,102,629 | MG |
8 | HighSpeedThrilCoaster (#7) | 8897 | $6,649,462 | IG |
9 | Ho Hell (#4) | 10,134 | $5,872,331 | RG |
10 | lines (#17) | 14,620 | $5,301,702 | CG |
There were 42 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | llaar says join M4D in alliance (#20) | 14,263 | $17,347,276 | CG |
2 | Not Today (#11) | 14,959 | $14,619,687 | CG |
3 | Wolfeeeee (#9) | 10,380 | $10,787,504 | CG |
4 | Sudnar (#7) | 8032 | $7,513,228 | CG |
5 | Windsor (#1) | 12,859 | $7,421,876 | HG |
6 | Zachelvania (#17) | 9799 | $6,988,495 | RG |
7 | TitsRUs (#3) | 17,810 | $5,645,769 | CG |
8 | SumLittleGirl (#4) | 10,860 | $5,363,766 | HG |
9 | Freetheglutens (#8) | 8391 | $4,637,344 | HG |
10 | Stankonia (#2) | 15,002 | $4,617,069 | RG |