


Jan 8th 2014, 19:17:13

There should be a zero tolerance policy for that, period. Playing this game 15+ years it was never really kosher to do it and always bad form.



Jan 8th 2014, 19:27:30

I think they should announce mdecols country on AT or make it purple.

locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 19:33:03

[quote poster=MauricXe; 28624; 523775]
Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
Pretty classless to point out peoples countries on AT. Poor form mdevol, very poor form.

also apparently banned by the mods [/quote]
They delete his post?

MauricXe Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 19:36:03

Yea. looks like the offending posts were deleted.

to clarify because it seems my post was ambiguous: his actions are banned not him.

mdevol Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 20:17:49

yes, it was banned by the mods. I understand the rule now. I was under the impression that I was just not allowed to post anything that required a turn to gather, I stand corrected.

The post was deleted and I am going to edit out every post containing reference to it. A mistake was made, and I am fixing it. as should have scodes post about the team server country to hit. (which also violates forum rule)
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Makinso Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 20:26:37

Sov whether your pact signed date is true or not. Just trying to clear things up then as someone is lying here it's you or aponic.

[23:24:53] (aponic) if none of you want to fight
[23:24:56] (aponic) ill bully you
[23:25:00] (aponic) with land grabs
[23:25:02] (aponic) or something
[23:25:12] (aponic) because im going to do what i think is best for my alliance
[23:25:23] (aponic) anyway
[23:25:28] (aponic) when you wouldnt sign the unap
[23:25:33] (aponic) i had to sign a pact with laf
[23:25:46] (aponic so now my nest is made

mdevol Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 20:31:22

and boom goes the dynamite....
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Mobster Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 22:40:17

Originally posted by mdevol:
yes, it was banned by the mods. I understand the rule now. I was under the impression that I was just not allowed to post anything that required a turn to gather, I stand corrected.

The post was deleted and I am going to edit out every post containing reference to it. A mistake was made, and I am fixing it. as should have scodes post about the team server country to hit. (which also violates forum rule)

Thanks, you are okay in my book! Handled it well.

iScode Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 23:26:17

Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
There should be a zero tolerance policy for that, period. Playing this game 15+ years it was never really kosher to do it and always bad form.

what do you expect from someone who breaks uNaps? How low will mdevol and sol sink???

makinso, you still refuse to answer my questions publically but demand that sov answer yours and your little hand puppets??

Way to post logs which have no context or date, what you scared to post the full information cause it ruins your so called story???

Who can trust a word you say when you openly break unbreakable pacts with alliances, no one can trust you or your little hand puppet.
God of War




Jan 9th 2014, 0:15:31

Scode, did you expect more from those two pieces of human garbage? I set the bar low for those special people...

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 0:19:08

Not at all, they have done it numerous times in the past.
God of War


Heston Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 0:33:28

Alliance sucks!

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Zahc Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 0:54:01

i only read the first page of this post because im positive the rest turned to garbage quick but apo stepping into leadership roll is a step in the right direction for SoF
llort orp s`fos

Alin Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:00:01

tissues anyone ? all those tears ...

Ok i googled again and found this logs :

<Makinso> mdevol i fell like we didn`t pwned Sof enough in alliance. must be those god damn hollidays.
<mdevol> hmm, and what do you suggest ?
<Makinso> cross-server war:war retal baby. Can you do anything somewhere ?
<Tavern> pfft, that`s not nice.
<mdevol> well i have these FFA countries, and i know some people. I can FS iScode. I can also suicide in primary on < insert random Sof leader >.
<Tavern> com on guys, let the old grudges go
<Makinso> Oh well Tav, vikings can`t forget or forgive
<mdevol> ok, i declared on iScode in FFA. And i am saving turns in primary to ...
<Eugene> Suuuuuup!!!!
<Songoku> Happy New Year Everyone !!!!
<Makinso> WTF!!! Who the fluff invited the asians to this party ?
<Tavern> Erhm ....
Makinso part #fluffSof
<mdevol> ... to parklot < insert random Sof leader > ...
<mdevol> hey boss ? where did you go ?
<Tavern> :(

Somewhere in another universe :

<Sov> ... and if we FDP you and you will FA us straight after we FS, with this game changes and all, we can kill both MD and SOL.
<Eugene> NO!
<Sov> WTF? I just checked you. Wtf is with those ircChannels ?
Eugene now speaking in #treehugers #fluffSof #ChineseDragonYear

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:04:28

pffft those logs are obviously fake, i dont play in FFA...

God of War




Jan 9th 2014, 1:04:33

Failed troll Alin...

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:04:51

and makinso doesnt swear!!!

Well i assume he doesnt since he doesnt allow his members too.
God of War


Sol Leaders Break

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 1:08:50

MAKINSO won't let his member view the forums so he can spin his fluff on them.

mdevol Breaks UNAP

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 1:10:28


Alin Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:15:50

Whomever posts the logs are fake should not be allowed to use internet. Is to much for you.

And Sol isn`t PG rated anymore, for a while now, iScode.



Jan 9th 2014, 1:18:54

Another failed troll

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:25:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Whomever posts the logs are fake should not be allowed to use internet. Is to much for you.

And Sol isn`t PG rated anymore, for a while now, iScode.

i get censored when i swear on there irc channel, so you are lying.
God of War


MauricXe Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 5:04:40

I've already seen these. what else you got?

Makinso Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 6:09:11

Way to try and hijack a truthful log.

I'm not demanding answers iscode just asking questions a question towards someone who claims to be far more transparent then me.

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 6:25:33

you have no right to ask questions until you are prepared to answer questions put to you yourself...
God of War


Heston Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 6:39:10

Who is earth empires jesus christ? Who will be our saviour?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Makinso Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 8:47:25

LoL Iscode the RIGHT? to ask questions? In what country were you born lol.

Questions are free I can ask anything I want. Demanding answers is something that I can't do I can ask for them though. And who are you to determine which right a person has or doesn't have. Are you a judge?

I never claimed to be one of the most transparent leaders in public. SoV did, I am making a call on that statement to have my question answered. I am not demanding because that's not how the world generally works but that seems to go beyond you.

So back to my question without having it hijacked.

[23:24:53] (aponic) if none of you want to fight
[23:24:56] (aponic) ill bully you
[23:25:00] (aponic) with land grabs
[23:25:02] (aponic) or something
[23:25:12] (aponic) because im going to do what i think is best for my alliance
[23:25:23] (aponic) anyway
[23:25:28] (aponic) when you wouldnt sign the unap
[23:25:33] (aponic) i had to sign a pact with laf
[23:25:46] (aponic) so now my nest is made

So let me make my question more generic, SoF leaders:
Who has been lying:

Is Aponic lying? Is Sov Lying? Or is Flamey lying? (who claimed civil war if they pacted LCN, SOL and MD).

iScode Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 9:18:31

How about, you answer my question?

And who am i to judge? Only about the most honest player in this game, one who has never lied or broken there word or cheated when leading an alliance. And before you laugh and say thats untrue, post proof of my ever braking my word in this game...

Oh also your question is very vague? Lying about what?

Are you asking if sof leadership had plans to hit sof? Then the answer is no one is lieing, lets narrow down the log, since you want to take a snippet of it and twist it in true dagga fashion to your advantage.

'[23:25:33] (aponic) i had to sign a pact with laf'

this what you are asking about right, this one line. Well actually how do you know that aponic was forced to pact laf by other leaders and it was only his agenda to not want to pact laf?

So the answer to your question makinso, is no one is lieing. Aponic has not stated that sof was going to fs laf, this is not a lie. Sov has stated we were pacted to laf 2 weeks before the start of a new set, this is not a lie. Flamey said we could POSSIBLY have a civil war, this is not a lie.

DO you know what else is not a lie, mdevol, your little puppet fluff breaks unbreakable pacts, therefor sol leadership endorses breaking unbreakable pacts, if you didnt you would remove that scum from leadership.

Are you going to remove mdevol from leadership? Are you going to admit you were never netting? of course not, cause you are scum, you are worse than a lying manipulative female. You are the dog fluff stuck to the bottom of peoples shoes.

I bet you even cheated in E2025...

God of War


Alin Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 9:47:34

Yea remove mdevol. Also boot 50% of Sol members with the message " i am a lie scum, please join Sof"

After that FS Laf oop so Sof can remake their block and gangbang everyone for the next 10 resets.

locket Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 9:48:19

I stand by the comment that it would be suicide to attack Laf so unless they have given up I dont think your rants make much sense Sol. Sof is slow to reply though so meh.

MauricXe Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 12:21:27

I was waiting for aponic to respond here but he doesn't check AT often. In fact, he's a very busy man as of late. He already explained to us what went down during his talks well before this post showed up on AT.

iiScode took the time to connect the dots wrt the civil war and the pactings despite it being completely obvious. He also has already hinted at aponic's intentions; aponic had mused an idea to not pact LaF...those intentions were his own. That wasn't approved by the other heads nor discussed with them. I think he got to comfy with you guys and exposed one of his musings. He has 'matured' a bit in that regard and sees you for what you are...untrustworthy.

One of you pointed out that a country in SoF supports the idea that SoF was going to hit LaF. The country was created well after the FDP was signed with LaF.

There is no secret plot to hit LaF and despite your attempts here and elsewhere, LaF knows that.

Edited By: MauricXe on Jan 9th 2014, 12:32:20

mdevol gaping anus

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 12:24:31

Who would trust mdevol? Can anyone think of why they couldn't trust him? Its not like signing pacts and breaking them shows you take the moral highground hahahahahs


New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 12:36:02

iscode has gone full retard.

never go full retard,

d20 Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 12:57:14


mdevol gaping anus

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 13:12:23


Sov Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 13:14:24

Originally posted by Makinso:
I never claimed to be one of the most transparent leaders in public. SoV did, I am making a call on that statement to have my question answered.

Reading comprehension seems to be somewhat a weakness for all of you leaders on the other side isn't it.

Originally posted by Sov:
I have no issue and explaining SoF's conduct as I value my ability as a leader to operate with reasonable transparency to my members and those who I hold in high esteem (i.e aliies etc).

You are neither a member of SoF nor are you someone whom I hold in high esteem.

Sov Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 13:32:57

Regarding SoF's pact with LAF... I signed that pact on the 19th of November with Candy_Man. You are more then welcome to seek his confirmation and it was indeed before SoF requested a pact from SOL.

But Makinso calls into question my credibility it seems, so let's look at a few things regarding SoF and LAF.

1) In all my years of leadership in Earth I have never dropped a FDP and FSed them. How many times has Makinso done this I wonder? I know of a few times specifically. I do not give out FDPs lightly nor do I drop them lightly.

2) SoF and LAF have been pacted since long before I joined SoF. It is an enduring relationship which transcends myself as leader of SoF and Eugene and h347 as leaders of LAF.

3) Even in my previous Alliance I had always been close to LAF and have always been FDPed to them. When I first became a leader LAF was my first ever FDP and many of the leaders in LAF now were in LAF back then.

4) Individual leaders in LAF such as h347, Don TOB, Hanlong and Son Goku I consider close friends of mine and these friendships have endured for over a decade.

SoF and LAF will not always agree on things and the relationship may become strained now and then, but overall the relationship would never be thrown aside so lightly by myself.

Sov Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 13:52:50

Now let's see if Makinso has it in him to answer these questions which I had posed to SOL leaders over the previous 2 sets.

- Makinso why did you feel the need to lie to RD and tell them that I was behind SOL in pursuing RD? Is this how you operate politically by blatantly lying to Alliance leaders to achieve your objectives?

- Why did SOL leadership tell their members that I was plotting and scheming with SOL's allies trying to isolate SOL which is also a blatant lie? During the time in question I had not even been active for 2 weeks and certainly had not attempted to rally my own allies let alone SOL's allies.

Now let's fast forward to this set shall we. You openly say to Aponic that SoF only pacted SOL to get at MD, LCN and DKnights. For example:-

[14:27:45] '[SOL]Makinso' that pact was used
[14:27:49] '[SOL]Makinso' to stomp LCN DK into the ground
[14:27:56] '[SOL]Makinso' to get clean shots on MD

SoF and SOL were FDPed before issues between SoF and MD unfolded. In fact it was SOL who was one of MD's allies informing us of what MD was doing behind the scenes thus leading SoF to take the path that it did. So if SOL played a huge part in the start of the MD/SoF wars, how is it that SoF was just using SOL to get at MD? In fact for the first 2 MD/SoF wars SOL was invited to joint allies meetings and was consulted for advice on how SoF should proceed.

As previously mentioned on this thread LCN FSed SoF, did not pact us the following set and then mass FA'd MD. As a result we FSed them back. SOL FSed our FDPs for less. LCN was also not a FDP of SOL at this time. So how was SoF using SOL's pact to tear LCN down?

Let it be known I was open and honest in my dealings for the most part with SOL leadership. Except for the one time I was trying to bluff Prankster which actually lead to the fallout in SOL/SoF relations and I have accepted responsibility for.

Character assassination seems to be the biggest political tool in the current SOL leadership's arsenal. It can be a very strong tool especially when trying to rally one's own members, but be careful because it can explode in your face when exposed as being based on deception.

Edited By: Sov on Jan 9th 2014, 14:22:51
See Original Post

Fuji Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 18:28:38

I hate it when people drop logs on AT. It's lame and a fluffty way to operate between alliances. But I'd like to point out that those Aponic logs are just the beginning and pretty tame. I've seen others (by SoF leaders other then Aponic as well) giving a much clearer indication of SoFs feelings towards LaF. Some mentioning/hinting at open war.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 9th 2014, 19:18:20

you are all like a bunch of highschool girls fighting over an outfit.

equal opportunity troll.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 9th 2014, 19:27:28

Originally posted by martian:
you are all like a bunch of highschool girls fighting over an outfit.

equal opportunity troll.


<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Alin Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 19:28:12

martian wears dresses!!!

Alin Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 19:28:33

so does galleri!!!



Jan 9th 2014, 19:28:42

Originally posted by martian:
you are all like a bunch of highschool girls fighting over an outfit.

equal opportunity troll.

Care to share yours with us?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Zahc Game profile


Jan 10th 2014, 4:07:08

this is still just a game, right? you people take this fluff way too serious
llort orp s`fos

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2014, 7:19:14

Originally posted by Zahc:
this is still just a game, right? you people take this fluff way too serious

It isnt just a game. You dont take it seriously enough.