
Marshal Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 21:19:47

tc had mars2026 and global uses tc's code so technically could say so.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

NukEvil Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 21:23:13

Juice made WW4...

...then turned it into Utopia.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Vinag Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 21:57:14

that makes sense. cheers NukEvil

Devestation Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 9:27:27


Current Earth NW leader:
1 sikabot (#292) 37,957 $134,383,567 DG SOF

Current Mars NW leader:
1 zzzzzZzzzzz (#1) 30048 141857915 HG Union


snawdog Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 18:07:58

I did not read all the above posts. but that game is nothing but multis and corrupt admins...period
ICQ 364553524

kemo Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 18:13:31

after talkin to an admin apparently theyve really cut down on the multis
all praised to ra

TheORKINMan Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 19:24:19

Pang needs to contact the Mars 2025 admins and work with them to setup a cross over War of the Worlds 2025 server where all the EE players fight the Mars players :P
Smarter than your average bear.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 27th 2010, 19:28:46

Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

TheORKINMan Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 19:31:12

hahahahahaha I love that scene :)
Smarter than your average bear.

Devestation Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:13:15

The Russians will only FS you at 3am in the morning in the USA. Pain in the butt when leadership doesn't like taking the FS for a "moral victory". Good luck :3

Tleilaxu Tank


Jul 16th 2011, 10:11:43

Hello guys. I am former marsian player. My native language is russian but i hope, that you uderstand what i write here:)

We really have 60k registered accaunts, every set in game register around 10k players. But of course Mars and EE not a very good places for teenagers who like Mass Effect, Assasin's Creed and other games with beauty graphic. Schoolers play 100 turns and close game, becouse there are not pictures of wild hot girls:)

Most of newbies just barbarians who don't know how to play and don't know how communicate in game. They build rainbow and happy when they see themself in top-1000. So there are around 250-300 players who know how provide country. Most of players we get from russian social networks, right. But last month Ashkael and Dev repair Facebook applicanion which was broken around 2 years, so i hope that we get some new english-speaking players too

Our community - very young. Current community lives one year i thinck. For example when we made our alliance we had only 7 players. Novadays we have around 40 active and 20-30 members in vacation mode) All of them play just half year, there are not much vets. We had big problems with teachers, strategy developers and coders in our alliance at the start. But now we wrote good online servises and bots which our members made:

Online Union calculator for example: (russian so you may have problems with codepage)

Clowns with Guns made very good hosting site for alliances:


Main problem of main games EE and Mars - bad social support. E-republic also have bad graphic, but they build good social network with convinient forum, newspapers and twitts. Second problem - gameplay. You can netting and you can warring. Not a very rich choice. I don't recruit new players in our nettgain sets becouse they bored fast. Landgrab, landgrab, build labs, build labs, tech, sell on market - and this algorythm every day. After 10-20 days newbies ussualy runaway from game.

I like improvements and innovations that developers of EE made. Good job. I hope that EE devs could make gameplay more interesting.

The biggest different of mars and ee - community. Here is stable community with advanced diplomacy, traditions but small amount of new players There is something like Wild West. Frontier. Marsians dont like talking they prefer diplomacy with guns also i thinck what our alliancies much stronger than ee alliances;)

Edited By: Tleilaxu Tank on Jul 16th 2011, 10:16:39
See Original Post

m0bzta Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 10:37:21

why not have the two game talk it out and merge them into one

just a thought

Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Tleilaxu Tank


Jul 16th 2011, 11:09:29

Yeah it would be great

snawdog Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 13:44:19

3 people and 60k countries...nuff said for those cheats
ICQ 364553524


New Member

Jul 16th 2011, 13:58:03

yes TC made Global2025 which has been worked over and has some new twists to it and I think is starting up again

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 16th 2011, 14:02:59

I don't think it makes sense to merge the games at all.

Other than their user numbers still being paper tigers (we have more ACTIVE players than they do I think, esp. on Alliance) it doesn't make sense to merge the games, as there are so much differences.

I'm not really willing to abandon anything we've done here and I don't think anyone else on staff wants to either. This is a community focused game, much like Mars is (from what TT says in his post at least) and to merge them would be forcing two communities to interact, two dev teams to interact and I honestly don't see that being a net gain for either game, even if the merger went relatively smoothly.

qz and I will be done out respective theses soon, and then we'll unveil the final design project moving towards the big launch :)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

ponderer Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 14:08:00

does the google + allow apps?

Lobo Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 16:17:22

Originally posted by Tleilaxu Tank:
Yeah it would be great

It isn't that it would be so great at this point. A large majority of the English speaking players already play here as well as mars.
The in-game dynamics between the majority of Russians in mars hold no appeal to the English speakers. Frankly it is just laziness. With the translators it is easy enough to make a lot of Russian alliances (friends). The mindset of the Russians is the biggest hurdle and therefore the biggest issue with any kind of "merge".
EE has done well in keeping the game moving forward. Mars has done well keeping a lot of vets (somehow....)

As far as Multi's.... yeah not really an issue in either game as I see it.

One thing I would say could be helpful in continuing to help the noob player is to include auto in-game advice directing them to links for joining an alliance.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 19:59:35

I think there is a bunch of stuff to think about before introducing EE to facebook and making apps. I showed a friend at work this game. Told him I play it during work. He created a country, looked around for a few minutes and decided it's too much text and things to learn.

Building buildings for example. Instead of calcing how many buildings to build to go with your bpt, just have an option to chose how many turns worth you want to build. The game needs to be user friendly (most of us have played this for years and don't think about this), the competition is hard, there's a million games like these out there now. But we got a good active community, I hope we can get to 5-10k active players in a few years.
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Chadius Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 4:01:55

I've shown this game to people over the years, but my nerdier friends were the only ones that liked it. (the kind of friends that would rather play risk over a PS3 game)

With Facebook, we would be going against the stay at home mom's playing Farmville. lol (the biggest game in the world)



Jul 17th 2011, 4:50:34

you all want the Ruskies here? and CLOWNS back here?

First of all, imagine the FR horror when the Ruskies don't understand that you want a pact and thinks you guys want war, so they FS you oop after you think you guys signed a uNAP.

Then there's the clowns, their crazy.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Rolangunslinger Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 5:00:06

but the clowns are the good kind of crazy. :P



Jul 17th 2011, 5:01:22

we already have our EE resident crazy folks, their tagged imag
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2011, 15:30:05

I understand from my brother who plays that that they have a cool feature dealing with spy ops. You country can maintain copies of spy reposts you've gotten in the game automatically. You don't need any outside alliance site support to do it. It just maintains a copy for you so you don't have to make your own copies. That would seem to be a pretty good thing, I'm not sure how it's implemented though having never played the game myself.

Cerberus of the MI
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2011, 15:46:07

Originally posted by Cerberus:
I understand from my brother who plays that that they have a cool feature dealing with spy ops. You country can maintain copies of spy reposts you've gotten in the game automatically. You don't need any outside alliance site support to do it. It just maintains a copy for you so you don't have to make your own copies. That would seem to be a pretty good thing, I'm not sure how it's implemented though having never played the game myself.

Cerberus of the MI

That would make more since for single player servers such as primary but for alliance people are using 3rd party sites anyways!
- Premium Patron Member

Lobo Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 19:33:59

Originally posted by Forgotten:
you all want the Ruskies here? and CLOWNS back here?

First of all, imagine the FR horror when the Ruskies don't understand that you want a pact and thinks you guys want war, so they FS you oop after you think you guys signed a uNAP.

Then there's the clowns, their crazy.

They are foreign and maybe stuck in the 1950s but not stupid. Crazy is anyone who keeps playing these type of games ;)
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...



Jul 17th 2011, 19:45:41

I was more refering to the language barrier.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

mazooka Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 19:52:06

I played in an alliance on the old game with 30ish russians. Language wasnt a problem really and it was a pleasure getting to know some of those guys. I hope they come over.

Lobo Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 20:46:58

agreed, most are very patient with our online translators. The key is to not use slang when talking/typing to translate and make the sentences simple.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

Chadius Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 23:02:33

I played Mars during after the first set of this site was over. (for about 6 months)
All of the games servers are basically the same. Express is a joke though. I would get killed by their spies. I would play just to see how long I could make it. ;p



Jul 18th 2011, 4:25:24

Zdravstvui'i moi tovarishchi? :)
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks



Jul 18th 2011, 4:26:50

Registratsiya S.O.T.A. v'e FFA :)
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

Lobo Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 4:28:27

Если бы они были вашими товарищами, то Вы не улыбнулись бы как этот.... ))
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2011, 10:00:05

Originally posted by Lobo:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
you all want the Ruskies here? and CLOWNS back here?

First of all, imagine the FR horror when the Ruskies don't understand that you want a pact and thinks you guys want war, so they FS you oop after you think you guys signed a uNAP.

Then there's the clowns, their crazy.

They are foreign and maybe stuck in the 1950s but not stupid. Crazy is anyone who keeps playing these type of games ;)

Forgotten, Sounds like you have a problem with people from other places playing the game, eh? Don't like "furriners", do ya?

Maybe you oughta just take your hillbilly ass outta here and find something else to do with your time. Tell your parents to have a baby girl, so you can have a girlfriend when she grows up or something.

Lobo, if you don't like playing then leave, nothing between you and another game but air and opportunity.

Cerberus of the MI

Edited By: Cerberus on Jul 18th 2011, 10:02:31
See Original Post
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2011, 10:04:04

Originally posted by Pang:
we've been thinking about adding ingame op storage as well, mainly for the solo servers, but we'd make it available to all servers :)

as far as mars -> I was told by some mars players that they made it into a Facebook app by just putting the current site inside an iframe and it ballooned in new players, but no one ever did much if anything with the countries/accounts they made

that is in sharp contrast to us, where the user experience for new users is a primary focus, and at this point, what is stopping us from going live right now :p

Thanks, Pang. :) It is much appreciated that you actually spend the time to read these posts and possibly act on what is contained in them. :_ Thank You Very Much

Cerberus of the MI
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Tleilaxu Tank


Jul 18th 2011, 10:34:39

Originally posted by HeadHunter:

Building buildings for example. Instead of calcing how many buildings to build to go with your bpt, just have an option to chose how many turns worth you want to build

Try test mars2025 timeshift server. It is still in beta-test phase already 3 years but there a bit diffirent mechanic than in a1 and privmary servers

Tleilaxu Tank


Jul 18th 2011, 10:52:31

Ah also i must say that there are a big buch of bugs on timeshift server, thats why i don't play there. But mechanic sometimes very interesting. For example builds building automaticly after some time, you just need set amount what you need. Also you can use turns for build busting.

ZDH Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 5:29:21

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
dunno, because i'd get drunk and call them a bunch of names.
it's a rip-off of a game developed in the US, dang near an exact copy. good thing that Mehul sold it to those drunk Irish people.

WTF you got against drunk Irish people mother fluffER :-P



Jul 19th 2011, 23:32:18

revived thread.