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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 15 (out of 15) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
NBK NBK 140 $34,542,774,692 $246,734,105
Lords of ChAoS LoC 64 $24,483,968,848 $382,562,013
Insane Clwonz W/Dope xICDx 40 $14,571,545,111 $364,288,628
Swamp Guardians SwampG 16 $11,692,525,068 $730,782,817
Farmers Farmers 16 $2,678,675,129 $167,417,196
Super Heroes n Movie Monsters SHMM 16 $1,831,454,452 $114,465,903
Metall Metall 2 $578,664,989 $57,866,499
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $527,010,270 $32,938,142
BINARY 101 6 $343,897,027 $34,389,703
Dark Water Dark 7 $202,644,666 $20,264,467
Oasis OASIS 16 $129,518,241 $8,094,890
Net Net 16 $105,225,853 $6,576,616
Recruit me in game! Warhorse 16 $97,121,715 $6,070,107
eevess netting eevess 2 $69,009,809 $6,900,981
bubbleheads bubble 8 $19,449,945 $1,944,995

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