Active countries: 2433
Currently Logged in: 188
Currently Logged in: 188
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Networth | Land | Top 100 | Top 10 | Best 3 | Attack Success |
Kills | Deaths | Pop Killed | Attacks | Missiles | Defends |
Total Defends
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of defends they have taken across all rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Prev Page | Next Page |
Rank | Name | Score |
1201 | CГФТсH DЄмф | 1119 |
1202 | mebigunot | 1117 |
1203 | julkatt | 1111 |
1204 | BLADEMASTER | 1106 |
1205 | TheWatcher | 1100 |
1206 | Fullerov | 1098 |
1207 | tbkrox | 1097 |
1208 | Unlinked Account | 1096 |
1209 | Landorian | 1095 |
1210 | Unlinked Account | 1090 |
1211 | Unlinked Account | 1088 |
1212 | dustfp | 1086 |
1213 | Unlinked Account | 1085 |
1214 | hundy | 1084 |
1215 | Unlinked Account | 1081 |
1216 | Unicorn46391 | 1077 |
1217 | Block | 1076 |
1218 | jgator416 | 1074 |
1218 | Unlinked Account | 1074 |
1220 | Bobby | 1064 |
1221 | frofro | 1061 |
1222 | agk113 | 1060 |
1223 | JoNiZiLLy | 1059 |
1224 | zekKai | 1051 |
1225 | Unlinked Account | 1047 |
1226 | Troian | 1046 |
1227 | Unlinked Account | 1044 |
1228 | WhisperQuietly | 1043 |
1229 | Unlinked Account | 1041 |
1230 | Zany | 1038 |
1231 | sccr3329 | 1034 |
1232 | grimjoww | 1033 |
1233 | linda onn | 1028 |
1234 | heX | 1027 |
1235 | edenwm | 1021 |
1236 | WPG | 1009 |
1237 | Unlinked Account | 1005 |
1238 | Unlinked Account | 1001 |
1239 | Unlinked Account | 998 |
1240 | TheDonald | 995 |
1241 | Diablo | 988 |
1241 | covax | 988 |
1243 | SDForce | 981 |
1244 | VenomXEmpire | 979 |
1245 | Dantheman19836 | 978 |
1246 | bensonssc | 977 |
1247 | Petluffer | 976 |
1248 | Aphrodite777 | 975 |
1248 | Unlinked Account | 975 |
1250 | blindmage | 971 |
1251 | ld | 969 |
1252 | flapnuggets | 968 |
1253 | Unlinked Account | 965 |
1254 | Ickbob | 963 |
1255 | KM199 | 958 |
1255 | TheMacJew | 958 |
1257 | Unlinked Account | 956 |
1258 | Sets | 955 |
1259 | Unlinked Account | 948 |
1260 | Bandit | 946 |
1261 | Jubrown84 | 944 |
1262 | MartyB | 943 |
1263 | Unlinked Account | 941 |
1264 | Unlinked Account | 940 |
1265 | Bobbb the Builder | 939 |
1266 | AquaticAngel420 | 934 |
1267 | Gunner7 | 933 |
1268 | Unlinked Account | 931 |
1269 | Unlinked Account | 927 |
1270 | qwerasdf | 926 |
1271 | Unlinked Account | 924 |
1272 | georgie_smith7 | 918 |
1272 | Unlinked Account | 918 |
1274 | Gleipner | 916 |
1275 | Unlinked Account | 915 |
1276 | Wisneaky | 910 |
1276 | HEMPMAN1 | 910 |
1278 | Trixx | 909 |
1278 | nikkiflosky | 909 |
1280 | RikkiTorment | 906 |
1281 | Unlinked Account | 905 |
1281 | SueySauce | 905 |
1281 | Unlinked Account | 905 |
1284 | Corsek | 903 |
1285 | scarr3479 | 902 |
1286 | iolair | 898 |
1287 | Mersh | 896 |
1288 | denverdonkeys2 | 895 |
1289 | CHASEG1520 | 889 |
1290 | sylkud | 888 |
1291 | Unlinked Account | 886 |
1292 | rigman1972 | 885 |
1292 | ralphutot | 885 |
1294 | Micr0 | 883 |
1295 | fixigo | 882 |
1295 | madgod | 882 |
1297 | Bazigaar | 881 |
1298 | erikchongwj | 880 |
1298 | Wonk83 | 880 |
1300 | Unlinked Account | 879 |