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Top Clans - Free For All

Next Reset Seventy-eighth round: Dec 11, 2022 - Feb 10, 2023 Prev Reset
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Top 12 (out of 12) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Clownz w/ Dope xICDx 68 $37,743,912,482 $555,057,537
Natural Born Killers NBK 112 $24,268,953,133 $216,687,082
Lords of ChAoS LoC 41 $7,439,637,678 $181,454,578
WILD ANIMALS WILD 16 $5,879,718,851 $367,482,428
Yodal33t Yodal33t 8 $2,306,897,115 $230,689,712
ww WW 16 $1,821,953,643 $113,872,103
Super Heroes & Movie Monsters SHMM 16 $1,334,914,225 $83,432,139
Dark Water Dark 6 $534,988,721 $53,498,872
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $484,879,972 $30,304,998
Dogs are good people DOGS 16 $184,588,100 $11,536,756
Paved Paradise PRKNGLOT 3 $13,114,398 $1,311,440
Fort Bend Alliance FortBend 16 $80,728 $5046

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