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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 22 (out of 22) clans ranked by average networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Clownz W/Dope xICDx 165 $27,612,227,929 $167,346,836
The Kings Order TKOwnd 146 $21,398,360,155 $146,564,111
Insane Multi Posse IMP 103 $7,827,878,997 $75,998,825
Snowman Snow 16 $1,013,382,926 $63,336,433
Pandora's Last Vikings PANLV 96 $4,724,102,886 $49,209,405
Carpe Cerevisi CC 152 $6,608,552,946 $43,477,322
Free For All Clan FFAC1 16 $614,052,273 $38,378,267
time team TT 16 $528,903,833 $33,056,490
Natural Born Killers NBK 32 $805,994,966 $25,187,343
IMPxWAR IMPxZOO 16 $325,272,917 $20,329,557
The Lords of Chaos ChAoSDAN 177 $2,084,393,008 $11,776,232
Undead Soldiers Of Ares Ares 59 $512,987,753 $8,694,708
Yes YES 16 $108,418,809 $6,776,176
Why not! WhY 14 $80,533,904 $5,752,422
solo solo 2 $46,754,000 $4,675,400
Epica Epica 3 $44,555,639 $4,455,564
Army of Me AoME 5 $25,809,055 $2,580,906
The Guardian Angels TGA 19 $22,640,024 $1,191,580
Malaysia MAS 14 $824,390 $58,885
Emergency Coalition EC 4 $337,078 $33,708
Strange Famous Records SFR 16 $521,040 $32,565
Dominion XxDoMxX 10 $95,363 $9536

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