There is a difference between offering criticism, and showing appreciation. It seems like some of you do not understand the difference.
I appreciate the mods and admins that are offering the game service and their time for free.
But that cannot be used as an end-all excuse for everything that is undesirable or when things go wrong. Oh, we handled this badly. We have this and that issue. We aren't perfect. We are busy irl.
Only through criticism and feedback can the game service improve. If you look around my post history, I have consistently posted in various threads/forums and offered game balance changes, suggestions, comments, replying to questions raised by new players in the Strategy and Q&A forums.
To echlori and tellarion, are you both convinced that Pang withholding his upcoming changes is better for the game, otherwise it would be seen as tacit approval for abrasive forum behavior? Should forum behavior dictate what is best for the game? They should be 2 separate issues. First, to do what is best for the game, second to clamp down on undesirable forum behavior.
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I think this goes without saying, but two wrongs don't make a right.
If I am wrong for calling out Pang on the forums, then it is equally wrong for him to respond as he did. If the players are clamouring for a change that just so happens to be the right thing to do, _then do the right thing_. If the right thing to do is to shut down the game, then yes do that too.
Give me a forum warning if you have to, I accept that I have crossed the lines in a blackmail accusation, but there are a couple of people that have told me that they agree with my post.