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Top Clans - Free For All

Next Reset Seventy-sixth round: Aug 11, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022 Prev Reset
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Top 12 (out of 12) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Clownz W/Dope xICDx 68 $26,804,139,042 $394,178,515
Natural Born Killers NBK 160 $15,604,149,945 $97,525,937
Lords of ChAoS LoC 48 $4,605,359,758 $95,944,995
Super Heroes n Movie Monsters SHMM 16 $2,773,582,371 $173,348,898
Yodal33t Yodal33t 2 $631,057,185 $63,105,719
Recruit me in game! Warhorse 16 $532,507,629 $33,281,727
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $504,902,882 $31,556,430
Dark Water Dark 7 $436,682,323 $43,668,232
FOOD FOOD 16 $184,676,347 $11,542,272
Farmers Farmers 16 $75,638,255 $4,727,391
Arsonists Arson 16 $42,797,678 $2,674,855
The Crayon Club Crayon 8 $17,981,412 $1,798,141

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