
PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:05:29

And now your back. But I was wondering why people left the game. I played from 98 to 08. The biggest reason I stopped so many people had left the game. This was never a great game, but what made it great for me was everyone in my alliance, and even many in other alliances.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:10:34

the booze is always greener in Korea.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:11:02

funny bit of history....when I started this game, hampster dance was a huge internet hit. How times have change, lol.

MorTcuS Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:17:50

lol if there were more people, more people would come play.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

Helmet Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:34:33


PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:37:56

It's good to see you back.

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:44:48

Thought this might interest you Helmet...
back when I started earth, in my first set I had created two countries. I started getting a bunch of recruitment post. I ended up applying to TIE with one country and SoF with the other. I quickly learned I was only suppose to have one country. I ended up picking TIE, reasons. They were quick to get me in boot camp, set me up with icq, mirc, etc. It probably helped that a girl was in charge of boot camp. I found SoF was slower respond to me, and that's why I ended up with TIE. (but I always respected SoF)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 19:51:02

are you sure that it wasn't Ant pretending to be a girl?
i've heard that he has certain fetishes.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 20:13:26

rofl, yes I'm sure. He was way after that. It's been a long time and I have lost all my logs and notes. But I got his alliance (can't remember the name of it, maybe UFA or something) to merge into TIE. The girl running bootcamp with BlueHeaven I believe.

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 20:26:37

I never left - guess I'mma lifer

Welcome back anyways!

crazyserb Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 3:06:58

i left couse i got bored...

kemo Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 3:58:30

i do believe i ran the worlds best rainbows back in 99 im thinking. didnt play long and i dont even remember why i quit. probly just got knocked senseless as i was solo. just randomly decided to try again round 06 or 07 i think right as ec started whenever that was.

i was in tie for only bout 2 weeks couple years ago. there glory days were long gone at this time but i didnt know that yet. i was booted for refusin to do a casher and wanted to work on my c/i. that and i vaguely remember tellin the monks people there that i farmed them for like 75k land in just couple days a few sets prior
all praised to ra

paladin Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 19:47:30

quit playing do to burnout. best choice i ever made.
No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.

Deerhunter Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 10:45:50

there are more people playing now that ever before- the only difference is that now the 4 guys in RD cant each play 2000 countries. So the server just looks empty.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

paladin Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 21:27:31

No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 14:27:59

That's possible. I wonder how much people ran multi account within a clan. I was always in clans that watched for that, but you never know.

Gmann03 Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 2:47:58

Mainly I got bored, couldn't grasp the strategies.
But, I came back caused I liked playing with my clan mates. I did have fun too. And, my clan got bigger, and found some real strat people. Who basically, coached me thru the strats and all.

jcatron Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 16:20:20

played from about 2001-2009 (give or take a year), took a year break and now am back (although not NEARLY as involved as I used to be). I left for two reasons. 1. Not as many people/alliances. 2. RL got busy. I have grad. school, work full-time, bought a house, got married, etc.

DruggieSmurf Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 13:43:08

The Smurfs are coming out of the woodwork!

Heya Papa!

I quit when I grew up!

I think alot left when Xbox live got big personally.. (PS2/WII also) I mean real time FPS vrs txt based time based turns? Most the regulars were all drunk and impatient anyway!

The truth is most Earthers left when Free pron was readily available...Instant self gratification...

We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded.- Winters (Band of Brothers)


New Member

Jan 30th 2011, 2:28:57

i left cause someone pissed in my cheerios came back before ix went POOF stayed away cause i found wow and kinda wanna come back cause i miss alot ya. That im highly intrested in whether or not my little slider can handle the game.
living proof that you can troll the forums from your phone.

Drinks Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 7:29:36

Wow and similar games would have stolen a lot of the members from this community.

I played wow for about 3 years. And during those 3 years i definently played less of this game.
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Gateway Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 4:26:26


I hated it from the get go, plus Earth was getting really boring. I would have never came back if I would have not gotten a email two weeks ago about this game that peaked my interest.

Back now.. Hope to see USIMP come back in a couple of sets in FFA.

The Best there is, The Best there was, The Best there will ever be.

Wacmaster Game profile


Feb 5th 2011, 7:20:21

No-One ever leaves. we just take a break ... lol

Notorious Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 11:02:10

i remember blueheaven, cannot confirm if she was really a female or not though

this is a bit rough but ill do my best. started in the late 90s with scrub and a dozen other of my hs buddies. quit in 02 to go off to college.

came back in 04 after i transferred to a commuter school and didnt really know anyone in the area. quit in 06, i think, just too busy with my gf moving in with me, working, school. graduated in 06 from college but went to law school in 07.

came back a few weeks ago after talking to patience about the arizona shootings. i will probably go to grad school this fall but thats likely 6-7 months before i quit again.
*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher

PapaSmurf Game profile


Feb 7th 2011, 0:37:40

Pretty sure she is Redmist sister. I remember Scrub, that's a name from the past.

Notorious Game profile


Feb 7th 2011, 4:23:34

scrub is still alive; was just talking to him about the super bowl

you probably remember burls too. hes getting married in july :x
*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher

Devestation Game profile


Feb 8th 2011, 12:36:43

I don't play now. I just don't have the interest or the willingness to devote the time.

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 8th 2011, 21:29:12

Two words: Coalition Wars

They managed to burn me out and suck any enjoyment I got in the game right out, so off I went. I stuck my head in long enough to look around when OMAC bought the game, decided it looked even crappier, and left never intending to return. I doubt seriously that I'd have ever come back if EE hadn't launched and curiosity as to how the game would go if it had actual active development overtaken me.



Feb 10th 2011, 10:40:26

Just got bored, so quit for 5 years.

ZDH Game profile


Feb 12th 2011, 15:34:15

I quit because it got boring...but now i'm boring so I figure i'll give it a try again.

Strikey Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 13:09:30

I left because I was going to College full time and I was getting hired for a part time job in retail. It wasn't until now that I got back into it.

*Was around when this was still called Earth 2025*

jenmike Game profile

New Member

Mar 3rd 2011, 1:44:43

I'd like to say I conquered too many galaxies, but honestly I was never an "Earth" Pro....LOL. I played years ago when it was Earth 2025, and just recently found it under the new server..still haven't got the kinks ironed out and trying to learn the game...and ZDH, with a comment like that you don't sound too "boring" :)

snawdog Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 2:05:38

I never actually "quit",i took a few months off due to assholes in the larger clans that i tried in 1a.
It seemed if they had a tag with there name(DL,IA,Prez,etc..),they were all fluffs.
I came back and found a smaller tag(am still there).
So i guess my hiatus was due to the folks that had played longer then me and had no respect for n00bs,and no desire to allow them to advance.(teach)
ICQ 364553524



Mar 3rd 2011, 20:48:22

took a couple sets off when my man was sent away on business. I had to be a full time working single mom, right before the holidays. I figured if I tried to squeeze earth in i'd just be a drain on my clan. still a busy person but with the man back and the kids back in school i finally have some time to play :)

Evolution Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 4:23:09

Originally posted by paladin:
quit playing do to burnout. best choice i ever made.

Yeah I had to take some time off, when the choice was playing earth or getting an extra hour sleep in order to get 4 hours sleep total before going back to work. Good year for income though ;)

84k + super = 90k total package, but 12-16 hour days, and often no week ends.
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.

KeSSie Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 10:39:53

I started playing in May 2004. My ex introduced me to Earth and to iMag. He was also a jerk with a fast hot temper and had a knack for pissing people off. With that he managed to burn a lot of bridges along the way..dragging me along with him. I quit playing Alliance and stuck with just Tourney for a long time. Then, after moving here to Texas, beginning work at the prison for 12+ hrs a day and battling through endless marital problems..I just had to give it up for a while. That was in early 2006.

I remained in contact with WantToKill through the years and he finally convinced me to come back and play. I've been back for just over 2yrs now. :-)

livinindaghetto Game profile

New Member

Mar 7th 2011, 16:16:06

Left after high school cause I had no one to play with for a while. After finding some online facebook games that were suprisingly similar, decided to give it a shot again :)

JJosh Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 11:12:47

started in 1998,
joined Air Force in 2007.
got family, life slowed down... now back for some months now...
ARES for life.
FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

anubis0079 Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 12:56:20

only time i ever left the game was when i just could not get an internet connection. maybe a year off in like 6 or 7 years. RL is always the culprit for any time off i have to take ;)

SoLer for Life
"All Hail The Maki!"
Have a heart.....they are really fresh.

Rane13 Game profile

New Member

Mar 12th 2011, 20:46:12

It's either been because of being too busy with work/personal life, or no internet for me.



Mar 14th 2011, 2:11:37

nice that so many come back :)

Jiman Game profile


Mar 16th 2011, 3:28:36

College, game was taking too much of my time, stress... etc

Wanhoop Game profile


Mar 16th 2011, 8:35:40

I got an xbox.

Masakar Game profile

New Member

Mar 16th 2011, 10:08:48

Yes, Redmist and BlueHeaven were sisters i believe... I remember you papa... my nick name was/is Night Slayer just not on forums... I was DL of DC back in the day and a usec of recruiting with bru ( i think you were away for that time though)

Bsnake Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 2:40:11

After having 4000 countries deleted in a sweep I'd had enough....ohh the server got shut too
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Z Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 14:11:06

I was bent about the direction things were going in after 10 + yrs and 3 or 4 clans the game became less than it was due to so much BS things going on. I heard it was revamped and had to come back to see if it is so... AND IT IS YEAH!!!!!!!

RageSic Game profile

New Member

Mar 22nd 2011, 16:18:01

I played from about 2000-2005ish. Graduated college, got a job, got married, etc. Stumbled upon Empires by chance after constantly looking for earth: 2025 on over the course of a couple of years. Fun to be back, but i realize just how horribly rusty I am at this game after over a half-decade away from it.

caffeineaddict Game profile


Mar 23rd 2011, 19:58:05

Played sometime around 1998 to 2001. Didn't stop even travelled around the USA, Australia & New Zealand. The love of a good woman and no computer/connection stopped me from playing and I didn't start again until a few days ago.

Reasons for not bothering to start earlier... lack of involvement of Mehul on improving/fixing the game.

Glad to see it's been restarted without his (lack of) involvement.

I don't really remember any names from back then... it's all a bit hazy... probably something to do with drugs and alcohol. jj23 rings a bell and wasn't there someone called KoD or KoL? Another player used names to do with Jade... I think Jade Marbles and Orbes de Nephrites who seemed to be quite a reasonable sparring partner in some of the games I played.

I went by the country name of The Coffee Palace after a youth hostel in St. Kilda in Melbourne.


New Member

Mar 23rd 2011, 20:23:12

Mixture of bored, no time, and people leaving

Hneftafl Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 23:18:27

I never did quit Earth:2025. I was laid off when the company folded. That damned Mehul had himself a golden parachute, but what did I get? Not even a crummy severance package, much less my hard-earned pension.
If at first you don't succeed, reverse the polarity.