Active countries: 2424
Currently Logged in: 196
Currently Logged in: 196
Game Profile for gwagers on the Alliance Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 322nd
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $34,278,123 | #1995 |
Land | 36,101 | #1857 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $10,235,248 | #2042 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 0 | N/A |
Deaths | 7 | #872 |
Pop Killed | 328,353 | #1405 |
Attacks | 928 | #1369 |
Missiles | 21 | #1846 |
Defends | 1973 | #1039 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
14 | 636 | Argonian Peloponnese (#207) | 2518 | $433,936 | M | ICN |
9 | 506 | Extremely Burnt Pelo Cookies (#1224) | 3233 | $1,239,862 | H | ICNxGARY |
9 | Slightly Burnt Pelo Cookies (#1007) | 5276 | $758,032 | M | ICNxGARY | |
9 | Freshly Baked Pelo Cookies (#262) | 5691 | $2,081,814 | I | ICNxGARY | |
8 | 327 | Theban Peloponnese (#169) | 5843 | $14,260,625 | I | xICNx |
7 | 469 | Caspian Peloponnese (#15) | 2320 | $4,759,167 | I | xICNx |
6 | 322 | Saharan Peloponnese (#1035) | 13,058 | $11,685,951 | F | xICNx |
6 | Manchurian Peloponnese (#481) | 4912 | $5,146,963 | I | xICNx | |
5 | 565 | Red Peloponnese (#1291) | 217 | $16,224 | M | xICNx |
5 | 519 | Thessalian Peloponnese (#1268) | 0 | $63,317 | C | xICNx |
5 | Eleusian Peloponnese (#1078) | 5375 | $1,253,234 | I | xICNx | |
5 | Undaunted Peloponnese (#865) | 4948 | $864,761 | I | xICNx | |
5 | Pilum of the Peloponnese (#686) | 1160 | $484,233 | F | xICNx | |
5 | Dory of the Peloponnese (#417) | 11,001 | $3,535,154 | F | xICNx | |
4 | 443 | Neoptolemean Peloponnese (#1067) | 8413 | $1,298,523 | F | ICN |
1 | 656 | Carthaginian Peloponnese (#169) | 499 | $520,518 | C |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |