
Warster Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 13:48:59

if that happened you would see how quickly all the alliances here would band together and deal with it

maybe team should try it

all PP and friends have done is made more enemies for the team server
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 13:52:59

That is where you got it wrong, I played team, i just was tired of that server bullfluff, if teams are going to kill together, are going to use their numbers to threaten real teams of 5 people, and will play the diplomacy/politic game just like in alliance, then Team is worthless.

All servers are different in one way or the other, yet Team server has always been a smaller alliance server, that is why I don't care about Team, there is nothing unique in it, all your so called Team players only (and I can't believe there is people that only play Team) can come to alliance and join an alliance as a new division, or form their own clan, and it would be THE SAME experience of playing in Team.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Hohiro Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 13:53:49

Well, if the 1000 ppl alliance does a good FS, there wont be too many left to do good resistance and well Team people are alot more scattered around and less good organised. It takes some people to kill a country, now try to get together 5 people for a kill if every Team just has 1-2 members left and no shared forums ...

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 13:55:43

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
Teams problems should stay in TEAM, not come to alliance, there wasn't an alliance recruitment post tilted "Lets screw team", everyone that plays in TSO is there because they are team players, that they also play in alliance is irrelevant.

and you can argue 60% of TSO players play in alliance, but that is true for all the servers save primary; alliance players make a good bulk % of the player base of all other servers and that is specially true for Team.

Also this isn't new, Team has always had groups of teams (pretty much alliances) working together, Team is an alliance server with a lower entry bar.

Maybe all the players in TSO are players that are tired of your bullfluff of cross tag retals and warring together and decided to war the whole server to change your ways, maybe TSO just wants to destroy everyone on Team server because it is fun, in the end you had Three options: Raise in arms, surrender and ask to be spared, Join them.

Going to suicide on other server on people that had little to do with the destiny of the Team server just shows a lack of common sense.

At this point it is probably a waste of time trying getting the point across to anyone in PDM. I once told the leaders of TSO that their CLAM was made up of the rejects from alliance and you "lower entry bar" statement confirms that.

archaic is as dumb as they come when he compares it to "getting suicided" on Your members brandished PDM in their sigs when they bragged on the Team server. Just one more dumb thing PDM mentality give you. So no, no one should join PDM or else they would lose some of their IQ.

You have to give it to PP though. A few idiots here claim they don't know what the Team server is. For months now people have been trying to seek attention for the wrongs going on in Team server. Well, he got the point across? LMFAO! Way to go PP. Even if no one else says it, I congratulate you. Everyone is talking about Team. The issue is going to be addressed. Regardless of what these clowns say, they care. This thread is 7 pages long, oh yes, they care.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Warster Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 13:59:18

who did he get the point across to?? the admins??? the mods??

both groups have known about the issues for a long time
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:00:48

Team player base is almost non existent (around 120 people?), most of the team players already play FFA/Alliance, I would say the best fix is to close Team up, and make another unique server for the game (a war oriented server would be the best), just like Mehul did with FFA.

When a server is worthless you kill it and start over.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:00:52

307 posts in this thread. He got the point across.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Warster Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:01:49

you didnt answer the question crest, who did he get his point across to???
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:02:38

There is a simple solution for Team. The admin and mods should treat teams as individuals. Whatever gets you deleted in a solo server gets a team deleted on the Team server.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:05:10

Originally posted by Warster:
you didnt answer the question crest, who did he get his point across to???

Warster, how many diff people have posted in the thread? He got the point across. PDM leaders, alliance players, mods, admins, you namae it. So it was being discussed behind the scenes, fine and dandy, we didn't know. Now we do.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Warster Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:06:08

all it did was make more alliance players want to go to team and help TSO
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:07:24

Likely to me

I played Team, saw everything that was wrong with it, so I decided to ask my friends where they played in alliance and FFA and went there, experience? better than what I had in team; i had no desire to go back to a server without purpose like TEAM.

Team players come to alliance because they are bitter because the premise and everything about Team server is fluff, and decide to attack my friends.

Moral of the history TEAM server needs to be replaced, otherwise people will just keep going to other servers to try to get revenge.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 14:33:51

crest is a moron.

you know what works better than just ragesuiciding to get your way? talk to someone. it may already be going your way to begin with.

these morons have spent 300+ posts over 2 threads trying to save face for a poor decision when the solution they wanted in the first place is already on the horizon. so dumb.

that's part of the reason this community is in the state its in -- no one has any regard for anyone else's playing experience but their own. THAT is what really crosses servers.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 11th 2012, 14:38:07
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:38:51

Originally posted by Warster:
all it did was make more alliance players want to go to team and help TSO

Help TSO do what? There'll be no one but TSO there next set. Sorry to burst you bubble.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:41:21

Originally posted by Pang:
that's part of the reason this community is in the state its in -- no one has any regard for anyone else's playing experience but their own. THAT is what really crosses servers.

The Nigerian Nightmare.

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:42:03

To be totally honest I can understand why PP is doing this, the TSO guys totally ruined things that a lot of people had worked a very long time for in the Team server, and as PP has said its impossible for anyone to fight back there so I can see that some people get frustrated and hit back wherever they can. Its perhaps not the best solution but given no option I can understand it.

Best option to stop this quickly is probably to totally shut down the team server, its totally unplayable as it is right now anyway.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 11th 2012, 14:49:28

There appears to be another group of players quietly suiciding SoF for what appears to be the same reason. Looks like Team Server has been let loose on Alliance...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 14:53:12

so dumb.

as a player, it's annoying.

as a game admin, it's sickening. just quit the game, eh?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:54:21

Now you know how the ppl in Team feel.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 14:55:34

Originally posted by crest23:
Now you know how the ppl in Team feel.

not really, I don't play team since the initial vision marshall+me thought up wasn't followed.

this doesn't really make me want to make any changes to team either though. like what's the point? :)
you don't reward those who try to hold the game hostage, eh?

and the ironic, moronic thing is that team changes were one of the higher items on my plate now that I'm done the restart changes and the codebase is nearly done being updated to use a better back-end. It was going to be rolled into the larger clan-focused changes we're making. so you basically just put team server (in general) in a very negative light at the time that it was about to get some loving. but this saga tells me the whole sever is a waste of bytes. it's one group of jerkasses attacking another group of jerkasses. it's a very sad commentary.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 11th 2012, 15:02:54
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Flamey Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 14:58:24

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
There appears to be another group of players quietly suiciding SoF for what appears to be the same reason. Looks like Team Server has been let loose on Alliance...

Obviously coordianted, but SoF doesn't care. haha.

Terror Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:19:04

Lots of people said lots of things to me during the night, and I am not ignoring you, but I want to keep this simple.

Team server issues are not confined to team no matter how much anyone thinks they should be. It is the same group of players in both servers.

Many people in many alliances need to change their behaviors--both active and passive.

1. Bullies suck. TSO destroyed team server. Anyone who participated in that perverted the intent of the server and made it impossible for small groups of legitimate players who were too small to thrive in alliance server to even play in team.

2. Passive acceptance of bullies sucks. Anyone who sits in an alliance that tacitly condones this behavior by doing nothing to stop it is guilty by association.

Specifically to Detmer: I know you don't condone murder as a person. I didn't lie, but I could have chosen a better word. I wasn't trying to make it personal and I apologize if you took it that way. However, I do maintain that PDM not regulating anyone's behavior in any way as long as they follow the game rules is a bad policy. That is the specific change that should be made and that is what all of PDM is resisting in favor of going out and making it even harder for a small group to play and have a reasonable opportunity to see success.

To all: It's not just PDMs fault even if it is currently their problem. You can not beat PP. If PDM leads by example and other alliances follow that lead, I'm pretty sure PP will stop. If PDM changes its stance but other alliances do not follow that lead, I'm pretty sure PP will shift his focus. If PDM insists they are only a victim and does nothing but lash out wildly to ensure team server is unplayable, I'm pretty sure PP will continue exactly as he is.

I used to like alliance server reasonably well, but it became so politically stagnant there was no room for a small alliance that wasn't riding in the shadows of a larger alliance to protect them. I don't want to be in a large alliance (although I did enjoy my brief stay in PDM and am glad some PDMers still play mafia). I just want my small alliance where I know all the people pretty well. Team server was supposed to provide a home for folks like me. Right now it doesn't.

PP may not have had the ability to target his actions in the very most effective ways, but I hardly blame him for what he's doing. He's done a great job of getting everyone's attention. Now our small community of several hundred earth players need to decide if passive acceptance of bullies is ok.

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:20:29

Well I agree with you Pang that its dumb to take things from one server to another and the best solution would be to fix that server so it isnt possible to act in the way that the TSO people are currently. All people on that server would have liked that.

But as it is at the moment I agree with you (and I have been playing on the Team server since it was created) and that is the best option is simply to shut it down. It cant be played anyway.

That way noone from there will have any reasons to run around here and do stupid things. And at the same time the TSO bunch can no longer go there and ruin everything for everyone else (which they have been doing, and in my opinion is JUST AS BAD as it is having people going over here to ruin things).

Just dont forget that you have two groups of jerkasses here, number one is the group of TSO jerkasses that came over to Team and destroyed everything people had worked for years for, and now you have the second group coming back here doing something similar (although on a smaller scale). Neither of which is good of course.

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:21:59

I lost 8 turns worth of exploring. I have no choice now but to spend the rest of my reset suiciding on Flamey.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:28:39

PP has drawn attention to the issue but in such a negative way that he has created enemies instead of supporters. Honestly if I had known about what was going on there I probably would have created a country against TSO (since the FBI/WoG tyranny is the tyranny I support). Alas short-sighted, brash actions get the results they get.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 11th 2012, 15:31:50

Originally posted by Detmer:
Alas short-sighted, brash actions get the results they get.
Could probably say the exact same thing about TSO's actions...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:34:05

yawn, god i love our new 2 stepping policies our land might get spread here and there but we will get it back :)

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:34:25

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Alas short-sighted, brash actions get the results they get.
Could probably say the exact same thing about TSO's actions...

Ok, that is great and all... TSO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PDM! Why you still think there is some connection there boggles my mind... eat too many paint chips as a child?

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:35:17

The Team mods should have run the Team server the same way the Express mods run Express. In Express, there are a LOT of restrictions on multiple countries working together (no leeching, FAing, no working together to kill countries, no working together to put countries in DR, etc).

I remember someone posting that the consequences of not following the restrictions should be the same on an entire team in Team server as they are for a single country in Express. If two or more teams are working together, delete all countries in the teams involved.

All that's needed is an announcement on rule changes, and you have your framework.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:36:06

Ivan, I am still going to suicide Flamey. Someone has to pay for what happened to me, and I need to make him pay for Australia losing the Ashes.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 15:37:03

flamey and ivan say they don't care, but ivan just threatened me over the suiciding (becaue it's PDM's fault that we told suiciders that Boltar doesn't play in PDM like they initially thought.)

everything is PDM's fault!!! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:38:29

Pang is admitting responsibility for my lost acres. Flamey will pay for this.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:41:39

Anders säger:
and yes we DEFINATELY put the blame on PDM for this
363 is still alive
hit you yesterday and hit us today now
because of your bullfluff on AT

Wheres the threat? thats an exact copy of what i posted to you your such a fluffty troll pang just like yer a fluffty player

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 15:44:39

if you want to talk about fluffty play, let's talk about you during the ECM war.

talk about single handedly losing a war for your clan... :p
but that's another issue entirely.
If you want to post snippets from our convo, let's try this one on for size, talking about pdm+the suiciders.
Anders says (10:29 AM):
Flamey säger:
still want to hit them haha
lol we would have lost bigstyle if evo hadnt have been heroes in giving us yummy retals.
btw I'm laying the blame with PDM here
for forcing the message through that Boltar was in SoF

SoF is mad that we told the truth -- Boltar is in SoF. Not PDM.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 11th 2012, 15:46:39
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:46:22

Originally posted by Pang:
if you want to talk about fluffty play, let's talk about you during the ECM war.

talk about single handedly losing a war for your clan... :p
but that's another issue entirely.
If you want to post snippets from our convo, let's try this one on for size.
Anders says (10:29 AM):
Flamey säger:
still want to hit them haha
lol we would have lost bigstyle if evo hadnt have been heroes in giving us yummy retals.
btw I'm laying the blame with PDM here
for forcing the message through that Boltar was in SoF

SoF is mad that we told the truth -- Boltar is in SoF. Not PDM.

SoF can't handle the truth!

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:48:22

yes boltar is in SOF not as a head tho, elverus is PDMs head of war!

god your so retarded pang its not even funny

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:51:25

How did you know we couldnt handle the truth? Who told you? I bet it was Flamey. Sick of that dirty pom.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:54:12

Pangs truth is very different from most peoples truths Sov, he might be an admin but most admins in this game seems to try to troll more then to be serious about this game and actually try to keep it alive and fun for everyone to play

Its actually both hilarious and embarrising to see a HFA and a game admin say oh no dont suicide on us we're innocent and then send the suiciders to another innocent tag but hardly suprising since it was Pang

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 15:55:04

Originally posted by Ivan:

yes boltar is in SOF not as a head tho, elverus is PDMs head of war!

god your so retarded pang its not even funny

no, boltar is just a lowly FA contact -- the FA contact who actually resolved the outstanding issues SoF and PDM had.

maybe be mad at the suiciders who are hitting you and not us for pointing out an obvious fact. maybe *gasp* work with us to kill them instead of messaging me to remind me that you place the blame for this squarely on PDM :p
your logic is showing, and it doesn't look good.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:55:17

363 is dying anyways

sorry for having 0 turns stored and having heavy CS countries when we got hit.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:56:11

Originally posted by Ivan:

Pangs truth is very different from most peoples truths Sov, he might be an admin but most admins in this game seems to try to troll more then to be serious about this game and actually try to keep it alive and fun for everyone to play

Its actually both hilarious and embarrising to see a HFA and a game admin say oh no dont suicide on us we're innocent and then send the suiciders to another innocent tag but hardly suprising since it was Pang


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 15:56:58

ivan, seriously... going to the "omg game admins shouldn't play!" argument one post in to an argument with me? :p lol i think that's a record. my post to you is 100% as a game player, just in case you didn't realize that.

not every discussion that you don't agree with is trolling, btw. i wish you could have a discussion EVER and not just accuse the other side as trolling.

if someone says that they're hitting because of archaic, elves and boltar, it makes 100% sense to say "why are you hitting PDM because of Boltar?"

is your logic really that flawed that you can't see that we SHOULD remind others that Boltar doesn't play here?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:57:42

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:58:15

We dont get mad, except Ivan. He is always mad.

Pang I want a personal FDP between you and I. I'll defend your body if you defend mine.

Oh and Boltar is not as cool as me, you should deal with me instead.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 15:58:18

well boltar still isn't in PDM, so why should we let people think he is, ivan? :p

also, "send suiciders", lol

we're killing the suiciders. perhaps you'd like to join us?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 15:59:44

We can put Boltar in PDM, it can be arranged.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:00:18

no one ever said that he was? your just sad tho going dont suicide on us dont suicide on us hit them instead LOL

yes dear suiciders do hit us and we will kill you we arent scared of you like PDM are

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:01:12

Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

So PDM should suffer because of something your members did on another server?

We are both innocent but by the standards of these suiciders you are much more culpable than we are. I am sorry that Boltar was the only other TSO person they had heard of and that pointed them at you. That wasn't our doing though - that was them going after Boltar.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:02:32

If this was happening to another clan it wouldn't have been an issue for Pang. Good for you. Way to build up the game/community. Idiot!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:02:55

Theres a lot more tags represented in TSO then SOF and PDM im not going to put the blame on any of them nor am i going to post a memberlist even tho I could get one of i wanted to despite not playing team myself

if people want to suicide on us then by all means go a head im not going to be a fluff like pang/detmer and say hit someone else hit someone else