Did we permanently kill 30 or so of your members last set? Where are all the countries? Half of them haven't tagged up yet or something? Seems kind of late in the set not to be tagged up...
It was our reunion set. A lot of guys just signed up to play and didn't really play all that much, as evidenced by fewer restarts as the war progressed.
I think you need to look at collab history. Their membership seems jumpy in general. You seem the having sets of 50 - 70 then the next 35 - 40 and so on and so on. From what it looks like membership there seems very inconsistent. Which just means their leadership needs to plan really carefully.
I don't think you guys killed 50% of their membership.
Maki - it's more that I know our guys get burned out easily, as almost none have started playing more recently than 6-7 years ago. If we're trying to have a net set, I don't bug them to play as much if they really dont want to be bothered by it. Gives me more leverage in war sets when we need more members; we can think of it more as giving them a vacation from their duties :)
And if it so happens that we get FSed during a net set such as when SOL hit us, it just riles everyone up that much more to come back and defend our home. It works in plenty of ways :P
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517