
Chaoswind Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 21:56:59

Originally posted by Rockman:
You've never tried self-farming, yet you claim its easy. Have you tried spending a few billion dollars a day on buildings while running a rainbow? Rainbows cannot landtrade, and keep up with non-rainbows. It will not work. Landtrading places a huge strain on the economy of one's country, which separates the skilled players who can handle an economy from the unskilled players who cannot maintain a good economy.

You also really suck at counting. There's 22 countries over 100k acres right now, and there will probably only be about 25 or so over 100k acres this set. Given that you will be shocked if there are not well over 100 countries with more than 100k land, I guess you need to prepare to be shocked.

In previous sets, people tried the strategy of putting all their eggs in one basket and boosting one country at the expense of all the others. Due to IMP killing off countries like these two sets in a row, and Mercs doing mutually beneficial landtrading more efficiently than anyone has done before, we're seeing more 100k acre countries this set. Of the 22 100k acre countries, 16 of them are by two players in Mercs, 4 are from one player in PANLV, and 2 are from SemperFi.

Three of the four countries between 85k acres and 100k acres are done grabbing. There's a ring of 8 between 80k and 85k acres each by the same player which haven't grabbed in 36 hours, and may or may not be done grabbing for the set. There's another country there that is done grabbing for the set, and there's one country in SemperFi thats still growing. Then there are two countries at 74k acres in SemperFi still growing, and then by that point you're down to 70k acres.

That leaves 4 more countries that may make it to 100k acres this set, unless someone with under 70k land right now decides to go all the way up to 100k acres.

You claim that self-farming doesn't take any skill, yet you've never tried it. Go compare what Mercs has done with self-farming to what SemperFi, Focus, and others have done with self-farming.

The 3rd largest tag on the server in avg land is a 1 man tag with 21,398 acres. Mercs has 32 all-explore countries, the smallest of which is 21,339 acres. Only two tags have managed to outgrow our all-explore countries. Are you going to demand that our all-explore countries not explore so well?

I think you know that your assertions are blatant lies. You know that there's nowhere near 100 countries over 100k acres and 200 more over 60k acres. I think you know that if you tried self-landtrading, you wouldn't come anywhere near what Mercs has done.

Look at the difference between the land generated by how Mercs landtrades, and compare that to what other alliances have done. There is a huge difference. If it doesn't take skill, then how is there a huge difference in the landsizes people have gotten?

If you have to lie to support your position, you must believe that the truth is harmful to your position.

I was going to stop at 90K and 80K acres, but JP made me reach 100K.... just to troll him :P

Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 22:39:26

Give it up... Its useless...

The Game Mods/Administrators Self Farm. They don't want to give up there only advantage and only way they can make the Top 100.

They don't comprehend that if you can Self Farm up to 100k Acres, you should be able to SS/PS others to hit 100k Acres.

They don't comprehend the need to defend your country with military, so they allow you to use DR as defense.

Instead of looking at Troops, Jets, Turrets and Tanks as Military, they look at them as NW. They've already ran off alot of players, and more, including myself will be gone soon too.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 0:03:29

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Give it up... Its useless...

The Game Mods/Administrators Self Farm. They don't want to give up there only advantage and only way they can make the Top 100.

They don't comprehend that if you can Self Farm up to 100k Acres, you should be able to SS/PS others to hit 100k Acres.

They don't comprehend the need to defend your country with military, so they allow you to use DR as defense.

Instead of looking at Troops, Jets, Turrets and Tanks as Military, they look at them as NW. They've already ran off alot of players, and more, including myself will be gone soon too.

Wow, I guess you had to join in with Jade Penn in saying stuff that you knew to not be true. How come they do so much better than you on the alliance server? I guess they are self-farming there, too right? How come they do better than you in primary, express, and tourney. I guess they can't comprehend the need to defend their country with military, yet somehow succeed on those servers?

I know it hurts your precious self-esteem to admit it, but just face the facts. Earth Empires is a really simple game that hasn't had any major rule changes in the last 10 years, but its still too complex for you. They are far better players than you, and even without self-farming, they'll still kick your butt.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 0:26:16

Originally posted by Rockman:
Wow, I guess you had to join in with Jade Penn in saying stuff that you knew to not be true.

Its a fact that Game Mods and Admins Self Farm in FFA.
Its a fact that you can only get to 100k Acres Self Farming.
Its a fact that you don't need military, only DR to defend your country.
Its a fact that the Game Mods don't give 2 fluffs about warring and only care about netting.

Originally posted by Rockman:
How come they do so much better than you on the alliance server? I guess they are self-farming there, too right? How come they do better than you in primary, express, and tourney.

Because I don't play Express or Primary. I only play around in Tourney and I've just started playing in Alliance.

Originally posted by Rockman:
I guess they can't comprehend the need to defend their country with military, yet somehow succeed on those servers?

Its easy to succeed when you level the playing field between netters and warriors by adding "Quick" attack buttons, so the netters are not at any skill disadvantage anymore.

Originally posted by Rockman:
I know it hurts your precious self-esteem to admit it, but just face the facts. Earth Empires is a really simple game that hasn't had any major rule changes in the last 10 years, but its still too complex for you. They are far better players than you, and even without self-farming, they'll still kick your butt.

Wrong. The Admins/Mods have created a Netting Friendly game and have been pushing the warriors out of FFA for a while now. Almost EVERY change has been in favor of netters, and created a new game where warriors no longer have any advantage anymore.

I don't plan on playing this game much longer anyways. Its not the game I loved to play anymore. And its because of attitudes like yours and the Game Admins that I will find some other game to play.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 0:47:40

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

Its easy to succeed when you level the playing field between netters and warriors by adding "Quick" attack buttons, so the netters are not at any skill disadvantage anymore.

So spamming the attack button is what passes for skill as a warrior? No wonder you suck so much at netting.
This is a change to make warring 'easier'. Yet you claim that they are trying to make the game more netter friendly ... by making it easier to kill people's countries?

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

Wrong. The Admins/Mods have created a Netting Friendly game and have been pushing the warriors out of FFA for a while now. Almost EVERY change has been in favor of netters, and created a new game where warriors no longer have any advantage anymore.

I don't plan on playing this game much longer anyways. Its not the game I loved to play anymore. And its because of attitudes like yours and the Game Admins that I will find some other game to play.

If they make netting 'easier' it favors netters. If they make warring 'easier' it favors netters. No wonder you think every change has been in favor of netters. Anything they do to improve the game you rip as a change that benefits netters, even if its a change which only affects warring.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2011, 0:53:39

Keep bad mouthing the admins for no reason and you'll find yourself banned. No warnings after this.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 1:22:09

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Keep bad mouthing the admins for no reason and you'll find yourself banned. No warnings after this.

This is exactly the reason why I don't plan on playing this game much longer.

How can you say I am bad mouthing the admins? If by speaking the truth, I am bad mouthing you, then I am not the one that needs a "Timeout" to rethink things.

Sorry if you think I am directing something at you. I am personally just tired of this being ignored. And I was only defending my stance against Rockman and letting the originator of this thread know that its a waste of time to even discuss this.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Tin Man


Jul 9th 2011, 1:27:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Keep bad mouthing the admins for no reason and you'll find yourself banned. No warnings after this.

QTIP Slag... QTIP(Quit taking it personal)

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2011, 1:52:20

Every single thing you posted about the admins is factually incorrect. Just because you think it's true doesn't make it a fact. Furthermore, none of it has any relevance to this thread.

I don't care if you're sore that no one implemented any of your ideas. It is impossible to implement everyone's ideas and to make everyone happy. If you can't play in an environment where ideas are judged on merit and practicality then this isn't the game for you.

Edited By: Slagpit on Jul 9th 2011, 1:54:39
See Original Post

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 2:27:28

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
They've already ran off alot of players, and more, including myself will be gone soon too.

Don't wait too long

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Keep bad mouthing the admins for no reason and you'll find yourself banned. No warnings after this.

pleeeease ban ham

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I don't care if you're sore that no one implemented any of your ideas. It is impossible to implement everyone's ideas and to make everyone happy. If you can't play in an environment where ideas are judged on merit and practicality then this isn't the game for you.

It doesn't really help that most of his "ideas" are nonsense
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 2:36:33

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Every single thing you posted about the admins is factually incorrect. Just because you think it's true doesn't make it a fact. Furthermore, none of it has any relevance to this thread.

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
The Game Mods/Administrators Self Farm. They don't want to give up there only advantage and only way they can make the Top 100.

Do you Self Farm? And have you not defended Self Farming? What about Warster? Does he not as well? What about the other Admins/Mods? Don't they always come into these threads, even though they don't play FFA, and side with you regardless?

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
They don't comprehend that if you can Self Farm up to 100k Acres, you should be able to SS/PS others to hit 100k Acres.

If you understand that you should be able to SS/PS up to 100k Acres like Self Farming, why hasn't there been any changes?

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
They don't comprehend the need to defend your country with military, so they allow you to use DR as defense.

Its funny how a 10k Acre Country can break a 200k Acre Country and get 600 Acres. Then the 200k Acre Country can then retal it, and take back more than 600 Acres from the attacker. Everyone knows the DR system is retarded, but still nothing has been done.

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Instead of looking at Troops, Jets, Turrets and Tanks as Military, they look at them as NW. They've already ran off alot of players, and more, including myself will be gone soon too.

I know of atleast 15 players that are gone because of what FFA is becoming. At this point its either Self Farm or you lose.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2011, 3:11:06

Your argument is that anyone who defends self farming must be a self farmer? I am not going to waste my time on this nonsense.

As I already said, ideas are judged on merit instead of by who posts them.

Tin Man


Jul 9th 2011, 4:23:03

dedly, join NBK and fight for your right not to self farm

Warster Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 8:49:07

Smurf your facts are wrong


i Warster president of TKO - I DONT SELF FARM,

i transfer land back to countries i retal for but thats it

i have no control over admin decisions on changes

i wont ban other members doing it

and with that said, i wont repeat myself again

Edited By: Warster on Jul 9th 2011, 8:58:21
See Original Post
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Drinks Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 9:02:39


Who scares off more people. The rapist who assaults people (The people who land grab all explorers non stop)

Or the guy who sits in his room and masterbates. (Self farmers)

Self farming doesnt impact you. So let me masterbate in my room alone!

To expand: (At smurf)
Hit tags like NBK if you want to land grab lots, cause they enjoy it and you enjoy it. Remove self farming and you will also lose members cause i know for a fact a lot of TKO people only play FFA cause they enjoy the fact that they can make 50-400k acre countries, If we wanted to play our usual 15-25k acre countries then there are 5 other servers out there that allow that. So either fluff off to the other servers and shut the fluff up or hit other people who enjoy land grabbing cause that benefits you both, cause there are plenty of players out there who want that.

Edited By: Drinks on Jul 9th 2011, 9:16:00
See Original Post
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 10:32:10

drinks can I play 16 on the 5 other servers? no? the reason I play ffa is to play more countries not to selffarm. maybe we need another server where you can play more than 1 country. that may be the real problem. There is only one server to play more than 1 country and that server can not meet the different players styles of play.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 10:40:36

LOL, I never thought this thread would get so heated and so much action.

Tin Man


Jul 9th 2011, 13:03:28

I'm gonna farm you next set JP, that should make you feel better and benefit us both ;)

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 13:16:17

LOL, I guess I'm good at stiring things up anyhow.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:09:39

Originally posted by Tin Man:
dedly, join NBK and fight for your right not to self farm

No one is taking away your right to not self farm. You are free to make that choice yourself.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:30:20

People on FFA shouldn't be allowed to not self-farm
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:32:02

Originally posted by Ozzite:
People on FFA shouldn't be allowed to not self-farm

We're considering making that a rule for Mercs players next set, but we have no intentions of enforcing that rule on anyone outside of our alliance.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:34:56

I have been petitioning slagpit to make it so that you can only SS/PS countries in your own string or tag. Killing is fine out of tag though
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:53:22

LOL, if selffarming is not a hugh advantage why would you do that?

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:54:26

Because I am a land elitist. I think people should only obtain land in the most efficient way possible
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 15:58:39

LOL, you more or less have made my point that it's to big an advantage to ingore. Self-farm or get lost in the pack.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:04:04

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
LOL, you more or less have made my point that it's to big an advantage to ingore. Self-farm or get lost in the pack.

I'm forced to buy military or get farmed. Why should players like you force your play style on me? I'm non-violent, yet I'm forced to buy military anyways.

I could just refuse to buy military and resign myself to being lost in the pack each set. Or I could adapt and do what the better countries do, and get military.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:13:15

RE; Why should players like you force your play style on me?

LOL, your facts are wrong rockman. check the news and see how many grabs I have done. 1 retal no grabs. Players like me? You could have run a no militay country with my play style. I don't force my style of play on anyone.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:15:51

No one is trying to argue that land trading and self-farming isn't the best way to generate new land, but no one has given any good reason as to why that should be eliminated.

I don't see how this is different than someone who plays all explore complaining that people who land grab beat them. You can do the same thing we are doing if you choose. Self-farming is the least malicious way of gaining land, so I don't buy this BS of it driving people away.

Your argument seems to be: "People are beating me and my clan won't let me self farm thus no one should be allowed to"
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Tin Man


Jul 9th 2011, 16:20:15

lol JP is more then welcome to self farm if he chooses, but he chooses not to because he doesn't agree with self farming. he's arguing that self farming shouldn't be done at all because it is a form of "cheating" like market buyouts, fa chains etc. If this was Earth 2025 you would have been deleted for self farming maybe that's where he learned his hatred for self farming?

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:21:51

This isn't E2025 and land-trading existed without being deleted back then too. Market buyouts and FA Chains are also commonplace and not cheating.
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:22:34

that's my point again Ozzite. I'm really not anti self-farming. I just think there should be other ways of netting that can come close to equaling it. You know different strokes for different folks. Diversity of play styles can only be good for the game as a whole. you know more choices more styles.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:23:36

I'm trying to get a top 10, but I can't because I don't do self-farming (I only do mutually beneficial self-landtrading, I do not self-farm), mass FA, or market aiding. And I choose to stick by my principles, and try to get a top 10 anyways, despite the willingness of other players to engage in unequal transactions between countries.

Honestly, what chance do I have of getting a country in the top 10, if I don't use multiple countries to try and push one 'main' country into the top 10? I have a better chance of getting top 100 as an all-explore, than I do of getting top 10 with a non-aided country.

I don't see you complaining about buyouts and mass FAing a country on FFA. Yet those actions prevent you from getting a country into the top 10 unless you choose to do those yourself.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:24:40

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
that's my point again Ozzite. I'm really not anti self-farming. I just think there should be other ways of netting that can come close to equaling it. You know different strokes for different folks. Diversity of play styles can only be good for the game as a whole. you know more choices more styles.

No, that argument really doesn't work. There is a very specific mechanism that we are talking about here and that is how you go about acquiring more land for your country. There is always going to be a better way of getting land. If you are all explore, it would be better to LG. If you bottomfeed maybe it would be better to self-farm.

Or you could even grab the self-farmers
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:26:21

What is all this BS?

I don't believe in self farming?

I don't believe in buyouts?

this is all a load of BS.

I don't believe in technology, Y I NO TOP 10?
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:26:36

Originally posted by Tin Man:
lol JP is more then welcome to self farm if he chooses, but he chooses not to because he doesn't agree with self farming. he's arguing that self farming shouldn't be done at all because it is a form of "cheating" like market buyouts, fa chains etc. If this was Earth 2025 you would have been deleted for self farming maybe that's where he learned his hatred for self farming?

not at all, I'm saying you should be able to achive similar results with FA, and buyouts or other ways. I'm saying that with ghost acres and a 16 country limit self-farming is way to strong.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:26:51

I think you guys should go take up solitaire or something ;p
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:29:39

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Originally posted by Tin Man:
lol JP is more then welcome to self farm if he chooses, but he chooses not to because he doesn't agree with self farming. he's arguing that self farming shouldn't be done at all because it is a form of "cheating" like market buyouts, fa chains etc. If this was Earth 2025 you would have been deleted for self farming maybe that's where he learned his hatred for self farming?

not at all, I'm saying you should be able to achive similar results with FA, and buyouts or other ways. I'm saying that with ghost acres and a 16 country limit self-farming is way to strong.

I cannot achieve similar results with just self-landtrading to someone who does market buyouts and mass FA. Does that mean that we therefore should remove the ability to do market buyouts/transfers or send FA?

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:30:25

I think people should only be able to get 10k acres. Why do you really need more than that anyway.
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:37:17

Rockman in a way you can. On the total networth of your countries you have to hurt the others to make the one strong. Do away with the ghost aces and I would have no problem with self farming. With land trading you don't hurt your other countries. You don't give up anything to make your gains. There is no give up this to gain that. That's why self-farming is so strong.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:39:02

There is knockdown an assload of buildings and CS downside.

What is the problem with land-trading being the best way to get land? How is there not always going to be some best way of getting land?
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:45:29

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Rockman in a way you can. On the total networth of your countries you have to hurt the others to make the one strong. Do away with the ghost aces and I would have no problem with self farming. With land trading you don't hurt your other countries. You don't give up anything to make your gains. There is no give up this to gain that. That's why self-farming is so strong.

Yes, but that still doesn't get me a country in the top 10.

So your claim is that actions between countries which are not mutually beneficial are perfectly fine, but mutually beneficial actions between countries are bad? Isn't that opposite of how it should be? Shouldn't we encourage mutually beneficial interactions between countries and discourage actions which force one country to grow rich at the expense of another country?

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:46:18

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Rockman in a way you can. On the total networth of your countries you have to hurt the others to make the one strong. Do away with the ghost aces and I would have no problem with self farming. With land trading you don't hurt your other countries. You don't give up anything to make your gains. There is no give up this to gain that. That's why self-farming is so strong.

Yes, but that still doesn't get me a country in the top 10.

So your claim is that actions between countries which are not mutually beneficial are perfectly fine, but mutually beneficial actions between countries are bad? Isn't that opposite of how it should be? Shouldn't we encourage mutually beneficial interactions between countries and discourage actions which force one country to grow rich at the expense of another country?

No that is why we only have 1 country....o wait
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 16:54:37

Ozzite, I see no problem if that's the way everyone want's it to be or at least a high percentage. But there seems to be a good chuck of people who don't. Many will not talk about it on the boards because they don't want to be lambasted by others on the boards. I'm trying to look at it from a point of view of what's best for the ffa game as far as retaining the players it already has and building on that. Like I said I'm not anti self-farming. It's just that it's to strong. Either make other aspects a little stronger or weaken the the land trading effect. you could still self-farm that way. When I sugestted not being able to land trade with your own countries I did not say you could not do it with another player. doing that would just make it a little harder to do and add more balance.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 17:02:21

But you have failed to provide any evidence that it is too strong, driving people away, or that there are large numbers of people who don't like it. In fact the evidence presented by others shows that it is totally possible to get t10 without and self-farming at all, and most netting clans do it.
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 17:03:08

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Rockman in a way you can. On the total networth of your countries you have to hurt the others to make the one strong. Do away with the ghost aces and I would have no problem with self farming. With land trading you don't hurt your other countries. You don't give up anything to make your gains. There is no give up this to gain that. That's why self-farming is so strong.

Yes, but that still doesn't get me a country in the top 10.

So your claim is that actions between countries which are not mutually beneficial are perfectly fine, but mutually beneficial actions between countries are bad? Isn't that opposite of how it should be? Shouldn't we encourage mutually beneficial interactions between countries and discourage actions which force one country to grow rich at the expense of another country?

nope, I'm saying just cause you want something (the same thing many others want) it should not be made easy to obtain by limiting the way you can get to that goal.

Ozzite Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 17:06:39

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Jade Penn:
Rockman in a way you can. On the total networth of your countries you have to hurt the others to make the one strong. Do away with the ghost aces and I would have no problem with self farming. With land trading you don't hurt your other countries. You don't give up anything to make your gains. There is no give up this to gain that. That's why self-farming is so strong.

Yes, but that still doesn't get me a country in the top 10.

So your claim is that actions between countries which are not mutually beneficial are perfectly fine, but mutually beneficial actions between countries are bad? Isn't that opposite of how it should be? Shouldn't we encourage mutually beneficial interactions between countries and discourage actions which force one country to grow rich at the expense of another country?

nope, I'm saying just cause you want something (the same thing many others want) it should not be made easy to obtain by limiting the way you can get to that goal.

You have in no way proved (in fact others have shown to the contrary) that self-farming is the only way into the t10.
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Jade Penn Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 17:11:27

I don't know why I came back to this thread. I do not think we will ever agree on what's best for the game or change each others mind on it. I respect you all as players but I respectfully think your wrong on this issue. Do you think any changes to the game would help the game or gain or retain more players? If I have offended you in any way I do apologize. This thread was never meant to offend or antagonize anyone.

Drinks Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 1:55:49

I stand by my point. If i wanted to prove how well i could run a country independently (IE not self farming and not FAing and not doing buyouts) there are plenty of places i can prove that.

So why in the 1 server where i have the freedom to play 16 countries, why would i play all 16 independently. Thats just like playing 16 alliance games all at once.

EE gives me 16 countries to play with, so i play with those 16 countries. I dont get the logic in having 16 countries that you play exactly the same as the other servers.

What are we going to try enforce next, no FAing? Or during war you can only use 1 country per kill run cause 30-60 second kills is unfair.

People enjoy this server cause you get to use 16 countries together, whether its for killing or Netting. Making the countries independent makes it exactly the same as everything else. So i know a number of players would leave FFA cause thats the only reason they are there.
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic