
diez Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 15:18:57

I'll be nice and tell you guys 1 more stuff..

When your military are PSed, check out your consumption in advisor page..



Jan 1st 2012, 15:21:16

come on man im not psing right now so give the scoop- whats it do?

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 15:37:56

PimpThang you little nOoB! How old are you? you SURE sound like a little kid..



Jan 1st 2012, 15:45:50

Another coward hiding behind New Member.

silentwolf Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 16:42:58

lol .. no coward.. been away from this game and started back again :)

silentwolf Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 16:43:53

u were referring to hopeless. :) me bad

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 18:53:26

pls play fair and dont follow JJ footsteps...we dont need another JJ around here Thank you

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2012, 22:38:02

Originally posted by Pain:
you dont save anything while its on the market. you technically still own them and the expenses remain until you sell them.

PimpThang!!! Read ^^ ^
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

tduong Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 0:13:57

you don't save on maintenance but you definitely save on the food. I just test it out :)
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

crest23 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 20:55:25

Hey Viva, if you are looking to do something different for "excitement", play outside of GDI. Every time you log in you will never know what to expect.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2012, 20:56:59

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

trep Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 22:38:25

Originally posted by tduong:
you don't save on maintenance but you definitely save on the food. I just test it out :)

That's sad. You sell your soldiers and you don't even feed them while you're trying to dump them. =P

tduong Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 1:53:06

Originally posted by trep:
Originally posted by tduong:
you don't save on maintenance but you definitely save on the food. I just test it out :)

That's sad. You sell your soldiers and you don't even feed them while you're trying to dump them. =P

nobody wants to buy fat soldiers :)
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 3rd 2012, 2:58:39

Originally posted by JJ23:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by VivaNick:
Originally posted by vietxnameze:
i don't think he cheat in every set though..i still believe he is a really good player

LoL thanks, this set my friend volunteer to help me on trying something :p

by try something you mean cheat, right?

u let him know. bahahahah

cause thats what you did.

I like what you're doing there JJ. Trying pretty hard to silence anyone from calling you a cheater? What else could possibly be the reason for quoting without replying.



Jan 3rd 2012, 3:04:13

Keep trying for a troll JJ. My original statement stands, there is no reason to quote without replying unless you're trying to get someone banned. Doesn't matter who is accusing whom of what.



Jan 3rd 2012, 3:20:33

Keep it coming JJ. I find you funny. Funny as inbetween those "great results" are sprinkled in quite a few purple resets. You aren't legit simply because you didn't get caught. Being declared not guilty doesn't mean you're innocent.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 3:33:59

All viva needs to do is pull a JJ23 and pretend nothing happened after a set or 2 and continue hassling in the forum trying to telepathically suppress everyone's memory
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set



Jan 3rd 2012, 3:34:16

I was assuming the last thread I started would have earned me a ban, I could care less if I was run off these boards. You can keep insulting me all you want but none of it will change the fact that your results will never be legit. Those purple resets add up quickly, you are at seven and counting, no?

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 4:13:53

just get a roomate viva


EE Patron

Jan 3rd 2012, 4:40:03

I think JJ set the fascist record totally legit, and I think he's good enough to do so. But yeah after seven deletions anything he does will come with some doubt. I've never seen someone get caught cheating at ANYTHING so many times before, haha..
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

UBer Bu Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 15:11:41

Originally posted by blid:
I think JJ set the fascist record totally legit, and I think he's good enough to do so. But yeah after seven deletions anything he does will come with some doubt. I've never seen someone get caught cheating at ANYTHING so many times before, haha..

How can somebody with so many deletions have enough benefit of the doubt left for you to call him "good enough"?
-take off every sig.

tduong Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 15:28:00

Originally posted by blid:
I think JJ set the fascist record totally legit, and I think he's good enough to do so. But yeah after seven deletions anything he does will come with some doubt. I've never seen someone get caught cheating at ANYTHING so many times before, haha..

7 in express.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

Pain Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 19:13:06

as the person who started the JJ hate train (lol) ill have to say the last 2 sets ive watched JJ, i didnt see anything that i believed to be cheating so i would say hes played legit for at least that long. the fasc record should stand.

Your mother is a nice woman

tduong Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 19:33:43

well, i think your language is too abrasive sometimes even towards people who has nothing against you lol. You just can't hold it against peeps thinking you're still cheating because you've done it so many times. In fact, the first thing people on here thinks of when JJ23 pops up is cheating. Don't blame them when that's the reputation you've created. That's not to say you don't deserve a 2nd....errr...11th chance lol. I'm sure you can hit t10 without cheating so do it like 3-4 more rounds and most people will probably not think you cheat anymore.

We're going off topic now. This thread is about viva getting caught.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 3rd 2012, 21:25:33

7 deletions for cheating in express, 1 for team, 1 for primary and another 3 for tournament. Your records speak for themselves. You're the one who jumps right to the personal insults. If you call pointing out the fact that you're trying to getting people banned an attack, go right ahead, but that's not bashing you. Keep on flaming me, it's the internet and the weak will always resort to personal insults.

Deerhunter Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 21:43:05

Wow, 7 deletions for cheating? Its sad. The only punishment lasting for these cheaters is us bashing them on the Forums. Now were not supposed to do that? This server is becoming a lot like the US gov. Just trust us to protect you from yourselves by taking away your rights and freedoms. And ya, if you follow the rules we will punish you but were not going to enforce laws for illegals. Great, i think i liked life more before i knew so much about the world.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!



Jan 3rd 2012, 21:45:50

12 deletions for cheating, 7 just in Express, and the mods allow him to keep his account.

tduong Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 21:48:21

Originally posted by justtaint:
7 deletions for cheating in express, 1 for team, 1 for primary and another 3 for tournament. Your records speak for themselves. You're the one who jumps right to the personal insults. If you call pointing out the fact that you're trying to getting people banned an attack, go right ahead, but that's not bashing you. Keep on flaming me, it's the internet and the weak will always resort to personal insults.

lol don't do it. Just leave him alone and ignore his insults. We're only talking about a game here on a forum about the game. Maybe viva is smarter than all of us and just stayed out of the forum most of the time lol.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 3rd 2012, 23:11:57

I pointed that out on a different board here, and the response I got was

Originally posted by JJ23:
i know. im awesome..... glad u at least found one of my express wins
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.



Jan 4th 2012, 0:16:18

Mods haven't locked the thread yet, and I still have my account. You're using personal insults and then asking people to take the high road?



Jan 4th 2012, 0:19:43

Originally posted by JJ23:

if you dont like the fact that im not permabanned, then quit, and go play WOW or something else. dont worry, you wont be missed.

I don't see the point in editing your original post, its still there for all to see:
Originally posted by JJ23:

you thinking the mods will start banning people is ridulous. somebody could be purple for 20 resets in a row and they will not be banned from the game.

if you dont like that, then quit, and go play WOW or something else. dont worry, you wont be missed.




Jan 4th 2012, 1:04:35

I'm not demanding respect, I haven't mentioned a single thing about respect.

I'm calling you a cheater because you have cheated, all those purple resets are my proof. You can call the other resets legitimate if you want, but most people question how legit they are. You're not defending yourself, you're just insulting anyone who speaks against you. There is a huge difference.

You like to bring up the scenario of walking down the street insulting people and getting smacked for it. I hope you understand the irony.

Stop cheating and I'll stop calling you a cheater (but I'll never consider your finishes to be legit).



Jan 4th 2012, 3:18:54

Are you delusional? Its a serious question. Maybe you just don't understand the meaning of respect because you keep throwing the word around. It obviously means something to you, but I don't think you have any idea what respect means.

You have to earn respect, and cheaters can't earn any. Cheaters take the easy way out. When you immediately resort to personal attacks, you're showing a lack of respect for your fellow player that is only adding to the lack of respect that is Cheating.

I don't have to respect your finishes, and I will never respect your finishes, no matter if you keep trying to get me banned or not.

As for not having had a purple country recently, you just got deleted in Team Server AND Tournament last reset. I don't have any respect for you because you haven't earned any. Your finishes are tainted by the 12 deletions you've recorded.

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 3:33:35

lol don't feed the troll. We're so far off topic we could be in a different dimension.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

Block Game profile

New Member

Jan 4th 2012, 3:36:14

I'm still kinda new around here, but aren't you guys taking this a little too serious? Cheating on a game and cheating in a real life situation are completely separate entities.

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 3:38:22

Like i said, some people take this game waaaayyy too seriously.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2012, 18:40:56

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jan 4th 2012, 19:52:15

Keep trolling JJ, I find it amusing.

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 20:31:50

You're right jj. I have very few friends. More than half of them had already passed away. However, I've always had women regardless of relationships or not.
Why don't you ask blid yourself about what happened.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years


EE Patron

Jan 4th 2012, 20:42:47

lol i was just screwing around trying to seem creepy, i am at his campus sometimes but i wasn't really trying to meet him
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 21:08:40

Originally posted by JJ23:
blah. this thread is gone soooooo far off topic.

you don't usually mind or care about that. Why now?
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 4th 2012, 21:55:01

I'd rather deal with people that over analyze everything than people that lie. JS
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 22:28:32

Corrected it for you elv, lol.

Originally posted by elvesrus:
I'd rather deal with people that over analyze everything than people that lie. zinggggggggggggg
The Nigerian Nightmare.



Jan 4th 2012, 22:34:10

thanks crest :)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:19:42

Originally posted by JJ23:
says the guy whos relegated to team server beacuse he cant play any other server... whos only claim to fame is being part of TSO.


says the liar.

It's always better to be famed in one server than to be ridiculed in all servers.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 5th 2012, 0:26:20

thanks for assuming

signed Elvesrus, Paradigm HoW
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:41:16

Originally posted by JJ23:
Originally posted by tduong:
Originally posted by JJ23:
says the guy whos relegated to team server beacuse he cant play any other server... whos only claim to fame is being part of TSO.


says the liar.

It's always better to be famed in one server than to be ridiculed in all servers.

i dont lie. but thats ok. anyhow tony cow pooop, i still have more friends and can garner more respect than you will ever get from the earth forums.

so sucks to be you, with your crooked teeth, family gambling problem, and small pee pee... and last but not least, since im not hopeless and i dont have to hide behind new member, when you get over 25 mill, or even 20M, come talk to me.

till then, you will bow down and stfu while tucking your tail between your legs. kthxbye

Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Jan 5th 2012, 0:47:47

too lazy to grab the quotes, but should be in the first post of
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.



Jan 5th 2012, 1:01:02

that was a reference to quotes, nothing more. reading is fundamental ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 3:50:05

Originally posted by JJ23:
no one cares about the team servers and your 30 countries.

if you challeged me 1v1 in team id wipe the floor with you, netting and warring. period.

i'm not backing anyone up. But I'd love to see an equal numbers fight 3 tags vs 3 tags, or even 1v1. I didn't think it was fair how TSO had over 8 tags with stored turns to kill vs 3 tags that were pretty much not ready. Probably at least half of them didn't even know it was going to go down.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years